Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2370: This slap

Is this a tactful rejection?

Wu Wen Haoran narrowed his eyes slightly. As far as he was concerned, ordinary women would naturally not look at him! When he reaches his realm, he can attract countless women if he wants them!

When he was in the spiritual realm, he was a well-deserved son of heaven, unique! No one in the younger generation can compete with them. How many ancient inheritances, the daughters of the hermit family dream of being favored by him, even if it is just an unnamed Taoist couple, there are countless women who are vying for a position!

But he never looked straight at any woman!

Because in his opinion, a woman is just a plaything, unless it is a woman like Fairy Qianye, he can take a high look!

It’s just that Fairy Qianye didn’t know it, and she refused to be guilty, but she obviously ignored you.

With a cold snort, although he ate a soft nail, Wu Wen Haoran would naturally not show it on the surface.

He swept his gaze at random, if among the crowd, the only thing he could see was the Heavenly Phoenix Saint who was standing beside Li Ye, except Fairy Qianye.

However, he was as proud as him, willing to reveal himself to Fairy Qianye, but for other women, he could not speak easily.

"Big man, the slave family is very sincere! Moreover, the slave family is now alone and lonely. If they can find a strong shoulder, the slave family will be a good wife and mother."

If Wu Wenhaoran's solicitation was a naked temptation, then Fairy Qianye's words almost made everyone a little bit angry!

Some virgin geniuses are even more jealous and hateful, almost crushing the silver teeth without jealousy!

That is Fairy Qianye! Moreover, he is a super genius who has cultivated the double cultivation of ancient scriptures handed down from ancient times like Caiyun Double Love, a generation of arrogance! Such a perfect woman with both talents and looks, it is impossible for anyone to change her heart!

You know, even a proud arrogant like Wu Wenhaoran wants to possess a woman like Fairy Qianye!

Suddenly, the inhalation sounds one after another!

Regardless of whether this is true or not, just say the impact, but it is also amazing!

Wu Wenhaoran, Wang Kui, Tianyangzi, and other extremely enchanting evildoers, all their eyes narrowed at this moment! To say that they have no ideas, it is deceiving, but they are as proud as they would not easily fall under Qianye Fairy's pomegranate skirt like others.

"Huh! What a fool, why didn't Fairy Qianye choose me?"

"Bah, it's you? It's the blood of the ancients, how can you compare? If you want to choose, you also choose me, I am an innate body!"

"Innate body? A fart! I'm still a perfect innate body, I'm close to the original spirit body!"

Some people couldn't help showing intense jealous eyes.

For her charm, Fairy Qianye covered her mouth and smiled softly, her unspeakable amorous feelings, charming and moving.

However, the next moment, everyone was shocked.

"I have someone I like."

Everyone almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood!

Fairy Qianye's smile stiffened on his face, and Wu Wen Haoran and others were dumbfounded.

The corners of Li Ye's mouth twitched slightly. Although he had known this kind of result a long time ago, he still couldn't help laughing a little.

After a long while, Fairy Qianye returned to his senses, without becoming irritated, but with a slight resentment, "Is she more beautiful than a slave?"

Any woman, especially a beautiful woman, is quite concerned about this! Not to mention a woman like Qianye! That is even more self-esteem!

In her opinion, it is impossible for any man to resist her charm!

And it aroused her eagerness to win! Snatch it from other women, more sense of accomplishment!

fairy? Demon girl? For her, it is just an identity that can be easily transformed.

"You are not as pretty as the one I like."

Scratching his head, Temujin looked a little shy like a little boy who was ignorant of Dou Chukai, but it was his innocent eyes and tone that almost didn't make a group of people spit out old blood!

Fairy Qianye even trembled again and again with her angry body, and tried her best to hold back her anger.


Li Ye couldn't help it anymore and laughed out of nowhere.

Although he had known this result a long time ago, he really couldn't help but laugh!

In an instant, a few terrifying and intense eyes fell on Li Ye!

These people are all followers of Fairy Qianye, or the admirers are more appropriate! In their view, although they don't want the ancient bloodline like Temujin to become their competitors, such a play to insult their supreme goddess is enough to make them murderous!

After taking a deep breath, Fairy Qianye was not an ordinary person after all. Although she was trembling with anger, she quickly recovered her calmness. A faint resentment appeared on her face, it was just that people couldn't help but want to hug and care.

Speaking of this, she naturally wouldn't continue to make herself boring.

On the contrary, Wu Wen Haoran smiled in his heart, but before he could speak, Temujin rolled his eyes directly, "Who, I can't remember your name, don't persuade me, your small body, I can Punched. And I have already followed the young master, you are not as good as the young master, I will not follow a weak one."

These words are too simple, so simple that Wu Wenhao almost didn't run away!

he? The weak? Small body board?

Many people endure it intensely, fearing that not holding back a laugh will cause unnecessary trouble.

"Looking for death! How dare to insult Brother Haoran!"

Wu Wenhao didn't do anything, but one of his followers yelled!

This person raised his hand is the terrible Daoyun, turned into a big hand from heaven, wanting to directly suppress it.

But Temujin didn't even look at it, and punched out! Simplified, without any fancy punches, but it's like a shock!


The sky was smashed with big hands, and the person was directly blown out with a snorting!

The people couldn't help taking a breath. They were not surprised at Temuzhen's strength. After all, the ancient bloodline could not be a weak person. They were surprised that Temujin really dared to do something with the people around Wu Wenhaoran!

This is not the Tiancanghai who was beaten to the ground by him just now!

"Damn, is this kid really stupid or fake? It's not Tian Canghai, who directly hit Wu Wen Haoran's followers?"

One is to pull the relationship, the other is a true follower, this is not the same!

As the saying goes, hitting a dog depends on the owner!

Wu Wen Haoran's followers, even the older generation dare not start! After all, it is tantamount to slap Wu Wen Haoran! I can’t bear to change anyone!

Sure enough, everyone saw that Wu Wenhaoran's expression was astonished! The killing intent flashed past his eyes.


Recommend a masterpiece by the Great God, "Eternal God King"

There is nothing to say in the plot, ****! The only thing is to update...More willful, but aren't all great gods like this? That is to say, a small author like me diligently updates the code word every day

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