Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2257: Nanhuang, fall!

At this moment, a group of people were scared to move by the terrifying aura released by several Emperor Wu.

The collision between Martial Emperors is definitely the first time in the Xinghai Region in a thousand years, and this time it is a direct collision between several powerful sects and Martial Emperors, which is enough to reshuffle the entire sect pattern of the Xinghai Region.

"The Emperor Bai, you only have four, you really think you can keep that kid out of it!"

Even if the number is superior, the Beihuang and others are still reluctant to do it easily. After all, in their realm, either they are in peace with each other, or once they are shot, it means that it is very likely that one of them will fall from there.

And if a strong man at the level of Emperor Wu is aroused by blood, he will directly explode! It's not a joke, let alone so many people present, even whether the Beihuang and others can get away safely is a problem.

On the contrary, it is the Shen Danzong, but relying on the sect to guard the mountain, it can completely cope with the changes!

No one dares to look down upon an ancient sect that has been passed down for thousands of years. After all, Shendan Sect is not the original Tianwaitian. Even if Tianwaitian was not killed by someone, it would be too late to open the Tianyang Sect’s Dugu Family. Whether the sect can successfully break through is a problem.

If you can't do it, don't do it!

The Beihuang and others knew this in their hearts!

Most importantly, they are jealous of the White Emperor!

Among all martial emperors, the white emperor was the first to become emperor. No one knows how the emperor became emperor in the first place, whether he relied on the emperor's pill to break through or rely on himself!

If it is the former, forget it, if it is the latter!

The Northern Emperors were even more jealous!

"Bai Huang, a disciple, why should this be the case? Is it necessary for a disciple to take advantage of Shen Danzong's thousands of years of ancestry?"

The ghost emperor is yin and yang strange, but he also doesn't want to do it.

Regardless of the fact that the White Emperor and others in Shen Danzong seem to be inferior, but if you really want to start, no one can say what the result will be.

Even if they have seven people here, they still have concerns. The key is that they each have their own calculations, and they really want to start, and they may not know whether someone will stabbing in the back.

The White Emperor is obviously not stupid. Seeing this, his confidence is naturally much higher, and there is no expression on his old face.


However, this stalemate could not be maintained after all, because no one thought that at this moment, a black shadow suddenly flashed past the Shen Danzong!

Then suddenly there was a scream!

This scream came suddenly, no one expected, but when I look closely, everyone's face has changed drastically!

"Southern Emperor!"

I only saw the Nanhuang Yuanying, who was originally the size of a two or three-year-old baby, fell into the hands of a young man. He was struggling desperately, and his face was even more horrified!

"Who are you? This emperor...Ah!!!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly screamed in horror! A puff of black smoke enveloped Nan Huang’s Yuan Ying. With the appearance of those black smoke, Nan Huang’s Yuan Ying was actually aging at a speed visible to the naked eye. The original radiant white and tender skin was rapidly aging, and it was blinking, as if it changed. Becoming an old little old man, the essence of the whole person's vitality was almost exhausted, and the air was like a gossamer, leaving only the last breath.

This scene happened too suddenly, even Emperor Wu didn't react, and he saw Nan Huang end up like this.

"No! No! You can't do this! Stop! Stop!"

The screams of the Southern Emperor that were almost desperate awakened everyone!

And when you look closely, the young man holding the Southern Emperor is the true disciple of Shen Danzong, and Hei Yan, the personal disciple of Yao Huang!

"Black smoke! What are you doing!"

Yao Huang shouted!

Although the Southern Emperor's Dharma body was buried by Li Ye, at least the Yuan Ying was still there. As long as the Yuan Ying was still there, it was possible to reshape the Law Body. The contradiction between Shen Danzong and the four major families had at least room for relaxation!

But if the Southern Emperor even the Yuan Ying was destroyed, it would really be endless!

However, to the angry shout of his master, the black smoke did not respond, and there was a wicked smile on his face. The whole person felt that his temperament had changed drastically, and he had no connection with the black smoke that everyone in the Shendan Sect was familiar with.

"Do not!!!!"

With a desperate roar, the Nanhuang Yuanying directly turned into a mummy, wrinkled completely without the trace of aura. At the same time, suddenly, a golden bead broke out of the mummy. A hole was torn open on his forehead and turned into a golden light to flee away.

"Huang Dan!"

At that moment, a series of inhalations, exclamations, greedy eyes looking towards that golden light!

Emperor Wu has fallen! There is no doubt that the Southern Emperor is dead! Even Yuan Ying was directly swallowed by the essence of his body, so the emperor pill broke out!

Almost all the eyes of the four major families are red!

After the Northern Emperor, the Southern Emperor also fell! The four major families have completely gone into decline! But at this moment, the only thought in their hearts is revenge! Then grab the emperor pill that appeared after the Southern Emperor's fall!

The timing of the black smoke is too coincidental! No one cared about him as a disciple of the Shen Danzong, but he did not expect that the Southern Emperor did not die in the hands of Li Ye, not in the hands of other Martial Emperors, but died in his hands!

"Shen Danzong! Our four big families are incompatible with you!"

With an angry roar, the four big families, whether they are the strong men of the older generation or the evildoers of the younger generation, almost all went mad toward the black smoke! At the same time, there are even more people who want to catch the emperor pill that flies away! As long as the emperor is still there, their four big families have a chance to make a comeback!

The Beihuang and others also reacted instantly! But there is greed in their eyes!

Emperor Dan! Although it is useless to them, once you get it, you can add a martial emperor to the forces behind you! This kind of opportunity is only opened once in a thousand years in the Star Sea Secret Realm, or the Emperor Wu accidentally fell and broke the Emperor Pill!

Suddenly, one hand seemed to ignore the distance of space and grabbed the emperor who wanted to escape!


It's black smoke again!

The indifferent expression revealed a strange smile at this time, and then I saw him smile coldly, his figure flashed, and even exceeded the reaction of everyone, hiding in the Shen Danzong!

The process before and after was too short, and even Emperor Wu had no time to react.

In this way, everyone is stupid.

Not to mention that the people of the four major families are stupid, the Beihuang and others are also shocked.

Even the Shen Danzong, from the White Emperor to the elder Yuyun and others below, were all stupid.

The Emperor Yao didn't even know his disciple, his eyes widened!

Then the result cannot be changed, the Southern Emperor is dead! Died in full view! Different from the mysterious death of the Northern Emperor, everyone has seen it! Nanhuang died in the hands of Heiyan, a true disciple of Shen Danzong!

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