Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2310: Give you an excuse to join hands

Shen Danzong's attitude that he didn't want to control at all made the four major families, the Eagle Gate Dugu Family and other forces suddenly bold!

If the Shen Danzong intervenes, they do not dare to go too far. You must know that after the last battle of the Shen Danzong, but the entire star sea area, many sects have deliberately pulled closer, and want to repair the previous rift with the Shen Danzong. .

They glanced at each other, and they all showed a hint of clarity!

"I heard that the kid was arrogant and arrogant, coupled with the reconstruction of Tianwaitian, he has left the Shendanzong! Now it seems that the rumors are true!"

"If Shen Danzong does not protect him, see who can save him today!"

Several divine senses exchanged ideas with each other, and they all had a decision!

However, they did not see the sneers on the faces of the elders of the Shendanzong, and in the Shendanzong, the disciples who had failed to attack the temple of the Nine Extremes, all showed a trace of excitement!

"Are you finished? Hurry up when you're done, mother-in-law, one by one, just like the ladies, isn't it just to find an excuse for you to join forces to deal with this junior together? Don't be so hypocritical, I will give Your chance!"

Li Ye smiled indifferently, standing proudly in the air, with a powerful aura supporting him like a peerless **** of war!

Many people watched it and couldn't help taking a breath.

Some of the old monsters and ancestors who had just attacked the Nine Extremes Palace Shrine suddenly sighed that the years are not forgiving. Back then, they were all the powerhouses who were rampant and dominated an era, but even they were the same. There is no such thing as the boy in front of him, who even dare to provoke in front of so many powerful sects!

This is not only courage, but also the confidence that almost no one can increase!

However, overconfidence is arrogant! Some powerful men of the older generation squinted their eyes. They wanted to see how terrifying the peerless evildoer that had been making a lot of noise recently.

After all, who can cultivate to the realm of the king, who is not a genius before? As for stepping into the half-emperor realm, it was a foot on the threshold of the Emperor Wu, what was lacking was the trace of courage or the determination to turn back.

In their realm, ordinary genius is in their eyes, but it is just a joke.

"Whoever of you wants to kill me, or who is dissatisfied with the person who killed the Tianyang Sect just now, just shoot, come and I will kill one, come and I will kill ten!"

Li Ye gave them the excuse they wanted to make a move!

Provoking everyone! The ancestors of the four major families couldn't help but move!

But isn't this what they want?

Several powerful beings looked at each other, they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes! Any one of them is an invincible powerhouse under the Emperor Wu, and few can let them take action in person. But Li Ye's previous record was too enchanting, too defying, and they had to be cautious! It's just that they still don't believe that Li Ye used to force the Southern Emperor to explode the Law Bodhisattva himself, so they have the courage to make a move!

"Shen Danzong, is this the disciple you trained?"

An elder from Yingmen looked at Elder Yuyun, and tentatively spoke.

"This fellow Taoist is wrong. Our Shen Danzong cannot teach such a genius. Now he is our Shen Danzong honorary elder!"

Honorary Elder!

Many people took a breath!

The honorary elder of the Four Grade Sect Shen Danzong!

"But don't worry, everyone, our Shen Danzong will not intervene in this matter."

Elder Yuyun followed a sentence, letting the four major families and many people feel relieved.

Although they did not understand why Shen Danzong decided not to intervene, this undoubtedly gave them more confidence!

"It seems that the Shen Danzong knows that he can't provoke the anger of the public, and is ready to abandon the car to protect his handsome!"

"Even if it is the Fourth Grade Sect, facing the general trend, they have to consider one or two!"

There is never a shortage of self-righteous people, but there are very few truly smart people.

Only a handful of people can tell from the expressions on the faces of the elders of the Shen Danzong and some of their disciples, but they will not tell them, or even if they do, who will believe them?

"it is good!"

The ancestor of the Four Great Families is also considered to be an incredible figure, even when he became famous a thousand years ago, but later he ran out of life and had to seal himself in the dust. Now the vitality of the Four Great Families is severely wounded and killed. Had to take the risk of being born to wake up and preside over the overall situation.

"Everyone, you can't stay here!"

The ancestor of the Eagle Gate shouted, the first one!

After all, the Eagle Gate was also one of the culprits who came to destroy the genius at the time, and now seeing the end of the Tianyang Sect, they are naturally worried that it will be their turn next!

But the only thing that made them feel at ease was that the Qingyan Wuhuang of the Tianyang Sect had fallen, and the Tianyang Sect was not as big as before. But the Eagle Emperor Dinghai Shenzhen of Yingmen is still alive!

On the other side, there are two old men from Dugu's family. The first shot is the flames of the weather, which is terrifying!

"Oh my God! They are all enemies of the half-emperor!"

Many people exclaimed as soon as these old men took action!

The king is in the lower nine domains, even the top powerhouse! Half the emperor can almost be said that the emperor Wu is not out, it is a symbol of invincibility! Now several half-emperors are shooting at the same time, joining hands to deal with a junior! Who can believe it if you don't witness it with your own eyes?

In an instant, at least five half-emperor monster ancestors first-level powerhouses attacked Li Ye! That terrible power is even enough to make Emperor Wu move slightly!

Perhaps it was because of the fear and the miracle and record against the sky created by Li Ye at the time. These ancestors did their best to act with all their strength, and did not keep any hands.

"Shameless! A group of old things team up, you have to be shameless!"

With a jealous cry, although Tie Zhenzhen is not as talented as her brother Tie Mujin, he is considered a genius with the body of ancient blood, and now she has stepped into the realm of Heavenly Sovereign, but at this moment, she can't get involved. !

But she can't, Temu really can!

With a roar, Temujin turned into an ancient giant, the undefeated God of War! A giant spirit **** roared and slapped it, which directly caused one of the old monsters to change their complexion, and was shot and flew out in a low roar!

"If you want to hurt Young Master, I have to pass this level first!"

boom! The violent blood was completely exploded, and the blood was suppressed and almost made the ancestor who was shot flying vomit blood! His strength is above Temujin, but he is suppressed by his bloodline. He can only wield 70% to 80% of his strength. This is because he is invincible under the Martial Emperor. Otherwise, ordinary people can't even reach 50% of the strength. !

"Ancient bloodline!" The ancestor's almost angry face turned green, and the others couldn't help but move! This is the ancient blood! It's not just an evil talent for cultivation! And when fighting against people, that bloodline suppression is almost cheating! Too bad!

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