Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2339: Suppress Tianlanzong

The invincible existence above the nine heavens, their complexion changed drastically!

"This is Yifang Tiandi? No! This is the treasure! There is actually a treasure that can evolve into Yifang Tiandi!"

I don't know which invincible existence can not help but exclaim! Even they have never seen such a strange and terrible treasure! It can evolve into a world by itself!

When the whole world turned into a heavenly chessboard, the people of Tianlan Sect were dumbfounded!

The powerhouses above the Tianlanzong elders said nothing, madly trying to tear the space in front of them, after all, under a world, even a half emperor can only wait for death!

As a five-rank sect, the elders of the Tianlan Sect are at least the powerhouses of the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, and many of them are even the peak of the Heavenly Sovereign and even the King!

When so many powerful players shot together, it was like the earth was shaking and the sky was breaking! Even if a ten-thousand-foot peak traverses the giant mountain, in front of them, there is only a collapsed end!

But what horrified them was that there was no movement at all in the world in front of them, and their invincible power was like sinking into the sea!

Did not make any waves at all. △¢Appointment Novel,

"how is this possible?!"

One of the elders of the Tianlan Sect exclaimed! This is a combined blow by dozens of experts in the Heavenly Sovereign Realm and even the Sovereign Realm Realm! Among them are the two ancestors of Tianlanzong, who are real half-emperor monsters!


The terrible attacks were like smashing the sky to pieces, but the world in front of them was unmoved, and even the power they played fell to the sea without any reaction at all.

In that instant, all the disciples, elders, and even the two elders of Tianlan Sect were trapped on this huge chess board!

In front of them, a person appeared!

"Li Ye! You did it!"

Seeing the young man in front of him, an ancestor of Tianlanzong was shocked and angry! He thought that the world in front of him was the masterpiece of a certain Martial Emperor, but he couldn't figure out which Martial Emperor would take action against them at this time! You know, although the Wuhuang ancestor of their Tianlanzong disappeared hundreds of years ago, his reputation is still there! Some Wuhuang will give Tianlanzong a bit of face!

After seeing Li Ye, he finally understood who did it.

"Have you thought about today's ending?"

Today's ending?

Many people in the Tianlan Sect were stunned. Many of the elders had participated in the original siege of Tianwaitian. At that time, they were so proud and even thought they had contributed to the sect! Plundered Tianwaitian a lot of resources and territory.

But now, at first glance, many of them even took Tianyang Zongma's dog bloody! Scolded the eighteenth generation of Tianyang ancestor!

It's just that there is no regret medicine in the world, even if they regret it again, facing Li Ye in front of them, they are ultimately unwilling to be like the Three Eyes Sect just now and wait for death!

"Li Ye! Be forgiving and forgiving! The grievances between you and me at the beginning are indeed what our Tianlan Sect did not do right. Our Tianlan Sect is willing to return all the things we took away from the sky!"

In front of death, even the most arrogant person can only lower his head.

The great elder of Tianlanzong spoke quickly, as for the other people of Tianlanzong, even the two ancestors had acquiesced.

"Return it? Do you think I can't get it even if you don't return it?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in Tianlanzong looked at each other and took a deep breath!

Yes! With the current strength of Li Ye against the sky, he really wants to plunder him by the Heavenly Lanzong, who can resist? Unless there is another Wuhuang to help! But now it is clear that the other Wuhuang matters are not of their own concern, and no one wants to be an enemy of such a godless evildoer Li Ye at this time!

"Li Ye! Our Tianlanzong is willing to pay any price!"

At any price! It was an ancestor of the Tianlan Sect who was speaking. His generation was very long in the Tianlan Sect. Naturally, no one opposed his words, and it was impossible for anyone to object.

"Any price? Okay, you decide for yourself! All people above the realm of Heavenly Lanzong will keep their lives! Others can live!"

In the Yunteng Continent, between the sect and the sect, once they collide, the loser will even be the dog and the dog! It's like when the six major sects destroyed Tianwaitian, if it weren't for Li Ye and others to escape, everyone would die!

This is the rule of Yunteng Continent!

Now Li Ye's request can be regarded as an open side, at least it has left Tianlanzong with hope and fire.

But the two ancestors of Tianlanzong were angry and shocked!

The Venerable's cultivation base all self-decision?

Didn't it completely break the future of Tianlan Sect? Even if Tianlanzong survives, it will instantly withdraw from the stage of history! Not to mention continuing to stay high, and even to be torn apart by other enemies who have been enemies for countless years!

"Li Ye! You are hard for a strong man!"

"It's hard for a strong man?" Li Ye showed a cold smile on his face, "So what?!"

so what! The four words are like magic sounds piercing their ears, directly causing some disciples of the Tianlan Sect with a weaker cultivation base to bleed directly on the spot!

This is not a law, let alone Dao Fa will! Just soul shock!

Today's Li Ye, even with a half-emperor in front of him, could not withstand the impact of his soul! Once the blood pupil is used, even the Emperor Wu will feel threatened!


The two ancestors of Tianlanzong looked at each other. They knew that Li Ye could not let them go alive today. In that case, there would be no possibility of negotiation!

The terrifying aura of the two ancestors and half emperors, even the real martial emperor, would have to move slightly, and burn the soul without saying anything!

They all watched the scenes of Dugu Family, Yingmen, and Li Ye slaughtering them! Knowing that if you don't work hard, death is waiting for them! In this case, the two will no longer keep it!

As for the other experts and disciples of Tianlanzong, at this time they also knew that they would not be able to leave alive without working hard! All of them burst out of their strongest side, all kinds of magic weapons, monstrous blood and madness toward Li Ye!

In the void, countless people looked stern! Tianlan Sect is not a top sect in Xinghai, but it is also considered one of the big sects! It's just that the Martial Emperor of Tianlanzong disappeared hundreds of years ago, and the overall strength of the entire sect has dropped a lot.

At this time, a pair of eyes, one after another, stared at the huge world! On the chessboard that can hold heaven and earth!

"Tianlanzong is worthy of being a veteran five-tier sect, even if the Emperor Wu disappears, the foundation will still be there!"

"Yeah, I really can't chew when I change to ordinary people, but it's a pity that I got a peerless evildoer like Li Ye! Tian Lan Sect is about to end!"

One after another, the divine consciousness was passed between some old immortals. They were afraid of Li Ye, and they were more happy to see the Tianlanzong being destroyed! After all, the Tianlanzong's one-acre three-quarters is not small, once it is destroyed, even if the bulk of it is snatched by Tian Waitian, the rest of them can still have a mouthful of soup! Especially those sect families that border Tianlanzong are more concerned about the results of this scene.

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