Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2403: One step ahead

Not long after everyone left, suddenly the entire void they were in was torn open a gap, and at the same time several terrifying breaths appeared from it!

Looking closely, the four powerful auras stood side by side, even the sun and the moon looked dim in front of them.

"Multiple spaces!"

Four great arrogances!

As Li Ye said, after he broke the ban, it was much simpler for the rest of the people to come here!

Naturally, not everyone!

The Four Tianjiao is recognized as the top of all the geniuses in the Lower Nine Domains, and naturally they are the first to shuttle over. As soon as they appeared, Wu Wenhaoran's expression changed and he blurted out!

The other three people changed their expressions, but soon they saw the huge mountain peak that seemed to connect the sky and the earth! It instantly turned into four terrifying rays of light, and wanted to go straight away!


The horrible suppression fell from the sky instantly!


The faces of the four people changed wildly, but although they were not confused, they immediately reduced their breath and fell back to the ground.

"It's such a powerful suppression, but it can only display the strength of the innate realm?"

Even the powerful like the Four Great Tianjiao can only be suppressed to the Innate Realm here, which is undoubtedly a bit uncomfortable for them. Fortunately, the four of them took precautions with each other, and they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that each other was suppressed just like themselves!

There is no doubt that as long as they are given any chance, no one will be softened!

"It seems they have already gone there first!"

Wang Kui's voice is low and deep. Among the four, his origin is considered the most common, but it is only compared to the other three! Compared with Wu Wen Haoran's hypocrisy, he was straightforward and left with a cold snort!

The other three also looked at each other, Qianye smiled even more, "Hehe, the Nujia is becoming more and more interested in the man named Li Ye. The formation is even more powerful than the descendant of Heavenly Mystery Dao. The people are not ordinary unknown people!"

Among the four, Fairy Qianye’s followers are second only to Wu Wenhaoran. Naturally, in the eyes of Wu Wenhaoran, this woman is also his biggest competitor! At this moment, he couldn't help but frown.

"Qianye, that person is unruly, if you want income, I am afraid it is not easy."

"Hehe, Wu Wenhaoran, don't think that the Nujia doesn't know what you are thinking. Talented people are naturally arrogant, but the Nujia believes that as long as the Nujia is sincere, they will naturally get the rewards they deserve."

It's not a day or two for the two to fight each other, but it's a pity that no one can beat anyone. Especially Wu Wen Haoran, who had a strong desire for Fairy Qianye, wanted to kill two birds with one stone and take it for himself. It's a pity that for the time being, whether the two are followers or their own strength, they are half-hearted, and it is not easy to overwhelm each other.

"Then I wish you every success!"

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Wu Wen Haoran snorted coldly. He glanced at the most low-key Kaye among the four. Even if the strengths of Qianye and Wang Kui were hidden, it was in his expectation. Among them, he was the only one who didn't have much confidence in this Kassapa.

mysterious! Only these two words can describe it.

Pieces of the void fluctuated, and someone succeeded in breaking through the prohibition and emerged from it.

Of course, those who are able to break through are all powerful people, and those who are weaker will turn into blood mist and fly into ashes and annihilate at the moment they encounter the restriction!

At this time, in the original space, someone directly used the imperial weapon and forcibly broke in! There are also people who are covered with golden light and step into the province!

Naturally, some people also failed, turned into a blood mist and were forbidden to absorb all the essence with a certain strength, causing many people behind to suddenly look slightly moved!

"No! This prohibition will absorb all the essence of that person without killing one person, and strengthen oneself!"

Someone exclaimed, and all the people who were left behind were all showing their magical powers. If you continue to wait, God knows whether this prohibition will be restored to the original level that ghosts and gods are not invaded. By then, they will not be dumbfounded?

At this point, it can be seen that those who can break in, at least are equipped with imperial weapons to defend themselves, there is hope! The very few geniuses who were born in casual cultivation, almost all have no resistance in the face of prohibition.

Naturally, there are also tyrannical generations! Not even use any of the magical treasures, relying on a terrible cultivation base, torn the void and stepping in!

Among them, Gu Yueyou and Tianyangzi didn't use the treasures on their bodies, and they just stepped in easily! It is counted as one of the most powerful people outside of the four great arrogances.

"What? Open a door to an unknown place?"

In almost a short period of time, the news spread, and many geniuses who were still looking for some magical medicine, fairy grass, and chances, after hearing about it, immediately put down the things in their hands and rushed away overnight!

And some who have left before are even more regretful!

"Who did it open?"

"The prohibition, even the middle-grade imperial weapon can't be broken, was actually resolved?"

Among them, Yun Qiantian, who also left, was killing a powerful monster and seizing a 5,000-year-old elixir. Just when he was proud, he heard such a rumor, and his complexion suddenly changed!

"I heard that it was an unknown **** named Li Ye!"

"Li Ye? Never heard of it!"

"It came from the Xinghai Territory! I didn't expect that there are such strong men in the Xinghai Territory! I heard that even Ti Lung of Tianji Dao was helpless, but was easily cracked by that person!"

For a time, the news spread like wildfire, and Li Ye's name spread to the ears of the great geniuses in the Lower Nine Regions.

"Li Ye! Why are you always!"

Yun Qiantian's expression became extremely gloomy. Once upon a time, he was the strongest person representing the Star Sea Region! But because of the appearance of Li Ye, everything has changed!

At the same time, terrible auras appeared in several places, as if waking up from a long sleep!

"Ah! What is that!"

The screams followed, and some geniuses who had not had time to leave in the future lost their breath one after another. Even one of the geniuses even sacrificed the imperial weapon crazily and turned into the will of the emperor, but only persisted for a long time, and it was completely There is no sound.

The whole world is like countless demons. After the portal was opened, they woke up from their deep sleep and turned into terrifying hunters. Many geniuses were caught off guard and killed and wounded!

Among them, there are many famous super geniuses and even peerless geniuses, who are vulnerable to those hunters!


The organic man hurriedly fled in the direction of the portal, and at the same time, he understood why in this world, in addition to the elixir and fairy grass, some ancient but dim divine divine treasures with little divinity were also unearthed from time to time. !

Those were left by the top geniuses of the Lower Nine Regions who once died here.

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