Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2411: Thousand Buddha Temple

Wang Kui's eyes flashed with terrifying sharpness, but Kong Huan did not fluctuate at all.

The two sides held each other like this, and in the end Wang Kui obviously wanted to try!

The terrifying Dao Yun instantly turned into a terrifying big hand, and grabbed it towards Konghuan!

"The Ninth Heaven and Earth! Not everyone can come up!"

The Four Greatest Talents have never really taken a shot before, because they don't need to do it! No one has the right to force them to take action personally, even Tianyangzi and others, unless it is a critical moment, otherwise they are not confident that they can challenge the four of them now.

But at this time, the appearance of Kong Huan made Wang Kui couldn't help feeling a bit of war!

"Wang Kui made a move!"

"It seems that the little monk is quite powerful, and he can make Wang Kui take the shot himself, even if he loses, he is proud!"

"No! Ordinary people are not qualified to force any one of the four great arrogances to make a shot personally, so that they can make a shot, at least enough to be included in the list of evildoers."

In the eyes of everyone, no matter how powerful the little monk is, in front of Wang Kui, the arrogant man, perhaps he can't hold a single move.

"I bet he can hold three moves!"

"Three tricks? I think there is one more trick! He is not facing ordinary people! Wang Kui, one of the four great arrogances, is still famous for his strength! Let alone ordinary people, the other three of the four great arrogances dare not dare Fight with him head-on!"

Seeing Wang Kui's move, let alone those who gave up on the Jiuzhong Peak, even at this time, many people on the Jiuzhong Peak looked up temporarily. After all, this level of confrontation is not unusual. Can be seen!

Especially, those geniuses who have the possibility of challenging the four great arrogances are even more brilliant in their eyes! For them, the four great arrogances are like a mountain to be crossed! However, the four great arrogances usually don't do anything with people at all, and there is no opportunity for them to want to understand.

The entire ninth world, a world of its own, was forcibly opened up by people with supreme magical powers! Although not as good as the real big world, even the small world is not even considered a small world, but here, there is still a terrible suppression.

However, at this time, Wang Kui seemed as if he hadn't been suppressed, he was full of arrogance and crazy, as if a phantom of a **** appeared behind him!

"Amitabha Buddha! Since the daoists are interested in learning, the little monk will naturally accompany him."

Facing a powerful enemy known as one of the four most powerful people in the Lower Nine Realms, Kong Huan did not panic, and directly declared a Buddha's name, and immediately covered the golden Buddha light, like a real Arhat descended!


A roar almost shattered the entire Ninth Heaven and Earth! Four great arrogances! All of them are terrible!

As one of them, Wang Kui can almost say that in the Lower Nine Regions, let alone the general strong, the old undead of the great teachers have to take a detour when they see it! One shot, it directly turned into three kinds of Taoist rhymes!

"My Buddha is merciful!"

However, a big golden hand appeared in the void, like the birth of an ancient Buddha, instantly pressing down with a palm, annihilating everything!


Everyone took a breath! Although everyone could see that Wang Kui's first move was only a temptation and did not really do his best, but even so, some geniuses among the crowd even felt that under that terrible power, they would even be wiped out in an instant.

"Okay! Only in this way can I be qualified to shoot!"

Everyone exclaimed, but Wang Kui laughed loudly, and the entire void vibrated slightly, as if it was about to burst anytime, anywhere!

Wang Kui immediately grabbed a mountain peak, smashed the ground with one foot, and spewed out a great flame from below!

Kong Huan also had a serious face at this time, the Buddha's light in his whole body was immortal, like a golden arhat, and at the same time he raised his hand, and a golden kingdom appeared in his hand, like many Buddhas worshiping, golden light!

The two sides almost gave up the collision of the most primitive forces, and each evolved their own understanding of the great road!

This is a great competition, far beyond the limit that ordinary people can reach.

The world is falling apart and colliding with the golden Buddha country!

The two sides turned into a kingdom, and when they collided, a terrible storm of destruction burst out instantly!

However, the entire ninth heaven and earth, I don’t know who laid it down, even such a powerful force can’t be torn apart at all, the rumbling sounds one after another, even the gods have been unable to pass it and turned into invincible suppression, stabilized The whole world.

Seeing this scene, countless people have already grown their mouths and their eyes widened!

Wang Kui is strong and they naturally won't be surprised! But the power of that little monk is absolutely beyond their comprehension.

"Who is this little monk? How terrible is it?"

"With such a degree of Buddhist cultivation, even the high-ranking monks of the Thousand-Buddha Temple is nothing more than that?"

Someone exclaimed loudly, and everyone looked confused!

"The Thousand Buddha Temple has not been opened to the outside world for thousands of years. Is this person from the Thousand Buddha Temple?"

"I haven't heard of signs of opening to the outside world in this generation of Thousand Buddha Temples. Even if it is open, the major sects should receive news as soon as possible! It's just that if it is not from the Thousand Buddha Temple, who can practice the Buddhist practice to such a terrible level?"

Thousand Buddha Temple! When everyone heard this name, they couldn't help but tremble.

Only those who truly stand at the pinnacle of the Lower Nine Regions can come into contact with many places that the world cannot imagine.

Some ancient secrets, terribly lost ruins.

The Thousand Buddha Temple is one of them!

No one knows the origin of the Thousand Buddha Temple, nor does anyone know whether the Thousand Buddha Temple really has an ancient Buddha in the rumor, but only one thing is that even the most powerful sect in the lower nine realms will not provoke the Thousand Buddha Temple. !

"It's not a Thousand Buddha Temple, unless it is the Buddhism and Taoism Sect of the Upper Three Realms! But is this possible?"

When it comes to Buddhism, there is only one place in the lower nine realms!

Thousand Buddha Temple! One jumped out of the scope of the next nine domains and became a realm of its own.

Finally, the two figures separated, and everyone's pupils shrank slightly!

Because they saw that Wang Kui, one of the four great arrogances, had a faint golden Buddha light on his body. Although it was not obvious, the people who saw this scene had their mouths grown!

Including Wu Wenhaoran, Qianye showed a trace of fear one by one!


I don't know who exclaimed in a low voice, but soon everyone's face changed.

"It's terrible! This person's attainments in Buddhism are absolutely unfathomable!"

"Duhua! It is rumored that a Buddhist and Taoist expert can even transform into one person with a single word. Whether you are a great ancestor or a peerless genius, even if you are a peerless demon from nine quiet places, you will be able Convert to Buddhism and become Buddhism King Kong!"

Someone who knew the history of Buddhism and Taoism mumbled to himself, but it made everyone feel like a strong chill.

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