Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2279: This is abusing food

As soon as the words were spoken, Yeoyun and the others couldn't help but fought a cold war!

Although Qing Lang also felt that something was wrong, he didn't know who Li Ye was.

He is too confident! Even confident to the point of arrogance! After leaving the customs, although he heard that Shen Danzong encountered an embarrassment not long ago, he did not understand in detail what happened.

However, Yeoyun and others knew who Li Ye was!

Is it a joke for someone who even dared to kill Wuhuang?

"Li Ye! Everyone is the same, you..."

Unfortunately, before he finished speaking, Li Ye took a look and closed his mouth. Then he smiled bitterly. From beginning to end, Qing Lang was aggressive and wantonly to make trouble. If it was him, he probably couldn't bear it at this moment!

It's just that he couldn't help but said, "He is the closed disciple of Lord White Emperor, and he is still showing mercy."

He knew the strength of Li Ye, the ghost emperor and the Nan emperor, such peerless powers, fell in Li Ye's hands. Even if Qing Lang was a genius, he was just a genius evildoer in the eyes of ordinary people. There was no way to compete with Li Ye. Kind of perverted comparison.

Unfortunately, his kind reminder made Qing Lang's complexion pale!

As if being insulted, his eyes narrowed! He even hates Yeon Yun! After all, those words were exactly like begging Li Ye for his life! How can proud people accept this?

"Well, for the sake of the white emperor, I will not kill him."

Nodded, after all, Shen Danzong was not too bad for him, and the White Emperor could be regarded as a senior he respected. Since he was the opponent's closed disciple, he was not good at making heavy moves.

Moreover, he knew very well that several pairs of eyes were watching deep in the void.

If they really want to make heavy moves, perhaps they will also directly intervene.

The reason why he didn't show up now was just because of face or because he knew Li Ye's temper.


Shouted! With a big hand, Qing Lang turned his entire body into a huge palm print, and he was suppressed immediately!

The prestige of the half-emperor is definitely not something that the king can resist! After all, it is Sanhua Gathering the Five Spirits to achieve the Yuan Dynasty! Even if one side of the world is not used to suppress, this hand is enough for the ordinary king to resist, and the bones and meridians of the whole body are broken.

In his opinion, Li Ye Xiuwei has just stepped into the realm of the king. To ordinary people, he can be regarded as a top genius, but to his genius, he is just a weak one!

"Thunderstone two kinds of Taoist rhyme?"

Feeling the palm print, Li Ye was a little surprised. After all, mastering one kind of Taoist rhyme is enough to be called a genius, and mastering the two at the same time can be so integrated, which is rare in the world. He suddenly understood the reason why Qing Lang was so arrogant and conceited in Shen Danzong. Indeed, he was much stronger than ordinary people.

Especially, the two kinds of Taoist rhymes blend perfectly! Even within the realm of Half Emperor, few would be his opponents.

It's a pity that Qing Lang met Li Ye!


The mountain collapsed and the earthquake trembled! Everyone took a breath!

"Hmph, with such a big tone, I thought I had something to do. In the face of Lord Meihuang, I will not kill you, I will only teach you a little lesson!"

There was a touch of complacency on Qing Lang's face. He couldn't help but glance at the Heavenly Phoenix Saint, wanting to see surprise or even admiration from her face, "Huh, the man you looked at is just a trash. Now I see him. So embarrassed, I don’t believe you will fall in love with him!"

Unfortunately, what made him unable to understand was that the Heavenly Phoenix Saint didn't have any panic or even worry on her face, and she didn't even look at him.

It's not just the Saintess of Heavenly Phoenix, but You Yun, Bai Jingyun, and most of the other disciples of Shen Danzong.

"that is it?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded a little disappointed, and Qing Lang's complexion instantly changed!


The moment he saw that Li Ye was unscathed, he was stunned.

"Lei Shi's two Taoist rhymes have good talents and savvy, and ordinary half-emperors are indeed not your opponents, but they are still a little weaker."

He patted the dust on his shoulders. Li Ye didn't move a moment earlier. With his body alone, he blocked Qing Lang's nearly nine-strength attack. Except for some dust, he didn't react at all.

The seventh peak of Battle God Technique!

Now he, just relying on his body, is equivalent to a terrifying imperial weapon!

"Since your shot is over, now it's my turn!"

Before the words fell, Li Ye lifted his foot directly! Just as the force of a thousand-junk stepped on the void, in an instant, the entire void was shattered, as if unable to withstand the force of that step!

"What a terrible body!"

The true disciple who had just made troubles couldn't help but exclaim!

They all saw that Li Ye didn't use any power at all, he just took that step with his body, but that's it, this stepping power even exceeded the power of the king! Compared to Qing Lang's use of Taoist rhyme just now!

Qing Lang was not a fool, and he knew what mistake he had made at a glance!

At the same time, I finally understand why everyone's expressions are so weird!

Unfortunately, he woke up too late!

Without any moves, Li Ye stepped out again, like a terrible weight, making Qing Lang couldn't help but roar! The three flowers on the top of the head appeared directly, and a figure of Dharma appeared behind him, and Li Ye was about to fly away.

"One step at a time!"


The Qing Lang method shattered, the three flowers were bleak, and the whole person screamed. Opening his mouth, he spurted blood and flew out, crashing a mountain not far away.

The outcome has been divided, and even from the beginning, everyone knew the result.

Er Yun breathed a sigh of relief. Although Qing Lang was shocked and flew out, he knew that Li Ye was already merciful, otherwise it would not be that simple and it would end.

But Qing Lang suddenly roared into the sky, and the whole body was even surrounded by five-color light, and the sky was transformed into a vast sky behind him, forming a unique world!

He is not satisfied!

Seeing him like this, Yeoyun's expression changed.

However, Li Ye's gaze narrowed. Indeed, his men were merciful just now, just taking that step with the physical body to cooperate with the heavenly step, but seeing the crazy look of Qing Lang, finally his eyes flashed with a chill.

Thousands of times the sky and the earth instantly turned into a big hand, even if it was that one world, after all, it was not a real small world, and couldn't bear it. Under such terrible suppression, twisted and deformed, it seemed that it would be completely shattered at any time!


Li Ye stepped out, directly making Qing Lang no longer able to support it, the five-color light shattered with a crack, and the world behind him disappeared directly, and his whole person spurted blood and was directly pressed into the ground!

This time, the injury was heavier than the one just now, even if he was wearing the quasi-imperial inner armor, it caused Qing Lang to spurt blood into a coma.

With a sigh, Li Ye retracted his foot because an old man appeared beside Qing Lang.

The White Emperor! After all, I couldn't help it.

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