Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2224: Give me a face

Hearing this, Li Ye frowned.

Li San met him peacefully, but he took in him, who was barely left at the time, and aimed at this kindness. Naturally, he had to take care of this matter.

It's just that he now doesn't know the situation in Wuzhou City.

After a careful calculation, it has been more than ten years since I left Wuzhou City. In fact, he doesn't know what Wuzhou City looks like now.

And most importantly, he couldn't judge whether the Beihuang and others were around.

After hesitating for a while, Li Ye's figure jumped. Although he was still seriously injured, it was too simple to avoid ordinary people who didn't know how to practice.

At this time, the Li Family Courtyard was surrounded by many people.

In the middle, there was a young man kneeling, **** all over his body, and he was beaten by a whip.

Not far away, a beautiful girl of sixteen or seventeen, crying with rain, knelt on the ground and begged, "Mother! Just let the third brother go! I volunteered! I really volunteered! Not the third brother's. wrong!"

At this time, a graceful and luxurious milfs, a pretty face of righteousness turned pale.

On the side, a few young people pointed, but they stood on the sidelines.

"Creating sins, why did the second lady fall in love with Li San as a servant! It was like a flower stuck in the cow dung."

"No, the second young lady is as noble as a flower. Last time the young master of the Wang family came to propose a kiss. That's right."

"Yes, the Wang family is now considered a distinguished family in Wuzhou City, and the old man of the Wang family was promoted to the rank of innate king last year. I heard that the young man of the Wang family was also talented and might become the heir of the old man. However, the second lady does not like it. On it."

"No wonder the grandmother is so angry. The second young lady is also outstanding in cultivation talent. Now she is in the seventh level of Lingwu rank. In the future, she is very likely to become the innate person of our Li family. When she returns to the clan, her status will be greatly improved. Pity."

No one noticed that there was one more person around, and Li Ye blended into the crowd so naturally, and saw Li San kneeling over there, and the girl with pear flowers begging for rain.

This scene is very familiar and unfamiliar.

The sorrow of the big family is right, but it exists everywhere.

If it were before, he would not approve or interfere with this phenomenon, because he helped once, but could not help the whole life. People must rely on themselves.

But Li San was different, even for that life-saving grace, he would not let it go.

"Look at the situation first."

Silently thought in his heart that Li San is not in danger of life, so he needs to understand the situation first.

At the same time, he glanced at Li San and the woman called the Second Miss.

This glance made him understand somewhat.

Li San is just an ordinary person with blocked meridians. The first level of Lingwu rank is a little reluctant, and the second lady is a good foundation. In his eyes, if it is not here in Wuzhou City, but from some sects in the Star Sea region, At this age, you can at least cultivate to the realm of noble ones.

The reality is so cruel, there is nothing fair or unfair. It's like Li San is so humble in front of the Li family. In the eyes of the people above, let alone the Li Family, even the entire Wuzhou City or even Jiangnan Road, what counts?

He thought of the Ye Family, thought of the Upper Three Realms, maybe he is now a character in the Xinghai Territory, and the emperor Wu chasing him down. But in the eyes of the people of the Upper Three Realms, what kind of existence does he look like?

"Li San! What else do you want to say?"

"Grandma, Li San just please don't blame the second lady, everything is the villain's fault, the villain seduced the second lady, the second lady is pure and kind, and the villain's persecution, everything is wrong with the villain! Don't punish the second lady. Miss."

Li Ye also noticed that the second lady was exactly the woman who saw Li San hugging and hugging Li San before he went into a coma. Obviously, if no one came to help, the final result could be imagined.

"Okay! You have been a long-term worker for the Li family for ten years, and you have been diligent and diligent. You even saved the master three years ago. I will give you a way out! Come on, interrupt his three legs and give him Thirty gold coins, drive out of Li's house!"

The rewards and punishments are distinct. Originally, Li Ye was a little cold-eyed towards people like the Li family, but from this point of view, the Li family was not unkind.

It is a big taboo to seduce young lady by the next person! He was very clear about this. It was all light if he changed some other wealthy families and directly beat Li San to death. But which of the so-called big grandmothers of the Li family, while punishing them, still missed the old feelings and gave thirty gold coins, which is considered to be the best.

Moreover, he also saw that the second young lady in the Li family was actually not the perfect body.


"Take Miss!"

"It's Madame!"

However, at this moment, the second lady of the Li family suddenly jumped up, pushed other people away, and suddenly came to Li San's side. At the same time, she didn’t know when she had an extra dagger in her hand, reaching her Snow White. On his neck.

"Feng'er, what are you doing!"

The grandmother of the Li family suddenly changed her color, exclaimed, and the other people's expressions also changed.

"Mother, if you don't promise me and the third brother, I'd rather leave Li's house with him! Please do it!"


At this time, Li Ye actually had a clear understanding of the ins and outs of the whole matter, and no one found out when he appeared behind Li San, and then easily grabbed the dagger in his own hands.

Everyone in the entire Li family was almost stunned!

"Little brother, it's you!"

Li San saw Li Ye with a look of astonishment.

The second young lady at the side also recognized that Li Ye was the half-dead person back then, and looked surprised.

What was even more surprising was that Li Ye could actually **** the dagger from her hand silently.

"Slapstick should be enough."

Shaking his head slightly, this matter does require someone to intervene. At least, since I encountered it, and Li San was kind to him, he would naturally help.

"Who are you?"

Suddenly a person appeared, and even took away the dagger of the second young cultivator genius in their hearts, but it shocked everyone in the entire Li family.

The grandmother of the Li family's grandmother Feng's eyes condensed. She herself is not weak in the Li family's cultivation base, with the nine-fold Lingwu rank, which is almost the highest cultivation base, but she was shocked to discover that Li Ye is like an ordinary person, but one She appeared, but she was almost pressured to breathe.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What is important is that a couple of lovers, why bother to separate them, and Li San, the little guy, I look like a good person. Why don't you give me a face and perfect them?"

brat? Everyone's expressions twitched a little, especially when the words came from a teenager who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old.

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