Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2193: Who is the prey

Outside the cave, several figures appeared one after another, revealing terrible killing intent on each of them.

"It should be nearby!"

These people are the Beiyuan Qingtian and others who came to chase Li Ye.

Although the secret realm is large, for them, in addition to being unable to travel from the sky and limiting their speed, it is not difficult to catch up to two people.

"Li Ye is already injured, and the Heavenly Phoenix Saintess will not run far with him!"

Duguqun had a cold face, and now that he had completely torn his face and openly attacked Li Ye, it was tantamount to forging a beam. If Li Ye cannot be killed before the secret exit is opened, there will be no chance at all in the future.

In front of me, there are mountains. At first glance, they seem a little unnatural, as if they were placed here forcibly, and between the mountains as if they were forcibly inserted into the earth.

"What a weird place, the aura here is so chaotic!"

Several people chased them all the way, and they also showed a slight vigilance. Although the aura of heaven and earth in the entire secret territory is not full, it is especially obvious in this area.

But more importantly, the entire aura is completely chaotic, like a pot of porridge. If an ordinary person steps into this place, let alone absorb the aura of heaven and earth, it is even enough to be torn apart by this distorted aura in an instant.

Fortunately, the strength of several people is strong, although they feel uncomfortable, they can hardly stop their determination to kill Li Ye.

"Look! They won't run far, they should be hiding around here!"

Qingtian in the north courtyard swept his surroundings, and the powerful divine consciousness split out, tens of thousands of miles away, almost never letting go.

However, soon his expression changed slightly, frowning slightly, "Something's wrong, the aura here has actually been affected by the spiritual consciousness!"

With his cultivation base, his spiritual consciousness is swept away, and everything within a hundred miles is like a ****. But just now, as soon as his consciousness left his body, he found that he was almost crushed by the distorted market! Fortunately, he reacted very quickly, but he was helpless to find that the divine consciousness could only be within a hundred feet of the body, reaching the limit. Once it exceeds this range, it is very likely to be completely torn apart by that distorted position!

Sure enough, not only him, but Ye Lanxiang and others also had the same expression.

"What a weird place, even the sense of God is not good to use."

"They must be around here, thinking they can disturb us by relying on this complicated terrain and aura!"

The limited sense of consciousness increased the difficulty for them to search for Li Ye and Tianfeng Saintess. But he wanted to expand the scope of his spiritual consciousness, but he didn't dare. After all, the divine consciousness is equivalent to a clone of their divine soul. If it is torn apart, it is equal to the divine soul being injured.

Once the soul is injured, it can even easily affect the future road of martial arts.

"Ye Lanxiang, you and Heavenly Phoenix Saint are the same door, is there no way to find her?"

The Duguqun looked towards Ye Lanxiang. Although their target was not the Heavenly Phoenix Saint, there is no doubt that finding the Heavenly Phoenix Saint was equivalent to finding Li Ye.

Qingtian and the others in the North Courtyard also had a ray of cold light across their eyes. If the Heavenly Phoenix Saint hadn't intervened, Li Ye would have died in their hands.

Not far away, a few more figures appeared, clearly distinguishing from Beiyuan Qingtian and others, it was Temuzhen and Zuo Yujie who had arrived.

However, the two did not dare to get too close. After all, for the two of them, if the North Courtyard Qingtian and the others turned their guns to deal with them, it was equally dangerous.

"Tie Muzhen, we must find the boy Li Ye before them, otherwise Li Ye will be in danger if they are one step ahead."

The situation was chaotic at the time, and no one thought it would become like that. When the reaction came over, the Heavenly Phoenix sage left with Li Ye first. Now that the two of them are catching up, they naturally want to reunite with Li Ye. At least after the reunion, the combination of the Heavenly Phoenix Saintess is not without the power to fight the Beiyuan Qingtian and others.

"I know! If there is any danger to the young master, I will definitely make them pay the price!"

However, surrounded by mountains, everyone's spiritual consciousness was affected, as if they had lost their eyes. Only with the most primitive means can they search all the way. All of a sudden, the group of geniuses who were used to searching and sweeping with God's consciousness were very uncomfortable.

Inside the cave, Saint Tianfeng raised her ears slightly, her spiritual consciousness faintly covered the entire cave, shielding the breath of herself and Li Ye, after listening for a long time, finally nodded slightly, "I shouldn't find it yet, but I found it here. It’s just a matter of time."

Although Li Ye was seriously injured, his spiritual consciousness was not affected.

However, his expression changed slightly, and he discovered that his divine consciousness was actually suppressed by a certain force, but compared with other people, with the strength of his divine consciousness, at this time, he was able to change easily.

Knowing that he didn't have much time and didn't talk nonsense, he immediately seized the time to cross-legged to adjust his breath.

"Give me half an hour!"

Half an hour does not mean that it can be restored to its peak state, but at least 40% to 50% of the strength can be restored. At that time, he naturally has a plan to get out.

Half an hour! The Heavenly Phoenix Saint nodded, although it was unrealistic to avoid half an hour under the search of Qingtian and others in the North Courtyard, but since Li Ye said so, she would naturally not refuse.

After hesitating for a while, he glanced at Li Ye that he had entered the Ding Ding, and when he gritted his silver teeth, his figure flashed but left the cave.

"They must be drawn away!"

Although due to environmental factors, the spiritual consciousness of the people in these mountains has been compressed to a very weak point, but with everyone's cultivation base, even if it is a mountain, it will not take long to turn over the whole thing.

It won’t even take much time to find them.

In the next moment, the Saintess of Heavenly Phoenix swayed again and again, and she walked directly in a certain direction, even revealing a slight breath, as if she was afraid that those people could not find her.

Sure enough, as soon as the Saintess of Heavenly Phoenix released her aura, two figures appeared in a flash not far away.

"That was just now!"

"Huh, want to go! It's a bit late!"

These two people are Thunder Ming and Qingtian in the North Courtyard. The two looked at each other, and both saw the sneer in each other's eyes. If it was normal, the two of them would not be the enemy of Li Ye if they joined forces, let alone add a Heavenly Phoenix Saint, but now and then, now they are hunters! And Heavenly Phoenix and Li Ye are just prey in their eyes!

"Don't rush to chase! Call the others!"

Beiyuan Qingtian hummed in a low voice, and as expected, two figures flashed again, and Duguqun and Xunyu also rushed over. Obviously, they had just noticed the aura of the Heavenly Phoenix Saint, so they came here.

The four of them chased directly in the direction where the Heavenly Phoenix Saint had left, but just after they left, another looming black shadow appeared in the same place.

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