Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2253: The emperor who fought has started using imperial weapons

Emperor Wu was angry and bleed for thousands of miles!

It's just that everyone is different from just now. At first, everyone thought that Li Ye was crazy, and he was actually looking for death to provoke Nanhuang's existence to his face.

Many people, including Shen Danzong, sighed.

But now, it's completely different!

In the void, Li Ye was covered in blood, but stepping on the dragon, standing with a sword, the whole person even seemed to give people an illusion! Just like the darling of the heavens, bathed in a light golden light wheel!

"Flood dragon! And the water dragon is so close to the real dragon!"

Many people don't know Li Ye's trump card, and more are rumors!

But people now they see, a flood dragon that almost turns into a dragon! Taking the existence equivalent to the pinnacle half-emperor among human beings, even the Emperor Wu can't come out, just such a dragon is enough to run wild, no one can stop it!

"what is that?!"

I don't know who exclaimed. Everyone saw that the huge black shadow that almost swallowed the Southern Emperor just now finally revealed its body. It was a huge three-headed demon wolf with a body of several tens of feet!

Each of the three heads is like an independent soul, but the terrifying magical intent released in the eyes makes even some powerful kings feel a strong throbbing in their hearts! It was an instinctive response to a terrible existence that he could not defeat.

"Three-headed Hellhound!"

Finally an old man blurted out, and as he exclaimed, the others took a breath!

A dragon is enough to frighten a whole group of people, and now there is another monster that is rumored to come from the Jiuyou Hell and is almost side by side with the beast!

In addition to the golden weird man who could even directly smash the Emperor Wu's body, all of them opened their mouths for a while.

"How many hole cards are hidden in this child!"

"The Flood Dragon that almost turns into a dragon!"

"Hell three-headed dog!"

"That golden weirdo is definitely not an ordinary puppet! That hardness is definitely more terrifying than an imperial weapon! And it seems to have the instinct to think about fighting independently!"

The Dharma body was almost shattered, and the Southern Emperor vomited blood out in anger. He was the Emperor Wu, why was he so embarrassed?

But while he was furious, he suddenly felt a trace of fear in his heart!

Such a young man can already threaten the life of a strong man like him! And how old is Li Ye? So young, what will happen in ten years?

No one will know!

Some people even couldn't help lowering their voice, "The Devil Sovereign was born a thousand years ago, swept across the entire star sea, and even the Emperor Wu has fallen! Thousands of years later, history will repeat itself!"

This is an old man, although he has not personally experienced everything that happened that year, but he listened to the elders of his teacher to mention it.

"Impossible! Demon Lord generation of Tianjiao, even Xinghai Mansion is moved by it, even if Li Ye is evildoer against the sky, he can't compare with Demon Lord!"

Indeed, the horror of Li Ye has already scared everyone.

But compared with the demon king thousands of years ago, one of the most important conditions is missing!

Kill the emperor!

The devil can be the emperor before he becomes the emperor! Shocked the world!

Unless Li Ye can also do this, he will always be the peerless evildoer and masterful genius in the eyes of others, second only to the devil, but he will never truly get out of the shadow of the legend of the devil.

Before becoming an emperor, behead the emperor first, this is almost an unsurpassable legend!

In the void, there was a bell in Nanhuang's hand, which was the death knell that Beiyuan Xu had just sacrificed at the expense of a century of blood.

"Imperial weapon!"

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help but be moved!

The Southern Emperor was actually forced to use the imperial weapon!

A magnificent emperor, facing a junior, not only was he injured, but he even used the imperial weapon regardless of his face! If it wasn't for everyone to see with their own eyes, who could believe it?

A martial emperor was forced to use the imperial weapon, even if the whole world would not recognize it, but at this moment, at least in the eyes of the Southern Emperor, Li Ye is no longer the ant in his eyes that can be trampled to death at will! It is a powerful enemy of the same realm that can truly threaten his life!


The ringing of the bell was like a huge blast exploded in the hearts of everyone. Not to mention ordinary people, even a respected king or even a half emperor could not bear it!

"not good!"

The imperial weapon, only in the hands of Emperor Wu, can truly exert its truly terrifying power.

It's like a peerless sword, no matter how sharp it is, it is only sharp when it falls into the hands of a baby, and it even becomes a double-edged sword.

But it fell into the hands of a martial arts expert, but it could be turned into the most terrifying killer in the world! Cut everything!

For the first time, Li Ye felt that his sea of ​​consciousness was like being hit by the stormy waves. If it weren’t for his spirit to be far beyond his realm, he would change anyone, even if it was the elder Yuyun Beiyuan. If you are a strong person, you must peel off if you die!

The imperial weapon, in the hands of Emperor Wu, is the **** of death who truly shakes everything and destroys everything.


The second time the bell rang, everyone had already avoided it. What a joke, they wouldn't retreat under the power of such ruining the world, and they had already run over the fields!


Although Li Ye's soul is far superior to people of the same realm, after all, he still can't compare with Wuhuang Broken Pill Adult Infant.


In the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, a crack appeared on the surface of the golden core condensed by Li Ye's soul!

The sound of the bell directly attacked the soul of the Sea of ​​Consciousness of others, and even destroyed the body and spirit! Especially in the hands of a real martial emperor, that is like a fish in water.


The third time the bell struck, Li Ye trembled again and again, and suddenly Ao Tian Yangtian under his feet screamed, and the dragon's magical power directly collided with the bell, causing the positive film to be shattered into nothingness again.


With the fourth sound, Nan Huang's face was shocked! This death knell is a middle-grade imperial weapon! It can even be said to be the most powerful treasure of the town clan of the four big families! Even using his cultivation base is a bit difficult!

After all, the lower emperor can nurture the refining of the lower emperor, but the middle emperor is only qualified to refine the emperor!

"This emperor sees how many times you can bear it!"

The middle-grade imperial weapon, the Southern Emperor is even confident, even if several martial emperors of the Shen Danzong who are also at the same level of cultivation level as him, they can only retreat under this death knell!



Wangcai and Ao Tian couldn't bear it either, and were recalled by Li Ye! On the contrary, the golden corpse puppet was not affected at all, but could not get close. Cracks began to appear on the surface of the body. Obviously, under the bell, not only the soul but even the flesh would bear a certain impact.


When the bell struck for the sixth time, Nan Huang's whole body momentum had risen to its peak!

At the same moment, in the void, a **** eye that looked down on the people like gods suddenly opened! At that moment, like the gaze of the gods, everything will be bowed down!

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