Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2218: Wu Huang's invincible coat

ps. Today’s update is here. By the way, I will give a vote for the starting point 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 votes. Voting will also give away starting point coins. I beg your support and appreciation!

Emperor Lei ran away, but Emperor Kong Kong was stopped by Emperor Zhen.

All of a sudden, Li Ye had to face it, only Ghost Emperor!

The situation changes rapidly, and no one can predict that things will evolve into this situation.

Coming out of Li Ye Mi's territory, the Northern Emperor was intent on killing!

Then Dan Shang Qing emperor and Mei emperor fighting technique, hit the depths of the void.

Everything started because of Li Ye!

Li Ye is not afraid to fight the ghost king head-on! Even if you can't beat it, at least you have the power to protect yourself. But now, it is difficult for him to continue to resist the pressure exerted by the ghost emperor.

If it hadn't been for the three kinds of wills that left the ghost emperor's heart lingering and wouldn't dare to take it easily, Li Ye would have died in the opponent's hands.

However, the ghost emperor also saw that Li Ye had no other means. As soon as the killing intent appeared in his eyes, the terrifying power seemed to be crushed by the entire sky on Li Ye.


Another spout of blood, Li Ye flew out all over, and the bones all over his body made a creaking and harsh sound, which was a manifestation of the physical body almost reaching its limit.


A hand appeared on the top of Li Ye's head, as if it appeared directly from the void. If it was pressed on Li Ye's head in this way, even diamonds would instantly turn into powder.

"Want to kill me! It's not that easy!"

The unyielding roar erupted directly from Li Ye's body, and three golden lotus flowers appeared on Li Ye's head, forming a barrier directly.

But seeing this scene, the ghost king laughed very coldly, full of sarcasm.

If this palm directly smashed three golden lotus, even if Li Ye survived, it would be a waste from now on!

The gathering of the three flowers is itself the manifestation of the three souls among the three souls and seven souls in the human body! Once annihilated, what is the difference between being alive and dead?

However, the next moment, the expression of the ghost emperor changed slightly, because he did not smash Li Ye's three golden lotus with his palm, and even dared to be shocked by a weak counter-shock force.

But at the same time, Li Ye seemed to have been hit hard, and blood spurted out like a moneyless person.

"court death!"

Before being put on the palm of Li Ye Yijian, although it was just some skin trauma, it also made the Ghost Emperor furious! Now that he couldn't kill Li Ye for a long time, he couldn't hold the ghost emperor's face.


Li Ye's whole body was almost deformed, and he directly smashed the entire back mountain, which was not originally very high, into a huge hole.

In Wuzhou City not far away, it seemed that the mountains were shaking, like an earthquake.

"what happened?"

"Mom! I'm afraid!"

The chaos in Wuzhou City became a mess. After all, such violent shaking was definitely a terrifying picture for ordinary people, and many houses even collapsed directly.

In the city, several auras appeared one after another, and it was just the innate powerhouses of Wuzhou City. But there is also a touch of horror on their faces!

Unlike ordinary people, they all felt where they came from and looked directly at the back mountain.

"It's Back Mountain!"

"Is there a magic soldier born?"

"No, this feeling, is there some kind of powerful beast lurking near Wuzhou City?"

They did not dare to approach, because the intuition belonging to the warrior made them feel that if they approached the back mountain, they would be greeted by death.

In the back mountain, Li Ye smashed into the mountain, almost smashing the entire back mountain into two.

"Boy, this emperor told you that with your current state, it is absolutely impossible to fight the Emperor Wu!"

Heavenly Sword Great Emperor is also incapable of using it, he is just a ray of remnant soul, he doesn't have a ten thousandth of the power at his peak, and he can't help if he wants to help.

"So much nonsense! What should I do now?"

"There is only one way!"

"any solution?"

"The power of Emperor Wu comes from the power of the world in his own small world, and at the same time he controls the general situation of the world at least a thousand times!"

"what do you mean?"

"I have told you what the emperor should have told you! Although that is impossible, since a thousand years ago on your side, someone used to behead the Emperor Wu before he became an emperor, it shows that this method is feasible!"

Demon Lord!

Li Ye's heart swayed, a thousand times the trend! He is almost a thousand times closer now! Combining the heavenly step and the nameless exercise method, it has reached at least 900 times!

As for the power of the world! The inheritance space in his body seems to be able to separate a trace for him, although it is very weak, it also meets the conditions!

The only thing is if the general trend of the world rises to a thousand times! Directly break the ghost emperor's suppression of him in strength!

The entire back mountain was shattered in an instant, and what appeared in Li Ye's line of sight was the terrifying body of the ghost emperor.

Only this time, Li Ye's breath was a little strange.


Kong Huang, who was stopped by Emperor Zhen and unable to make a move, suddenly sighed, not only for him, but also Emperor Zhen.

"This kid has improved so quickly!"

From Li Ye's body, an aura like the will of the heavens was rising crazily!

At the same time, Li Ye stepped out directly, although he spurted blood all over his body, but for some reason, his pupils contracted slightly when the ghost king saw it.

"Heaven and earth!"

It seems that there is only one step away from the nine-hundred-fold world and the thousand-fold world, but only when you reach that state will you know how big a gap is.

Amazing step!

Li Ye directly took the sixth step he had never tried!

In an instant, he felt his internal organs, muscles, bones, and blood all turned into mud in an instant!

Thousands of times, that is the height that only Emperor Wu can reach! Anyone who uses forcefully has only one consequence!

But now Li Ye has no other choice! Either die or live!

Thousand times the general trend of the world!

In just this moment, Li Ye's power was almost as powerful as the Ghost Emperor! At the moment when both the world and the earth have reached a thousand times the momentum, a chemical reaction has actually occurred, melting each other!


Everyone's eyes were almost widened, and they didn't understand how Li Ye did it. Only Zuo Yujie, as if seeing Li Ye's madness, took a breath!

"Madman! This kid is a madman!"

The power of each other disappeared, and all of a sudden, the invincible Emperor Wu, who was as high as a god, seemed to be torn away the coat of myth in Li Ye's eyes, leaving only a real mortal inside!

The Ghost Emperor's expression has changed drastically! Why is Emperor Wu so terrifying, why does he regard common people as ants? It lies in the power of the world they control and a thousand times the trend!

Now the thousand-fold trend was madly offset by Li Ye, as if returning to an ordinary person with only a strong cultivation base.

"Even if there is not a thousand times over the world, with the current you, you still have to die!"

【It’s coming soon, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelopes list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers and add promotional works. One piece is also love, it must be better! 】

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