Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2210: Nine Deaths

In secret.

Li Ye finally awakened from entering concentration, and spit out a foul breath from his mouth, and the whole person seemed to have recovered to 70% to 80%.

"Li Ye, you finally woke up."

Seeing Li Ye wake up, Eryun breathed a sigh of relief.

"Worry you, right, now how long will it be before the secret realm exit opens?"

In the past two days, Li Ye almost walked away from the ghost gate! Injured one after another, take the wounds with Qingtian and others in the North Campus! The most serious of them was that his heart and the foundation of martial arts were defeated by the Emperor Wu's will!

If it weren’t for his physical body far beyond ordinary people’s imagination, God of Fighting Art had even raised his physical body to an exaggerated level. After changing anyone, he would have returned to the dust. Even if he barely saved his life, his foundation would fall. Even draw an end to the road of martial arts.

"It's already opened! If you are not waking up, we are all considering whether to leave directly behind your back!"

"Already opened?"

After hearing it, I knew how much time I wasted, but obviously there was still some time.

When the three of them left the cave, they saw a hole in the void from a distance, which was the only way to leave the secret realm.

"Li Ye, now that you killed Qingtian in the North Courtyard should have been spread out. You are too reckless to go out like this!"

Suddenly, a trace of hesitation flashed across Eryun's face, with a trace of worry.

Although the Saintess of Tianfeng woke up without saying a word from Li Ye, she nodded slightly and hesitated, but she said, "You better prepare for the death of Qingtian in the North Courtyard. Make the Beihuang angry and even directly attack you!"

Regarding this point, Li Ye had long expected that at the moment when he killed Qingtian in the North Courtyard, he knew that he would face this problem sooner or later.

But does he regret it?

Obviously not!

Even if he was given another choice, he would still choose to kill Qingtian in the North Courtyard!

"I'll go out first! Look at the wind, the White Emperor and the others are also outside. If they take action, the Bei Emperor should not dare to force it."

To fight against Emperor Wu, naturally only Emperor Wu can do it.

Even if Li Ye goes against the sky, can he still compete with Emperor Wu?

The Heavenly Phoenix sage also nodded, "I also tried to ask Master Zhen Huang to take action, at least so that the Northern Emperor would not dare to mess around easily."

In fact, in their hearts, if they were to give Li Ye a few years, they might really not be afraid of the threats of those Martial Emperors, but at this time, the so-called "green hills" are not worried about no firewood, and the necessary concessions are still impossible. Avoided.

The two stepped into the crack where the secret realm exit was.

The next moment, the two appeared in front of everyone.

"Someone has come out!"

"It's Heavenly Phoenix Saint!"

"That person, isn't he a genius from Shen Danzong?"

Seeing the two, many of them looked weird. Just now, they already knew something, and their natural expressions were exceptionally weird.

Saintess of Tianfeng suddenly felt a look on her, and when she looked up, she found that Emperor Zhen was staring at her with a complex and angry gaze.

Slightly, Heavenly Phoenix Saint knew that the scene she least wanted to see had happened!

"Pavilion Master."

Emperor Zhen obviously suppressed his anger, but still asked, "Where is Li Yeren!"

Lee Ye?

Saint Tianfeng was shocked, but she shook her head subconsciously, "I didn't see him."

However, this answer did not satisfy Emperor Zhen. It was just that everyone was present, and Emperor Zhen did not say much, but from her eyes, she could see a little bit of Heavenly Phoenix Saintess, but she couldn't help but speak, "Ge Lord, I..."

"Go back this time and stay in retreat for ten years!"

Ten years of retreat! ? Heavenly Phoenix sage trembled all over, she knew that Emperor Zhen was really angry! But still scrupulous about the relationship with her, this kind of punishment is the lightest kind of punishment for the rules of Tianxiang Pavilion!

But Heavenly Phoenix's maiden cares more about the smell revealed by Emperor Zhen's attitude.

"Pavilion Master!"

"Needless to say! The emperor will not make a move against him! But he will never make a move for him!"


For a moment, Heavenly Phoenix Saint's pretty face turned pale! What Zhen Huang said so straightforwardly is equivalent to knowing the relationship between her and Li Ye. But for the sake of her ancient blood, she did not take away his identity as a saint, but punished her to stay in seclusion for ten years! This kind of punishment can completely see the importance of the Heavenly Phoenix Saint to the Tianxiang Pavilion.

It is precisely because of this degree of importance that Emperor Zhen made such a choice!

"Apprentice, don't blame being a teacher, you have ancient blood, you will eventually step into the emperor realm one day, and even hit the godless realm! Being a teacher is for your good."

I couldn't help but sigh, and Emperor Zhen was also helpless to choose.

For Li Ye, she was also shocked after learning about Li Ye's background! If she were to be replaced by any female disciple of Tianxiang Pavilion, even if she was a candidate for the saint, she would consider being silent and even taking the initiative to match!

After all, what Li Ye showed was not much weaker than the bloodline of the ancients. Such a talented and enchanting junior now has a good relationship and will have an unexpected effect someday in the future.

At least, it will not deliberately enmity.

But the Heavenly Phoenix Saint, who has gathered all the hope of Tianxiang Pavilion, can't be destroyed!

Emperor Zhen was so decisive that he even took control of the Heavenly Phoenix sage without giving her a chance to speak again.

When everyone saw this scene, they all had strange expressions.

Ye Yun's expression was startled. As expected, what made him strange was why the expression of Emperor Dan Shang Qing was so cold? Bai Huang and Mei Huang have sad faces?

"Er Yun! Where is Li Yeren!"

It was Mei Huang who asked the question. As Li Ye's nominal master now, she was naturally the most anxious.

The current situation is quite unfavorable for Li Ye!

Dan Shang Qing emperor could not even give the white emperor's face, plus the Northern Emperor's intent to kill, Zhen Huang stood on the sidelines, once Li Ye appeared, life and death would be unpredictable!

Even if she and the white emperor are willing to protect them, the ghost emperor, thunder emperor and empty emperor on one side have not yet expressed their views!

"Master Bai Huang, Master Mei Huang."

Seeing the two martial emperors, Ye Yun's mind was agitated, and he also saw the current situation, Li Yeruo was coming out, more and more fortunate. But he couldn't enter the secret realm in front of him again to tell Li Ye not to come out, and he couldn't help but sweat on his forehead.

"Li Ye! Don't come out! Even if you miss this opportunity to leave the secret realm, with your talent, you can definitely step into the realm of Wuhuang! Waiting for the next reincarnation after a thousand years!"

Staying in the secret realm is bound to wait for the next thousand years, most people can't afford to wait, but Li Ye is different! After 10,000 steps, Li Ye still has the emperor pill in his hand, and he can use it himself to attack the Emperor Wu!

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