Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2392: Do the two evildoers avoid fighting?

Xiao Qing, a name that almost even Li Ye himself has forgotten!

Back then, in Wuzhou City, the guy who was hearty and inhospitable, with a rough appearance but unscrupulous in his heart, he did not expect that after many years, he would meet again on this occasion!

The key is! Judging from everyone's reaction, Xiao Qing is definitely not a silent pawn! Instead, it should be quite famous!

"Good boy! I can actually see you here! I thought I had mistaken someone! I didn't expect it to be you!"

Before Li Ye could speak, Xiao Qing hugged a bear and then punched Li Ye in the chest!


This punch was not a joke, Li Ye's complexion changed, but although he was not disturbed, his dantian was sinking, he did not dodge or avoid, the same punch was blasted out!

The fists of the two almost completely tore apart the surrounding void, but this piece of heaven and earth was too strong, and everyone's power was greatly suppressed, but this also broke out a storm that destroyed the world!

The two retreated at the same time, but Li Ye took seven or eight steps to stop his body. On the other hand, Xiao Qing shook his body. After three steps in a row, he shouted and crushed the ground under his feet! The whole person is like a god, holding his body firmly. ?? A discerning person can see that Li Ye has suffered in the match between the two just now.

But a group of people looked at Li Ye almost with the expression of seeing a ghost! That look is like looking at a human-shaped tyrannosaurus! Many people still have their mouths grown in a daze, and haven't recovered for a long time!

"Mom, this kid is really perverted! Can he resist Xiao Qing's punch?"

I don't know who exclaimed, followed by inhaling sounds one after another. ????? Including Tianyangzi and others, their expressions have changed slightly!

Feeling that the whole arm almost lost consciousness, Li Ye was equally shocked!

But as everyone knows, the horror in everyone's hearts far exceeds him!

"Good boy, it seems that you have had many adventures over the years!"

Xiao Qing was taken aback, then burst into laughter! The laughter did not contain any hostility or murder, but with a hint of surprise and joy after reuniting with an old friend!

"You seem to be born with brute force!"

Back in Wuzhou City, Xiao Qing showed terrible power! It's just that compared to the moment, it was nothing at all! You know, the two bloodlines in Li Ye's body now make his physical body extremely powerful! In addition to the cultivation of the God of Fighting Art, it is really difficult to find out the strength of the human body among the entire Lower Nine Regions!

However, looking at it now, there is no doubt that Xiao Qing has also cultivated some powerful and incomparable body training exercises! And has reached the point of perfection!

It was the reunion of old friends of the two, but the eyes of the others were not so kind.

Maybe it was because of the changes in the eyes of everyone, Xiao Qing suddenly laughed, "You kid, it seems that you are not as good as me! Have a lot of enemies?"

From the eyes of everyone, the hostility was clearly seen, Xiao Qing suddenly showed a eager smile, "I haven't let go of my hands and feet for a long time, do you want me to help you solve them all?"

As he said, his gaze directly skipped Di Long and others, and fell on Tianyangzi, Gu Yueyu and even the Four Great Tianjiaos! For him, he doesn't even bother to take care of ordinary geniuses! To challenge, it is natural to challenge difficult ones!

With such a naked provocation, Qianye and Kasaba did not respond to the four great arrogances, Wu Wenhaoran and Wang Kui both looked cold!

As for Tianyangzi and Gu Yueyi, their expressions are even more livid!

"Xiao Qing, you and I will fight sooner or later! But not now!"

Gu Yueyu snorted coldly. Obviously he and Xiao Qing had known each other a long time ago, but it seemed that the relationship was not very good.

"Hahaha, people from the Gu Yue family, you ran away without a fight last time, do you want to avoid fighting this time?"

When everyone heard it, they were a little surprised!

Gu Yueyu, who actually avoided Xiao Qing before? But few people know this!

And Gu Yueyou himself even snorted, "I won't fight you for the advantage of your tongue. The battle between you and me is not now. If you want to fight, you will have a chance in the future!"

"If you dare not fight, just admit it honestly. No one will laugh at you. You couldn't beat me! Hahaha!"


Such a naked sarcasm made Gu Yueyi's forehead blue veins pile up, but he didn't know why, he finally suppressed the anger in his heart! From this point, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Gu Yue's evasive battle was not sure of victory in his heart! Otherwise, at his level, it is absolutely impossible to be ridiculed to such a degree, and to avoid it.

In this way, Li Ye was curious about Xiao Qing's opportunities over the years!

He had personally felt Gu Yueyu's strength! Even if it is him, it is not easy to overcome! It can be imagined that Xiao Qing's current strength has reached such a high level that he can avoid fighting like this.

"Tianyangzi, what do you say?"

Gu Yue avoiding the battle, Xiao Qing's eyes fell on Tianyangzi. Compared to Gu Yueyu, Tianyangzi smiled slightly, his demeanor remained unchanged, "Brother Xiao wants to fight, so the younger brother naturally dare not shirk, but the restriction has not been broken yet, so it is better for Brother Xiao and younger brother to change the method. Who was the first to break the ban before his eyes as a result, how?"

When everyone heard it, their eyes lit up!

But a very small number of people knew in their hearts that Tianyangzi said it nicely, but like Gu Yueyu, he didn't want to fight against a ruthless person like Xiaoqing now!

No matter if they refuse to fight or not, at least they don't have full confidence in them!

"It's boring, one or two are not at all courageous, so courageous, how to challenge the peak of martial arts!"

Both of them refused the challenge one after another, leaving Xiao Qing disappointed.

But a group of people didn't think that Tianyangzi and Gu Yueyu made such a choice to be timid!

"Xiao Qing, this ruthless man actually came, there is a good show!"

"Haha, this Xiao Qing has a huge background! I heard that he wanted to challenge Wang Kui before, but he didn't really fight because of other things delayed!"

The appearance of Xiao Qing suddenly dispelled many people who had thoughts about Li Ye.

As for Li Ye, from everyone's words and phrases, he probably understood how big Xiao Qing is now!

Peerless evildoer! Second only to the four great arrogances! Bodybuilding genius! Humanoid Tyrannosaurus!

There are various rumors, but one thing is that, compared to his obscurity, Xiao Qing has undoubtedly made a great reputation in the Xia Jiuyu!

As for how he left Jiangnan Road and entered the Lower Nine Regions, Li Ye seemed to think of something!

As a result, everyone's sights once again fell to the restriction.

At this moment, suddenly Li Ye walked directly towards the restriction! Beyond everyone's expectations.

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