Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2416: Who are you

The son of the sea emperor is blessed! Since his debut, Haizi has been surrounded by various auras, no one can stop!

Haizi is also determined to win this trip to the Nine Extremes Palace! You know, there are many geniuses in the Lower Nine Regions, but he is definitely one of the few people standing on top!

Haihuang's biological son, on this point, no one can compare!

Many martial emperors, that is, the sea emperor alone had a son in this era, so naturally he loved him!

At this moment, he was stepping on a terrifying monster beast, which was a terrifying sea monster. Without mentioning Haizi itself, this sea monster was enough to swallow an ordinary powerful king in one bite.

"Who prevents this king from going, die!"

Along the way, there were at least a few geniuses who died in Haizi's hands! Some of them were even more powerful, holding imperial weapons, but they all died in Haizi's hands in the end!

Naturally this time, Haizi didn't care at all, just as if he was the same as the genius he had encountered before, he killed him if he killed it directly, without any need for detailed investigation.

But when he turned around, he wanted to leave, but suddenly felt something wrong! The three sea-monsters who accompanied him since childhood were irritable, thinking that they had encountered a powerful enemy and roared in a low voice.


Looking back, Haizi's complexion changed slightly.

In his opinion, the figure that had been suppressed by his waves was not far away from him without injury, and seemed to be unaffected at all.

This time, his eyes narrowed!

"Not dead!"

A cold light flashed in Haizi's eyes. Over the years, he has gone smoothly, and he has never even looked at the four great arrogances, but he just has no chance to challenge directly! In his opinion, he respects the next nine domains! The four great arrogances must stand aside! Who made him the only son of Sea Emperor? Unique!

Outside, on the Jiuzhong Peak, everyone's eyes widened!

"It's that person!"

Someone exclaimed! At first everyone was still surprised. Under Haizi's terrifying power, who could survive, a closer look, someone exclaimed!

"God! It's him! He has reached the seventh heaven and earth of Jiuzhongfeng!"

"How could it be him! Even if his formation is strong, it is impossible for him to be such a genius!"

A burst of exclamation also made people see that the same person in the seventh heaven and earth, not someone else, was Li Ye who was slowly stepping up!

At this time, Li Ye's whole body looked more sharp than the original sharpness, and it seemed a little restrained, as if returning to the original, but standing there faintly gave everyone an illusion of invulnerability.

"It turned out to be him! I didn't expect him to really set foot on the seventh heaven and earth! It's a pity, but I met Haizi! If it is someone else, there may be a chance to retreat."

"Yeah, Haizi is notorious for killing people without blinking. As long as he doesn't please his eyes, he can't escape his palm! I heard that at least seven or eight sects were destroyed because they provoke Haizi!"

"This person's name is Li Ye, and he is also a murderous person, but unfortunately he met the more murderous son of the Sea Emperor! It seems that he is going to be unlucky!"

"It's me, now I turn around and leave immediately! It doesn't matter if I am embarrassed, anyway, Haizi's current goal is to set foot on the ninth world, no time to chase and kill others."

People who know that Haizi has a hot temper and bad personality are all sweating!

The seventh heaven and earth!

"Interesting, being able to face my face without changing my face in front of my ten thousand waves, you are indeed a character in the next nine realms!"

Haizi grinned and smiled extremely coldly. Although the smile was brilliant, anyone who knew him knew that whenever his smile appeared, it was the time when his murderous intent was strongest!

The last time someone saw Haizi's smile was when he killed a sixth-grade sect!

"You don't even run?"

Originally, Haizi was joking and wanted to see the panic and panic on Li Ye's face. But to his surprise, he didn't see it.

"Run? Why run?"

Li Ye naturally didn't know the origin of Haizi, but he also realized that the person in front of him was not easy to deal with. It's just that he dared to kill even Emperor Wu, and the people in front of him were powerful, at least still within his tolerance!

"It seems you don't know who I am."

Haizi narrowed his eyes! For many years, since his debut, people who dare to ignore him so much have counted them with one hand! Even some Martial Emperors, in terms of Haihuang's face, would be kind to him!

The more so, the stronger the killing intent in his heart!

"Who are you? Very important? If you don't provoke me, I won't kill you. Everyone will go to the eighth heaven and earth, and each will have its own ability."

Li Ye didn't pretend to be forceful. On this journey, he was sharpening himself. Although his realm and understanding of Dao Fa and will have not improved, invisibly, he has improved his grasp of the general situation of the world!

More critical!

Fighting God! He has already touched a trace of the shadow that broke through the eighth level!

Just need an opportunity! He felt that he could break and stand up!

However, he did not expect that his unintentional words made Haizi's face gloomy in an instant! The three sea monsters under his feet roared even more!

Although everyone on Jiuzhong Peak didn't know what the two parties had talked with, they could undoubtedly see that Haizi was angry!

"That kid is going to be unlucky!"

I don't know who gloated and shouted!

Most of the people nodded, and some of them shook their heads, "When you meet Haizi, unless you are the four great arrogances, even if you are other people, you will have to give a bit of face. This person is too arrogant. I don’t know if Haizi is offended. Fall prematurely and become an immortal soul on the Nine Peaks!"

To die at Jiuzhongfeng means never to live! From then on, I was trapped here forever, becoming an unconscious puppet! Unless posterity comes to kill, otherwise it is truly immortal without even a trace of freedom.

Similarly, everyone on the ninth heaven and earth at this time also saw scenes of being born in the seventh heaven and earth!

Wu Wenhaoran and the others were silent, but Gu Yueyu sneered. They all knew how terrible Haizi was. They narrowed their eyes when they saw that Li Ye was looking for death on his own and provoking such a person.

In their opinion, it is inevitable that Li Ye will be killed by others, but it is Haizi who is more concerned!

"Son of Sea King! His ambition is not small!"

Tianyangzi squinted his eyes, and apart from the four great arrogances, only a few of them stood at the peak. Naturally, each of them was on guard, and it was impossible to give up any opportunity to understand the enemy.

"Xiao Qing! Your friend seems to be wicked! Falling into the hands of Haizi, ten dead and no life!" A sneer sounded, everyone had seen the relationship between Xiao Qing and Li Ye before, and naturally someone mentioned it. .

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