Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2294: Dragon Pill

The true dragon family is also called the monster dragon family.

No matter whether it is a real dragon or a demon dragon, no one has dared to deny it for countless years. The Three Realms and Nine Regions have always been at the end of countless races, powerful and terrifying!

If it weren't for being a sacred beast, limited by the way of heaven and difficult to multiply, it would be difficult for these three realms and nine realms to become the world of the true dragon family.

But even so, at a certain time, in the entire Three Realms and Nine Regions, countless people were hunting these terrifying existences.

The real dragons are all treasures!

Dragon meat is a medicinal guide for refining some pill, and it is also a delicacy that even the gods in the world can't ignore. A mortal eats a bite of dragon meat, can live forever, strengthen the body, and even an ordinary person eats a bite of dragon meat, reborn directly, and directly step into the innate realm is not a problem.

Dragon blood, people who are rumored to be bathed in dragon blood can be invulnerable to fire and water! Of course, this is an exaggerated method, but it is true that the body of a person bathing in dragon blood will be tempered once, and even for some strong body refiners, the biggest pursuit is to bathe in the blood of a real dragon! Live to the dead!

As for the dragon bone and dragon bone, it is the most advanced refining material in the world. Some refining materials are far from comparable. Of course, it also needs to be at least the level of master craftsman to be able to refine the dragon bone and dragon bone. Forge an extremely powerful magic weapon of true dragon weapons.

Yes, the true dragon is a treasure. It attracted countless human races or other racial powerhouses to be greedy and hunted everywhere! Also triggered a war of the century, Long Dao was furious! The soldiers crushed the realm and swept the entire three realms and nine realms!

Of course, those that have been countless years ago, even far longer than the active age of Emperor Tianjian, can be traced back to the early days of ancient times.

On the contrary, nowadays, the true dragon family and the major divine beasts seem to have become a story limited to the mythology. Few people have heard of divine beasts or real dragons.

The ghost emperor was extremely excited, he was dignified, and he naturally understood what dragon blood meant! At the same time, he also thought about it. I don't know how many years ago, in a dilapidated manuscript that he had seen in an ancient relic cave mansion, it recorded that in the ancient times, someone had developed an incomparable pill!

That kind of pill is to use the blood of the real dragon as medicine→→→→, m.▼. lead, forcefully change life against the sky and reshape the golden body!

"Master, are you trying to..."

Ghost Emperor rubbed his hands with a look of surprise, but he was not sure. After all, he had once investigated the kind of medicinal pill, but unfortunately, there are few records, but in the few remaining records, it can be seen that even if that kind of pill was in ancient times, it was against the sky. And yes, it is by no means ordinary people can refine, and even, any alchemist who dares to refining is to declare war on the true dragon family, and even the heavens will drop terrible damnation!

"Aren't you going to reshape your body? I will give you a chance now, but there is no guarantee that you will be restored to your original peak state."

In fact, Li Ye was not very sure in his heart.

Refining dragon pills, as the name suggests, even real dragons are refined! How terrible? You know, even the weakest real dragon, once it reaches adulthood, it will be the equivalent of a human emperor!

Of course, the real dragon pill is not so exaggerated. The real dragon is refined, but the blood of the real dragon is refined, and then the essence of the real dragon is extracted, combined with some heaven and earth elixir to reshape the flesh.

It's just that the Dragon Refining Pill is an imperial pill that surpasses the holy rank, and it is not an ordinary imperial pill.

For alchemists, the pill to reach the holy level means transcendence into the holy, causing the anger of heaven! And to the level of the imperial product, even more so! The emperor grade pill is divided into one to nine refinings. One emperor grade pill is the worst, and the nine emperor grade pill is the best.

Prescriptions beyond the nine refinements are imperial medicine, that is, only the emperor is qualified to take it!

The emperor grade pill, even if it is the initial level of refining, it is not qualified to refine the ordinary pill king, unless it is some extremely talented, powerful peak pill king!

Or half-step Danzun!

The real imperial grade pill, only Pill Zun is qualified to open the furnace for alchemy.

Li Ye hasn't really reached the level of Danzun now, but under Danzun, at least in this star sea area, he can't find a person more qualified than him to refine the imperial pill!

Li Ye still has this confidence.

A quaint Danding tripod appeared directly, frightening the ghost emperor.

"This! This is! This is the Nine Dragon Cangding!"

The ghost emperor took a closer look, his eyes flashed with incomparable horror, and he cried out in shock.

Li Ye was also surprised. He actually recognized the Nine Dragon Cangding. The ten great gods had disappeared since the Primordial Famine Period. Now, not many people really knew about it in the ancient times.

"Prince son, this emperor... I once entered an ancient ruins. Inside was a cave mansion of an ancient mighty power. This senior was an alchemist, and half of the handwriting left behind recorded about the Ten Ancient Ruins. Some information about Da Shending."

The current ghost emperor doesn’t have any martial emperor's prestige. Don’t hold your life in Li Ye’s hands. Ever since he saw Li Ye’s various enchanting trump cards and secrets, even if he is completely restored to his peak now, he dare not fight Li Ye again. .

Even he lowered his mentality and decided to follow Li Ye. Perhaps that would be an unpredictable opportunity for him.

"That's it."

Li Ye's head slightly slightly. Although there are few records of the Ten Great Divine Cauldrons in the ancient times, there are still some words and phrases, especially in the past countless years, some alchemy giants, in addition to chasing the different fires of the world, for the ten great divine cauldrons, That is also obsessive and enthusiastic.

"With this divine cauldron, I am at least 60% sure that I can refine the dragon pill. Whether it succeeds or fails depends on your good fortune."

Sure enough, it is a dragon pill!

The ghost emperor felt that his breathing was rushing, although he now only has Yuan Ying, which is unpleasant, he has only one soul left! But he couldn't help showing excitement.

60% chance! Although Li Ye was very casual, the ghost emperor couldn't help taking a breath!

That's Dragon Refining Pill! The real imperial pill! Even if it is only a level of refining, at least Dan Zun has the means to refining! How old is Li Ye in front of me?

What's more, refining the dragon pill is such a heaven-defying pill that even Emperor Wu's body can be reshaped. It is definitely not as simple as the imperial pill of one refining and two refining! It is definitely a higher-quality pill.

Even the real Danzun is not confident that he has a 60% certainty to refine the dragon pill?

Below the Nine Dragon Cangding, the black and red sky and thunder and fire ignited raging, but for the top ten gods, the different fire of heaven and earth can burn everything, but it cannot burn the gods!

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