Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2401: Everyone was dumbfounded!

Good boy?

Everyone felt black before their eyes, and then they heard a roar!

"Li Ye! What do you mean?"

Ti Long, at this time Ti Long looked angry!

"What do you mean? Isn't this your gambling agreement just now? I'm just here to complete this gambling agreement. To be honest, I still feel a little reluctant for an apprentice like you, but for your sincerity, I reluctantly. Just be a good person, it’s not unreasonable to accept you as an apprentice.<<"

After finishing speaking, he still showed a reluctantly embarrassed look, like that, it seemed like how embarrassed it was to accept a disciple like Ti Lung.

This blows up Dillon!

"Li Ye! Don't talk nonsense! When did I say I want to be your disciple! It depends on you to be worthy?"

One last cry, domineering! He is the descendant of Heaven's Ji Dao, absolutely invincible in terms of the formation of the Nine Realms! Even facing the four great arrogances, they dare to fight a battle!

"Huh? It seems that some people's words are nothing, but that's the case, I didn't want to accept such a poorly qualified apprentice. If you don't want to, then let it go. But I didn't expect that the descendants of the Heavenly Ji Dao would be rebellious, really. It's eye-opening."

"Fart! You squirt!"

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and it all reacted all at once.

Suddenly someone couldn't help but speak, "Li Ye, the prerequisite for betting just now is whether you can break this ancient prohibition!"

"Yeah, have you cracked it?"

Some people even sneered, "Crack? How could it be possible! He can get out of it alive, even if his ancestors burned incense!"

And Dillon also controlled his emotions at this time, his expression became cold, "Li Ye! Although my bet with this girl is related to you, if you want to intervene, you must consider the consequences!"

In the eyes of everyone, Li Ye did not succeed in dissolving the ancient prohibition, but now he wanted to prevent the gambling contract from proceeding, so after Dillon calmed down, he immediately had an idea!

"Of course, if you don't want this girl to suffer for you, you can also kneel and kowtow on your own three heads, admitting that his formation is just a ninth class, maybe I will consider whether I will accept it!"

Everyone was in an uproar! But more are waiting for the show with sarcasm! Especially Gu Yueyu and others, don't mind seeing Li Ye being humiliated! In other words, they are looking forward to this scene.

"Who said I didn't break this restriction?"

While everyone sneered and mocked, Li Ye's weird corners of his mouth raised, his voice was not loud, but suddenly the scene calmed down.

But soon, someone burst into laughter!

"Hahaha! He actually said that he broke the ban?"

"I guess I can't accept the result, it's too sad! I don't even have this courage!"

"He said he could break the ban? I said, should we wait here for hundreds of years to fail? We don't have so much time! If we can't take the initiative to surrender, this fairy can also recognize the fact that he is incompetent. Wood and habitat!"

Everyone knows Di Long's ambition, and at this time someone naturally laughed sarcastically.

"To shut up!"

Before Li Ye could speak, Xiao Qing screamed and stopped a group of people. But at this moment, he can't control the audience, because besides him, there are a few people who are naturally not afraid of his reputation.

"Xiao Qing, why, do you think you can help him?"

Gu Yueyu, Tianyangzi and others were all looking bad. Alone, they are not willing to be an enemy of Xiao Qing, but if Xiao Qing insists on going it alone and provokes the anger of the crowd, they naturally don't mind to join forces and solve a powerful enemy in the future!

This kind of thing, they have done it all the way to practice!

Despicable and shameless? For them, only the person who finally stands on the top of the world is the ultimate winner! Winner or loser, no one cares how the invincible existence on the peak climbs to that height, the world will only look up and worship! Even the once evil demon king will be pushed to the highest point of the altar by everyone at that moment.

"Xiao Qing, why don't you have to be familiar with them, a group of frogs at the bottom of the well, a child-mother double formation, they are helpless, except for jumping around like a clown outside, they only have this ability."

Compared with Xiao Qing's hot temper, Li Ye seemed calmer, and it could even be said that there was a trace of irony on his face.

"Sharp teeth! Since you have such a big tone, you have broken this restriction for everyone to see!"

Ti Long said coldly, with a very provocative tone.

It's a pity that Li Ye didn't pay attention to him at all, but nodded towards Temujin, Afei and the others, and then several of them, including Shui Yuntian and others, all came behind Li Ye.

"What does he want to do?"

Seeing the actions of Li Ye and others, many people looked inexplicable. Although they intuitively felt something was wrong, no one stopped them.

"Huh, if you want to gather a few wastes, you think you can fight other people?"

Some people thought that Li Ye wanted to win over other geniuses from the Xinghai Territory to fight. After all, regardless of whether the geniuses of the major cosmos had ever competed or not, when they arrived here, many geniuses of the cosmos were secretly allied with each other!

Therefore, no matter it is the Four Great Tianjiao or Tianyangzi, they did not stop! In their opinion, apart from Xiao Qing and that Temujin, even if there are many people, they are nothing more than chickens! Vulnerable.

But the next moment, Li Ye made a move that no one could imagine.

"What is he going to do?"

Someone saw Li Ye stretch out a hand directly, and then tapped towards the direction of the restriction!

The next moment, before everyone could react, a group of people including Li Ye disappeared out of thin air!

Disappeared in front of everyone!

Everyone was quiet, silent!

"Damn! I was fooled by this kid!"

Suddenly, I don't know who suddenly shouted! Immediately after that, the man roared and rushed towards the restriction! But as soon as he approached, he didn't realize that the whole person turned into a **** mist! Soul flies away!

At this time, everyone else also reacted!

But they find it incredible!

"He, actually solved the mystery of this double formation?"


Ti Lung roared, what he couldn't accept most was this result! But watching Li Ye disappear with a group of people, unless everyone is crazy! Otherwise, the only explanation is that Li Ye has solved this terrible secret of ancient prohibition! That's why we can safely lead a group of people to disappear and enter it!

At this moment, all the people who mocked just now seemed to have been slapped severely, and it was quite loud!

Some people even screamed regret inside! After all, if it weren't for them to ridicule one after another, maybe they would have a chance to go in together!

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