Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2329: so what! Fight will fight!

The emperor almost broke his silver teeth!

The old emperor of Tiantan Mountain has lived for tens of thousands of years, and he is stunned!

As for the others, there are various expressions, but without exception, they are all shocked!

Even Jian Chen was incomparably shocked, he was considered lawless and arrogant, especially when he stepped into the realm of Emperor Martial Arts, even those Emperor Martial Arts in the entire Star Sea area were not in his eyes! After all, compared to those Emperor Wu who swallowed the emperor pill, such a Emperor Wu who survived the emperor tribulation on his own could completely crush them!

But even so, the courage of Li Ye, the little junior, still made him stunned. ※%,

"This little brother really has an appetite for me, no wonder Master values ​​him so much!"

For Li Ye, Jian Chen definitely supports him! Whether it is a brother from the same family, or because he can survive the emperor's robbery, part of the reason comes from the pill that Li Ye gave him.

Without any words, Jian Chen stepped into the air and appeared directly behind Li Ye. His actions are undoubtedly showing to the world that no matter who it is, if you want to move Li Ye, you must pass him!

Seeing Jian Chen's statement, everyone's complexion changed drastically!

Especially the Eagle King! He is not Jian Chen's opponent at all, let alone him alone, even if they joined the empty emperor just now, they were both chased and beaten by Jian Chen!

However, Feiying Jinyu matters a lot, and he will never give up!

"Li Ye! It seems that you have decided to die with me at the Eagle Gate!"

The dignified top five-rank sect, and as the Emperor Wu, the Emperor Eagle cannot flee without a fight like the Emperor Kong Kong today! Otherwise, what face would he have in the future to meet the ancestors of the Eagle Gate?

"so what?"

Domineering! Many people couldn't help shouting in their hearts!

Facing a top five-grade sect, facing a martial emperor, even the arrogant and arrogant genius before, dare not be as domineering as Li Ye today!

Not to mention the younger generation, even if the older generation is strong, who would dare?

Even those dusty ancestors may not have the guts!


The emperor's endless emperor vents crazy! At this moment, he has no other choice!

At the same time, as if it were agreed, a few terrifying invincible bodies appeared above the void!

The appearance of those bodies almost made everyone feel suffocated!

Emperor Wu! And more than one!

The emperor of the cloud! Konghuang! Lei Huang! Dan Shang Qing Emperor! At this moment, a statue of Wu Huang finally revealed their true body! Like a **** coming to the world! Terrible!

All of a sudden, at least seven or eight terrifying and invincible Wuhuang appeared!

Of course, some people didn't want to take a trip to the muddy water. The old emperor of Tiantanshan shook his head slightly, obviously not intervening.

Lei Huang hesitated slightly, but also restrained his aura.

But even so, there are seven martial emperors! Including Eagle King, eight invincible powerhouses!

Everyone among them took a closer look and found that the Yun family had four martial emperors!

"The Yun family had a plan for a long time!"

"Emperor Danshang Qing really became the Emperor Wu of the Yun family!"

Among the four martial emperors of the Yun family, in addition to the Kong emperor and the Yunzhong emperor who just appeared, there is also an old man and the Dan Shang Qing emperor who rebelled from the Shen Danzong before!

Without any words, the eight martial emperors stood there, enough to shock the common people!

However, seeing them, Li Ye didn't have any panic on his face!

Peerless sword intent rose to the sky, Jian Chen, one sword, even if he was alone, was enough to make Konghuang and the others afraid! None of them was confident that they could block Jian Chen alone! But at this moment, their numbers have an advantage, even if they are more than three people working together, they are sure to block Jianchen for a moment!

Only a few moments, the remaining few people are sure to kill Li Ye!

"Li Ye! Hand over the Flying Eagle Golden Feather!"

When the King Eagle saw it, he was sure in his heart! Since the Yun family came to the four martial emperors, it is equivalent to saying that they had planned for a long time! If he didn't take advantage of it at this time, he would have lived for thousands of years in vain!

It's a pity that the situation has changed again before his voice falls.

"What a big battle! Dealing with a junior, the faces of you old things really show up!"

The blatant laughter, the void was directly torn apart! Accompanied by a few invincible wills, a terrifying figure stepped out of the void of hair!

One of them opened his mouth and laughed, with endless irony!

"Gosh! Here are a few more invincible emperors!"

Almost everyone has their eyes protruding!

From the void, several bodies were directly torn apart and appeared. The head of the person had a fiery red hair, and the whole body was burning like endless flames, like the same **** of fire. From the moment of appearance, the sky turned into fiery red, like burning. Up!

Fire Emperor!

Many elders and disciples of Shen Danzong were slightly excited!

The person who appeared was one of the five emperors of Shen Danzong, the Fire Emperor!

He has always had a straightforward personality. When he appeared, he directly mocked, "So many old friends have appeared, it's really lively! But a junior, let you be so exciting, don't you think it is too shameful?"

Seeing Huo Sovereign, several Wu Sovereigns of the Yun family changed their expressions!

Sure enough, as the fire emperor appeared, a few more bodies stepped out of the void!

Bai Huang, Yao Huang, Mei Huang!

It can be said that except for the emperor of Dan Shang and Qing who was on the side of the Yun family, the other four emperors of Shen Danzong have arrived! And seeing this attitude, everyone knew that Shen Danzong was going to stand behind Li Ye!

Obviously, the appearance of the four emperors of Shen Danzong was not unexpected to the Yun Family. Although it made them a little gloomy, it was obvious that they still had an advantage here!

"The Emperor Huo, a good disciple cultivated by your Shen Danzong, is it a trap deliberately set by your Shen Danzong who wanted to seize the treasure of Yingmen's Zhenzong?"

Konghuang sneered, and immediately made Huohuang furious!

"Fuck you bullshit!"

The fire emperor was furious, but it was impossible to fight at this time. After all, if the emperors fight each other, it will be a broken world! Especially, the number of people on their side is at a disadvantage.

Of course, the Yun family did not dare to mess around.

Although Shen Danzong is the four emperors, Jian Chen and Li Ye cannot be underestimated! Especially Jian Chen, one hit two is absolutely no problem, plus a Li Ye who can almost be regarded as Wu Huang's combat power, they do not have much confidence here!

With such a stalemate between the two sides, there was finally a change.

"Eagle Gate’s treasure of the Zhenzong, naturally the Eagle Gate will take it back by itself! Others, don’t interfere!"

This voice is old with supreme majesty! As soon as they appeared, several Wuhuang emperors were all discolored. But this voice is clearly the existence behind the yellow sand world that even the emperor in the cloud had been afraid of just now, the person in the legend of the deserted sea.

When he said this, the Eagle King was dumbfounded.

Did he take it back himself? If he has the ability to take it back, he still needs the help of the Yun family?

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