Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2349: How to pass? (7 more)

Soon, other people also stepped into the door in desperation!

When the last person stepped in, the portal in the void disappeared, as if it had never appeared before. ﹤

But the rest of the people looked a little heavy!

Jiuji Palace was born! In the lower nine domains, almost all the top geniuses, the evil evildoers, all came here! Of course, there are some strong people of the older generation. After all, everyone under the age of 300 can try!

And many of those people have already stepped into the realm of Emperor Wu!

"Sure enough, the star sea area is the weakest."

Just now, Li Ye took a closer look, and those who were named by the black robe old man were all experts in the Wuhuang realm! In almost every place in the Lower Nine Regions, there are at least three or five such powerhouses, but in Xinghai Region, there is only Jian Chen!

From this point, it can be seen that in the next nine domains, the bottom of the ranking of Xinghai domain is not groundless!

If it weren't for his appearance, even Xinghaiyu could find a martial emperor under the age of three hundred years old, it is still unknown.

At this time, the remaining people are all young people who have reached the realm of Wuhuang, and of course, there are also some who are close to 300 years old but have not yet entered the realm of Wuhuang!

Obviously, there are many geniuses in other places in the Lower Nine Regions, at least the number of people who are far outside the Xinghai Region!

"Climb to that mountain!"

The black-robed old man's voice is very cold, as if he has no feelings!

Everyone saw that in front of this piece of heaven and earth, like a fairyland, there was a huge mountain peak that seemed to connect the sky and the earth. At a glance, there was no end in sight!

Even if everyone is a cultivator, but looking at the peak, it feels like a suffocation.

"It's that simple?"

Many people looked at each other face to face. After all, the rumors of the Nine Extremes Palace have been around for a long time. Although anyone who entered the Nine Extremes Palace has never returned, there are some ancient inheritances and aristocratic families.

In the Jiuji Temple, only a very small number of talents are qualified to pass and finally enter the upper three realms! The vast majority of people can only become the dead bones here! Buried with this.

Originally they thought something would happen, but now they heard it as if everything was worrying.

For some reason, Li Ye seemed to feel the gaze of the old man in the black robe and paused on him.

In that gaze, there seemed to be a strange magic power, but who was Li Ye? Look at the nose, look at the heart from the nose, stand still, and look indifferent.

Someone could not bear it, and asked, "Special Envoy, as long as you climb that mountain, you can pass to the Upper Three Realms?"

This person also appeared to be born in a large sect, with a terrible breath, and a faint flash of divine light on his body, obviously carrying a treasure! After all, it is not easy for many sects to cultivate a peerless evildoer, so naturally it is impossible not to make a little preparation.

This question is also a question in everyone's mind.

"Go up and know it naturally."

Unfortunately, the black-robed old man was reluctant to say more, and he could even say that his voice was very cold, so that other people who wanted to follow up were dispelled from their minds.

"Since the senior gave this order, the junior naturally obeyed."

That person was also considered simply, laughed loudly, and instantly turned into a ray of light all over his body, and just wanted to break through the air! Even if it is a hundred thousand miles away, for them, it is only a few hours.

But the next moment, an amazing scene happened!


When that person just turned into a long rainbow and broke through the sky, then he saw that above the sky, a terrifying pressure instantly dropped! Just like a huge palm, it directly suppressed that person to the ground!

That person's complexion changed, and his strength was incredible! The body breath instantly exploded! It is actually a half-emperor! At the same time hold a square seal, bursting out a brilliant light!


When Li Ye saw it, he immediately understood the other side's thoughts, and wanted to directly resist the oppression of the world with the imperial power!


I don't know who exclaimed in a low voice, clearly seeing the origin of the person.

But even the power of the imperial weapon lost its effect at this time. It just appeared, but it directly increased the power of Sundial's suppression by more than ten times! As if irritated!

"not good!"

Feel the power of heaven and earth's suppression directly increased tenfold! The man's expression finally showed amazement! However, it is too late to wait for him to react!


Everyone saw that the man was directly suppressed on the ground, even the soul did not escape!

A dignified half-emperor, decided to enchant, and still in charge of the emperor! So easily killed by the town?

Originally there were other people who wanted to leave by the same method, and at this moment, they were scared into a cold sweat from behind! After all, the strength of the person who was killed just now, even if not the top one among them, is at least outstanding! In addition to being in charge of the imperial weapon, it is no easy task to kill such a strong man.

"The rumors are really true!"

"What rumor?"

At this time, there was no one who popped up somewhere, and Li Ye smiled suddenly.

Zuo Yujie! I don't know why, he is always so fascinating.

"Know what, say quickly!"

Some other genius frowned slightly and snorted!

Zuo Yujie wasn't angry, he smiled, "This Nine-Extreme Palace was created by tearing the void with the supreme power. Here, even the will of heaven cannot easily interfere. There is only the supreme magical power here. The rules set by a peerless expert can only be applied. If you want to use your cultivation base and treasures to forcibly survive, you will be killed directly like the person just now."

"How can it pass?"

Can't force through? Many people's complexion changed slightly, and the black robe old man also looked at Zuo Yujie, but he did not stop it.

"It's very simple, just walk over from below!"

Pointing to the world below that was like a primitive jungle, everyone was speechless for a while!

What is their origin? How many years hasn't been so primitive way?

"I don't believe it! Is it really impossible to go directly against the sky!"

Some people do not believe in evil! In his hand, there was a treasure that looked like a small boat, exuding a hint of light, it was a powerful imperial weapon! This person stepped directly on, and burst into the air in an instant!

"Shuttle boat! People at Yukongmen!"

Seeing that small boat, someone recognized the calendar and whispered!

Yukongmen is a famous and powerful sect in the Lower Nine Realms. The most famous is the ability to make Yukong treasures by one hand!

However, that person had just left this piece of high platform, and the force of suppression that had just appeared in an instant appeared again!

And this time, it's stronger than before!

"Open it to me!" This person roared, and the boat under his feet seemed to tear the void and shuttle out! But the next moment, the ending is no different from the previous one.


Chapter VII! Hi or not?

I haven’t slept all night, so let me lie down for a while.

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