Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2292: Ghost Emperor's Suggestion

Sure enough, after hearing the words, Mei Huang looked dark.

She and Xun Chu Qilan are still brothers and sisters, and she was also one of the many disciples of the White Emperor. But in the end, the White Emperor gave her the emperor pill instead of Xunshu, who was considered by everyone to be more talented at the time, or Qilan, who was the most stable and talented Taoxin second only to Xunshu.

Although she has not understood all these years, there is no doubt that at least she does not need to be like the two of them. Even if she is alive, she will treat herself as a dead person and be sealed forever.

"Is it that serious?"

"Serious? Haha, more than serious! So to you, with their current strength, once the emperor's robbery appears, they are at least 60% sure that they can get through! If there is that chessboard, it can also increase the chance by 10%! But Now, once the emperor robbery appears, they will surely be annihilated!"

This is definitely not Li Ye's alarmist talk!

The world of Yunteng Continent has its own set of rules of heaven and earth. The so-called heaven and earth are actually the rules of the operation of the entire world! As long as within this rule, no matter how you toss, there is no problem. But once it is exceeded, it may attract the heavenly condemnation!

It's like the violation of the heaven and earth oath, or the forced renewal of life against the heavens, are all beyond the tolerance of heaven and earth.

For Tiandao, this kind of person is like a virus! What God needs to do is to kill viruses! That's it, it's very simple.

Mei Huang was silent. After all, in the entire Star Sea Region, there were not many people who had really faced the emperor's calamity. Even her, many of the martial emperors were pseudo-emperors in the eyes of the powerhouses of the Upper Three Realms, and had not experienced the baptism of the emperor's robbery.

"Okay, I don't care about their life and death. Anyway, the causes and consequences I planted must be borne by myself. I will go to the Nine Extremes Palace, and the alliance between Tianwaitian and Shen Danzong will not change. And I promised Bai before. Sovereign, I will naturally remember that if I can gain a foothold in the Upper Three Realms in the future, I will naturally find a way to come back."

These words made Meihuang's expression a bit complicated.

She knew what those agreements between the White Emperor and Li Ye were, and everything the White Emperor did was from the perspective of the sect. But she is not. Her feelings for the boy in front of her are very complicated.

Master and apprentice? Not to mention, the two have never been mentors from the beginning.

Meihuangtu ⊕"⊕"⊕"⊕", she trembled all over, she was unwilling to continue thinking, because it was an answer that she did not want to touch, at least, she was not prepared for that kind of mentality.

"Son, have a hand!"

After Mei Huang left, suddenly a two or three-year-old baby appeared in the house, but he made an old voice. It was the ghost emperor who was now in the state of Yuan Ying.

At this time, there was a weird smile on his face, Jie Jie Jie smiled strangely, "Mei Huang, even the emperor wanted to get it back then! It's a pity that no man can make her tempted for so many years. I didn't expect it. I felt a touch of affection for you guy!"

After that, he laughed strangely, with an ambiguous expression on his face, which was old and disrespectful.

"To shut up!"

Li Ye was not polite with him, and with a cold snort, the ghost emperor shook with fright. Now he is not convinced with Li Ye, he is not convinced. In his eyes, Li Ye is a pervert, and it is comparable to the pervert of the devil a thousand years ago!

Especially in the previous battle, the ghost emperor had seen it all the way, and he knew that the current Li Ye was enough to kill him at his peak! It was several times more terrifying than it was at the beginning.

However, he still had the courage, and said, "In fact, why don't you take the initiative? This emperor sees that as long as you use the means, this stunner Meihuang will definitely be able to catch her! If you can take her down, when you go to the upper three realms, there will be It’s a bit of protection."

Upper Three Realms!

In these few days, Li Ye was not wasting his time.

Regarding the Upper Three Realms, he started to inquire from all aspects.

Regardless of the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor, the Ghost Emperor, or even Ye Wuming and Jian Chen, it is a pity that the one who really understands the Upper Three Realms is the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor, but that is also the Upper Three Realms before his fall, and now he doesn't know how.

As for the others, they are all vague, and obviously not much is known.

But there is one, that is, the powerhouse of the upper three realms far exceeds the imagination of the lower nine realms!

"Guy, although the emperor is not as strong as you now, but he advises you, the Upper Three Realms is very dangerous! It is not the paradise that everyone imagines. There, the competition is more cruel, and even the terrible of the strong is beyond your imagination."

"What do you think?"

"The meaning of this emperor is very simple. Before going to the Three Realms, try to improve your strength as much as possible, or find a few strong people together! Meihuang is a good candidate, although we, such as Wu Sovereign who rely on the emperor's pill, are not considered in the upper three realms. A master, but at least one more helper, right?"


Indeed, although Li Ye's own strength is rapidly improving now, it is impossible to always fight alone. By his side, those who can really help him now are Li Shishi, Ao Tian and Wangcai.

Shui Linglong barely managed to keep up with her cultivation level, but the other people who were really optimistic about Li Ye were only Temujin! The potential of the ancient bloodlines in the future is limitless, but it takes time!

Upper Three Realms, he will definitely go! But when it comes to the Upper Three Realms, it is tantamount to working hard from scratch!

It's like entering the Xinghai Region from Jiangnan Road, everything is over again.

But suddenly, Li Ye showed a smile, and the ghost emperor was frightened.

"Ghost emperor, spared the circle for a long time, actually you want me to help you recover your physical body, right?"

"Hahaha, the emperor knows that I can’t hide it from you, but this is not the emperor’s calculation, after all, now the emperor has issued the oath of heaven and earth, and will never betray you, otherwise, you will be condemned and destroyed. If you To help the emperor recover his physical body, how come to the Upper Three Realms, there is also one more person who can be summoned, right?"

Although he knew the thoughts of the ghost king, he had to admit that his words also made sense.

"Don't worry, I promised you, I will do it! It is not difficult to restore your physical body, but it is naturally impossible for an ordinary physical body to restore your peak."

Emperor Wu has fallen, if Yuan Ying can escape, there are two ways to resurrect. Either seize the house! Either reshape the body!

The former is betting on life! To find a target that has good talents, is not weak in cultivation, and can be swallowed by the power of the soul, but it is not that difficult, but it is easy to succeed and find that you become a useless person or find a suitable target but you fail to defeat it and turn yourself back. Be swallowed.

As for the latter, it is more difficult than the sky! But once the remodeling is successful, it can be restored to its peak!

Obviously, Li Ye decided to choose the latter! If a Wu Huang’s Yuan Ying makes him a waste, it is not a waste?

Of course, prosperous money lying on one side, like a pet dog, raised his head from time to time, staring at the ghost emperor's Yuan Ying with faint eyes, split his mouth and sticking out his tongue, with a look of greed, scared the ghost emperor back again and again.

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