Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2297: Seven Lian!

Someone unexpectedly killed the ancient dragon to refine the pill cauldron? And also hunted down nine ancient dragons in one go? How terrible is that? Who has the ability to do that kind of thing?

Obviously, no one can say clearly about the origins of the Nine Dragon Cangding or the ten great gods, and the various legends are just legends.

The only thing is that above the Nine Dragon Cangding, nine true dragons roared and roared, and even forced the penalty to be carried down! That kind of picture is extremely shocking!

It was like Nine Dragon Cangding and Li Ye's successive blocking, which completely angered God!

After the second round of Heaven's Punishment, the depths of the entire void seemed to be brewing even more terrifying power of Heavenly Scourge!


Li Ye's eyelids twitched. He didn't expect that refining a furnace of Dragon Pills would attract such a terrible punishment, far beyond his estimation!

The ghost king is extremely nervous! After all, that pot of medicine is the key to whether he can reunite his body! If he was ruined by the Heaven's punishment like this, he would not have time to cry.

But now he, don't say to help out, even close and dare not approach! Even though his Nascent Soul is extremely powerful, but in front of the power of Heaven's Punishment which represents God, once his Nascent Soul touches it, it will be wiped out in an instant! Never be overborn!


From the void, a terrifying sky thunder suddenly struck down!

There is no color, the purest gray, but at that moment, the pores all over Li Ye's body were erected! It was a kind of instinct for the foresight of danger, which made him understand how angry God is with this pot of medicine he refined!

Perhaps, not just because of Dragon Pill! And the birth of Nine Dragon Cangding! And his delusion to swallow the trace of heavenly power contained in the condemnation!

Not only the inheritance space, the outside world, the Sword Palace is almost like a lone boat in the storm, crumbling!

The whole Shen Danzong was all nervous at the moment!

Even directly with the joint efforts of many elders, they barely opened up the guarding formation that had been defeated by the empty emperor before!

Without any sound, everyone felt that their eyes suddenly turned black and white, and all the sounds disappeared.

Looking around, the robbery cloud on the void is disappearing, and the clear sky is gradually revealed, and the Sword Palace is still there, as if what happened just now is just a dream.

Only the White Emperor and others knew that it was not a dream of everyone, but even they were a little bit confused about what happened just now.

"Not bad!"

In the inheritance space, Li Ye was greatly relieved.

For a moment, he thought he would fall short, after all, that moment was terrible! Far beyond the limit he could imagine!

In front of him, the surface of the Nine Dragon Cangding was slightly dim, as if all his spirituality had been exhausted just now. At this time, it seemed that there was no trace of the mighty prestige of the divine cauldron at all, and it was more like an ordinary Danding. Even the carvings surrounded by Kowloon on the surface are as if petrified, showing a hint of grayish white.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Reaching out and touching it gently, at the last moment just now, Nine Dragon Cangding almost carried the final punishment on his own! No one knows what happened at that moment, but Li Ye saw the picture of the nine true dragons being shattered under the condemnation.

Of course, those are not the real nine true dragons, but the powerful souls sealed in the Nine Dragon Cangding! Now, after his vitality is severely injured, he enters the divine cauldron and hibernates.

"It seems that it will be unavailable for a while."

Divine Ding is not omnipotent and invincible, at least Li Ye can feel that for a long time at least, Nine Dragon Cangding will become like ordinary Dan Ding without any effect.

Inside the pill cauldron, three round and jade dark red pill lie quietly there, looking ordinary.

But seeing these three pills, Li Ye's eyes lit up.

"We actually refined three of them!"

According to his plan, forcibly refining and refining the dragon pill itself is a risky behavior, let alone him, even if it is a real pill, it is not necessarily a certainty.

It is a surprise to be able to successfully refine one, even if it is the worst in color.

"One top grade, two middle grades!"

He took a breath, you know, his plan at first was to refine a low-grade dragon pill! And when you look carefully, there are several spiral patterns faintly appearing on these three pills!

Count carefully, there are seven ways!

"Seven Refining Emperor Grade Pills!"

Let alone the ghost king, Li Ye himself was shocked!

What does the imperial pill of seven levels of refinement mean?

Even if it is a real Danzun, it is not necessary to refine the five refinements or more! Seven Lian! Almost only the pinnacle Danzun or even the legendary Dandi can do it.

The ghost emperor was swallowing this saliva, the seven-refined imperial pill! He has lived for thousands of years and has never seen him before! For countless years in the entire Xinghai Region, it was unknown whether anyone had refined such a high-quality pill.

"Well, son, don't you see... I only need a slightly worse one!"

Even if the color is slightly worse, it is also the seven emperor grade pill! If this is circulated, it is definitely comparable to a royal weapon, no! The treasure beyond the emperor!

Rubbing his hands, the ghost king looked pleased.

Li Ye didn't hesitate much, and directly threw the dragon pill with the best color to him. This stunned the ghost emperor. He originally thought that Li Ye would give him one of the poorest dragon pill, but he didn't expect that Li Ye would give him the best one without even thinking about it.

If we say that the ghost king followed Li Ye because of the situation at first, and then he saw the amazing potential of Li Ye. So now, he is really convinced!

This kind of pill, which was even more precious than the top-grade imperial weapon, was given to him without any hesitation. It was absolutely impossible for him to change it.

Leaving the inheritance space, it will take a while for the ghost emperor to reunite with his physical body. Although it is impossible to return to the original state, at least, after having the physical body, his strength can slowly recover.

As soon as he came out, Li Ye was taken aback for a moment when he looked at the Wu Lao Peak, which was almost a piece of scorched earth, and the spirit of the world was chaotic.

"Has been robbed?"

Seeing Li Ye coming out, the White Emperor appeared instantly, "Is your kid's masterpiece just now?"

"What my masterpiece?"

"Don't be sloppy with the emperor, don't you want to dismantle the Shen Danzong! If it weren't for the emperor to support the mountain guarding formation, the entire sect would be destroyed!"

so serious?

In the inheritance space, Li Ye felt the terrible lingering prestige, but when he thought about it carefully, it was weakened by the inheritance space. One can imagine what kind of situation it is in the outside world.

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