Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2302: Forcibly enter the nine-pole palace

Some people do not believe in evil, and show their magical powers!

Some people travel through the air with a powerful cultivation base, taking a thousand miles at a step, but they are still unable to approach. ≥

Some people also sacrificed powerful treasures, traveling thousands of miles in a flash, traveling through time and space, but the result was the same, unable to approach the temple above the void.

"I don't believe it anymore! This Nine Extremes Palace is really a Longtan Tiger Lair!"

Many geniuses are aroused to be competitive, and even some geniuses are secretly competing with each other! Who can set foot on the Nine Extremes Palace above the void first!

Not only are some casual geniuses or disciples of the small sect, but even some of the five-rank sects are doing everything possible to set foot on the temple's Jiuji Palace.

However, the real big sects, such as one sect, one pavilion, two sects, three schools, and four families, did not make much movement, as if they were waiting for something.

Compared with those small sects, the powerful sects that have been passed down for so many years have naturally learned too much about the birth of the Nine Extremes Palace.

"The Nine Extremes Palace hasn't really been born yet! In other words, it hasn't entered the world yet!"

I don't know where it came from an older generation of strong man's words, immediately set off an uproar.

Did not join the WTO!

Many people think carefully, indeed, even if it is above the nine days, with the strength of many people, they can easily set foot on it! Even if they can't step on it, some magic weapons are enough to take them up.

Unfortunately, no one has succeeded so far.

"I heard that an old monster who was a half-skilled half-emperor also wanted to use his powerful cultivation base to go up, but finally retreated."

When many people heard it, even the old monsters like the half emperor were unsuccessful. Many of them had just stepped into the heavenly realm! And isn't it more hopeless?

Naturally, there are also people who are thoughtful. After many people failed in their attempts, they suddenly thought about the words of a certain older generation who did not know where they were circulated.

"It seems that the Nine Extremes Palace hasn't really opened up yet, and now unless it's an extremely enchanting evildoer, no one can go up."

Really smart people can see that some of the ancient inheritances and powerful families of the Star Sea Region are still silent. This is undoubtedly a disguised confirmation of the words that have been spread before.

But the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

Those who do not believe in evil still forcefully want to enter the Nine Extremes Palace!

I only saw the terrible light passing through the void, like a roaring **** above the nine heavens, the terrifying aura directly tore the void!

"It's Shuiyuntian in Shuiyunting!"

Many people exclaimed! With that terrifying sword intent, no one could be found in the entire Star Sea!

"It seems that there are still top geniuses who can't hold back, want to break this silence!"

Seeing that geniuses like Shui Yuntian had personally acted, aroused many people's emotions!

Everyone is waiting, and they also want to know whether Shui Yuntian can succeed.

Many people tried before, even if they walked in the air and shuttled through the void, they couldn't get close to the temple at all, as if there was an empty space in front of them, blocking their way forward.

At this time, Shui Yuntian turned into a shocking sword light! All the opponents, any obstacles under his edge, disappeared, and they were directly torn apart!

But when he approached the temple, Du also slowed down.

When many people saw it, their hearts sank!

"Don't even Shui Yuntian succeed?"

In the entire Xinghai region, Shui Yuntian is definitely one of the top few among the younger generation! If even he failed, many people would even retreat.

"Look! He hasn't given up yet!"

I don't know who whispered, everyone took a closer look, and sure enough, although Shui Yuntian slowed down, he was still slowly approaching. It's just that as he gets closer and closer, his speed gets slower and slower, and even to the end, every step is like carrying the pressure of a million Jun on his back. Any step he takes, he can even see the entire void completely stepped on by him. broken!

After everyone looked at it, they couldn't help taking a breath!

"What a terrible pressure!"

There are no shortage of geniuses, and even the older generation of strong people are extremely moved at this time!

Shui Yuntian's terrifying aura is no less than that of any half-emperor, and it is even more profound than those of ordinary half-emperors! But even him is so difficult!

One of them, an old man who didn't know how long he had lived, couldn't help muttering to himself, "Nine Extremes Palace, it seems that even this first step, not everyone can pass! Enter it."

When the others heard it, they all shuddered!

This old man was also recognized, he was a half-emperor powerhouse who had been horizontally and horizontally hundreds of years ago, but it was a pity that there was no news later, and now he reappears, obviously coming for the temptation to enter the upper three realms.

Old monsters like him are rarely seen on weekdays. After all, many people cherish their lifespan, and even spend a huge price to cover themselves up to delay the arrival of death.

Nowadays, the road to the Upper Three Realms has taken a turn for the better, which naturally led to the birth of these people.

Of course, more are the gatherings of geniuses from all over the Star Sea Region. Almost all of these people come with confidence and pride, but now, all of them look heavy.

"He succeeded!"

I don't know who whispered, everyone looked at the void, Shui Yuntian finally tore the last void, stepped directly into the huge temple, and disappeared in front of everyone.

Seeing Shui Yuntian successfully entered, many people were agitated again!

Suddenly, I saw several rays of light burst through the air, turning into divine light and heading directly towards the temple.

These people are the kind of elders who have lived for many years and are close to the end of their lives. For them, going to the Upper Three Realms is the greatest opportunity for them to make a breakthrough and continue their lives, even at all costs. They will not give up.

It's a pity that these people couldn't even get close to the huge temple, so they were directly shocked back by the supreme pressure.

One of them is even more powerful than half the emperor. Even some powerful sects are very polite to this person. However, he was still unsuccessful, even if he was not reconciled, but he could do nothing.

"I heard that only people under 300 years old are eligible to enter the Nine Extremes Palace. If you are too old, you have almost never heard of anyone who can enter."

I don’t know where the gossip came from. Although many people sneered at it, it is good news for some young geniuses!

After all, the road to martial arts is slowly and long. No matter how talented they are, they can't be worth hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation accumulation! It's impossible for the older generation to enter now, and didn't they give them a chance?

For a time, many young people are eager to try.

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