Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2313: Suppress the sky

Which Martial Emperor was trying to kill A Fei just now is not so important at this time!

The important thing is that the fire lotus directly injured a Martial Emperor just now! Even if it was only a slight injury, everyone present took a breath!

Only those who had witnessed the Shen Danzong, who was shocked by the world, did not appear to be so horrified. After all, Li Ye directly cut the law body of a Wuhuang ancestor of the four major families. Compared with that, he is now hurt. A martial emperor is nothing more than an appetizer.

A Fei wiped the blood on his mouth. Although he is known as a martial idiot, and it can even be said that he is almost crazy for martial arts, he is not a fool. Now he is not the opponent of Emperor Wu at all. Facing Emperor Wu, he is afraid that he will be pinched to death if he can't resist even one move.

As for the undecided horror of the old undead who survived the catastrophe, it was finally relieved at this moment.

"Thank you supreme for helping!"

Although he has lived for countless years, he is very clear that in front of Emperor Wu, whether it is a mortal or an immortal like him, there is no difference. In the eyes of Emperor Wu, squeezing them to death is exactly the same as squeezing all ants to death.

Just now, if it weren't for the Martial Emperor who was behind the scenes, he would be directly beheaded and killed by the kid.

"Ancestor Mu Hui also survived a catastrophe! He lost only one arm, which is a blessing in misfortune for him!"

"I don't know which Wuhuang Supreme made the shot just now. If it weren't for that moment, Old Ancestor Mu Hui might have become a corpse at this moment."

Some powerhouses and elder-level figures of the sect were slightly moved.

It was an ancestor of Tianlanzong who had just escaped from A Fei's hands. As for Tianlanzong, it was one of the six sects that attacked Tianwaitian together with the Dugu Family of Tianyangzong at the beginning!

It can be said that there is no possibility of resolving conflicts and hatred between them and Li Ye. It is not that they do not want to, but Li Ye will not give them this opportunity at all! This is evident from the fate of Tianyang Sect!

Even if the Yingmen Dugu family and other cliques thought about paying a certain price to reconcile with Li Ye, Li Ye would have to nod and agree!

"The ancestor Mu Hui can be regarded as the first generation of fame and ruined! He is a strong generation two thousand years ago, but he sealed himself in dust very early. I heard that the impact on the emperor damaged the foundation of Dao, and this life is no longer possible. At the peak of the martial arts, I would choose to seal myself up. I did not expect to be cut off by a junior when I was born now. If it weren't for a martial emperor's help, I would drink hatred at this moment!"

Someone recognized the origins of Mu Hui's ancestor and couldn't help muttering to himself.

You know, this is a terrifying pinnacle figure who is almost invincible in that era, and Wu Huang can hardly find a few characters who can suppress him.

Although the dust has been sealed for so many years, but the strength is not reduced back then, but was forced into such a situation by a junior.

For a while, many older generations of powerhouses couldn't help but a trace of decadence and discouragement flashed in their hearts. Are they really old? Is this the age of young people?

Even Elder Yuyun couldn't help shaking his head and sighing. After all, even though he was also a half emperor, he could never be the opponent of the ancestor Mu Hui.

Above the sky, the owner of the hand that appeared just now was obviously angered!

A cold snort that almost suppressed the heavens and the earth sounded, as if ten thousand laws turned into an endless chain, pierced the void, turned into a cage, and suppressed Li Ye!

Seeing this scene, many people took a breath!

"The law cage! The lonely emperor!"

At this moment, everyone understood, who was the one who shot just now!

Lonely King!

There is no doubt that the relationship between Dugu's family and Li Ye is also regarded as a death feud. Although Dugu Emperor did not directly fight with Li Ye outside of the Shen Danzong, he also knew that Li Ye was terrible. Suppressing the demeanor of a junior senior, that terrifying aura can even suppress a piece of heaven and earth!

At this moment, everyone realized once again why there is a saying that there are ants under the Emperor Wu, and it remains unchanged forever! The ancestors of the half-emperor realm who were enough to suppress it just couldn't hold their heads up! Not to mention the king and those other people.

"What a terrible suppression! Is this what the Emperor Wu uses?"

The proud and conceited genius looks pale and weak in an instant. In the face of that absolute power, any pride and talent is just a joke! They are geniuses, but geniuses are nothing but geniuses! Unless one day, they set foot on the summit, stand at the same height as those giants, or even surpass them!

"That kid is dead!"

"The Dugu Emperor is the ancestor of the Dugu Family not knowing how many generations ago. It is rumored that the Dugu Family is best at suppressing one, but from the formation of the formation, let alone the same realm, even if it is one higher. The realm is also extremely jealous!"

An ancestor who knew the origins of the Dugu family could not help but exclaimed.

Although few of the descendants of the Dugu family can practice to this level, they are even almost lost, but now it is the Dugu Emperor! This move may not be effective for Emperor Wu, but to suppress those under Emperor Wu, it is definitely a handy one!

"Finally still can't help but shoot? I thought you would lock your tail and hide behind the scenes and dare not do it!"

Looking up at the huge cage that all the laws have turned into, there is no trace of tension or fear on Li Ye's face. On the contrary, there is a smile on his face! As if this is the result he has been looking forward to most.

Seeing his expression, everyone thought he was crazy!

Faced with Emperor Wu’s suppression, he was still laughing?

Even on the side of Shen Danzong, knowing that Li Ye is almost comparable to Wuhuang's strength, they are all heartbroken after seeing this scene.

"No problem, right?"

Elder Sun couldn't help asking, but no one could answer him. After all, unless it was the Supreme White Emperor who took action on their side, this kind of scene was beyond their ability to intervene.

However, Elder Yuyun smiled bitterly and shook his head. He didn't know if he didn't even know, or he didn't worry at all.

"At a young age, killing is so serious, you can't keep it!"

Above the sky, a cold snort, like a series of terrifying laws blasted into my mind. Even if the king is like a brain exploding, half the emperor can't help but resist it in order to barely maintain his mind.

Unfortunately, Li Ye's face was calm, as if not affected at all, and the corners of his mouth raised, "No wonder I can only rely on the emperor pill to avoid the emperor's robbery and change the day. As the emperor, he has to hide his head and show his tail, which is simply tarnishing the glory of the emperor!"

This sound pierced the sky and entered the ears of Dugu Emperor, instantly making Dugu Emperor angrily smile!

"Junior! You are looking for death!"

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