Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2320: Eat up


The surroundings are almost as if time and space have stopped.

Click! Crunch and crisp!

If the agreement was still incomplete, the owner of the blood bowl even let out a deep regret and contentment sigh, and then let out a loud hiccup!


This sound seemed to break the still time, and everyone opened their mouths wide!

The three ancestors of the Dugu family almost didn't spew out a big mouthful of blood!

"Do not!!!"

The three don't know how many years they have lived, and they roared desperately to their dusty ancestors for the sake of the Dugu family!

The Dugu Emperor's Yuan Ying was swallowed! He was swallowed by a terrifying and huge monster beast! No one expected this result!

"Damn! Really? That's Dugu Huang!"

"It's Dugu Emperor Yuan Ying, but what kind of monster is that? Can even Wu Huang Yuan Ying be swallowed?"

Finally someone couldn't help but exclaimed!

Even if the Dugu Emperor's Dharma body was destroyed, only Yuan Ying was left, that was an invincible once! Not to mention them, even those old undead shots are absolutely impossible to hurt a Martial Emperor's Yuan Ying!

It's so simple, swallowed in one bite?

Only by recognizing the terrible beast-sweeping person, did they suddenly realize that they all looked at them with shocked, or terrified eyes, which they thought were young people who were arrogant and conceited. That figure with endless troubles left behind!

Some strong men couldn't help but tremble!

Regardless of the king, or half the emperor! At this moment, it suddenly appeared that the cultivation level, status, power and invincible power they were so proud of were so ridiculous!

Even Emperor Wu said that he would fall if he fell! Even the soul of the soul is swallowed when it is swallowed! Never live!

What are they up to?


Wangcai's huge body is even comparable to the dragon! This is the true nature of the three-headed dog of hell! Nine ghosts demons comparable to mythical beasts! If the Wangcai Fusion is truly successful, even if it cannot awaken all the blood of the real Sky-Swallowing Devil Wolf in the future, it will be enough to run wild in the entire Three Realms and Nine Realms!

In the eyes of everyone, Wangcai patted the round belly with his front paws very humanely. Even if the blood of the Heaven-swallowing Devil Wolf can swallow all things in the world, he swallowed a Martial Emperor in one breath, enough for it to digest for a while.

"What exactly is this?"

A group of people were shocked and unparalleled. As for the three undead ancestors of Dugu's family, they roared and made crazy moves toward Wangcai!

"Naughty animal! Suffer to death!"

One of them even exploded with a terrifying aura directly, and in an instant it was like an invincible Emperor Wu! But it was not really breaking through that layer of shackles, but burning the fire of all his life!

At that moment, the sky was all depressed!

"Burning Soul! This is to die together!"

"He wants to kill the monster beast and save the emperor Dugu before being refined by that terrible monster!"

Someone saw the plan of the ancestor of the Dugu family. Although crazy, it is undeniable that this trick of the Dugu family is definitely their last straw! Even if all three ancestors have fallen, as long as the Emperor Dugu survives, Dugu Family will have a comeback!

Otherwise, no one can stop the decline or even the demise of the Dugu Family.

"A pinnacle half emperor desperately! Even if the Emperor Wu personally faces it, he must avoid his edge!"

A half emperor, or a peak half emperor! He did not hesitate to never live and burn all the souls of himself, at that moment, the sky evaded and the Emperor Wu evaded!

Everyone has eyes wide open! Want to see if that terrible monster will escape.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the huge monster beast opened its blood basin once again!

"Do not!!"

The other two ancestors of the Dugu family yelled, and only saw the giant beast swallow the soul-burning person among them! Not even a bit of struggle!

But obviously, after swallowing it, a terrible breath wanted to rush out of its body, but it was immediately suppressed!


A burst of inhaling sounds sounded!

No one made a sound at this moment, and even those invincible beings above Nine Heavens were a bit difficult to calm down.

"Naughty animal! I killed you!"

The three ancestors are all in the dust, although it is not the same era, but the one who died just now is the grandfather of one of the two remaining! Suddenly the remaining two roared!

If the Dugu Emperor was not rescued, they would never give up!

But soon, both of them were swallowed by Wangcai one after another!

At this time, even if Wang Cai carried the blood of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Wolf, he couldn't bear it!

To describe it as the saying goes, that is to eat and support!

One martial emperor, three top half emperors! Changed to a normal monster, even if it has the blood of a monster, it will explode and die at this moment!

"Dugu Family, it's over!"

I don't know who said in a low voice, and soon the rest of them took a deep breath.

Yes, Dugu's house is over!

The Dugu Emperor fell, and the three ancestors also fell! Even if Li Ye suddenly became benevolent and let the others in the Dugu family go, the Dugu family would definitely decline from then on, and then become countless fierce and greedy people!

Yuntengda 6 has been so cruel since ancient times! No one can last forever!

Peak powerhouse, invincible existence, even supreme supreme comparable to gods! Will eventually fall!

The sects and families that have been passed down through the ages have disappeared in the long river of history.

The Dugu Family, Tianyang Sect, has been passed down for thousands of years.

For a while, everyone's eyes fell on Li Ye! Those eyes were filled with fear, awe, fear, worship, and so on!

Those powerful sects, ancient inheritances, and hermit families, at this moment, finally understood that those rumors before were not deliberate exaggerations of Shen Danzong!

That's all facts!

"Unborn emperor! Kill the emperor first! Unexpectedly, after a thousand years, there will be such an enchanting generation again! The same era as him is the misfortune and sadness of all geniuses!"

A powerful casual cultivator, although he has no discipline or school, he has cultivated to the half-emperor realm alone, and he is also famous among casual cultivators. At this moment, he couldn't help muttering to himself, to those big sects, Li Ye was like a devil!

But for them, even some small sects, countless people crazily worship!

This time, no one will doubt those incredible legends again!

Because Li Ye told them with facts, Emperor Wu could only perish in front of him!

The remaining people in Dugu's family are ashamed!

They did not escape, because they knew very well that once the Emperor Dugu and the three ancestors died, even if they escaped, the family of Dugu would not escape!

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