Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2191: Saintly love

Just as Ye Lanxiang screamed, Li Ye was not unharmed.

The three imperial weapons, the will of the three martial emperors, even if it was him, it would not be so easy to bear it head on.

Although it seemed that there was no damage on the surface, at that moment, the three wills almost directly shattered all of his defenses. If it wasn't for his physical body to be comparable to a low-grade imperial weapon, it would be just that, and another person was replaced. , If there is no imperial protection, it would be annihilated!

The internal organs are almost shattered, and at least 30% of the meridians are broken!

Emperor Wu’s will represents the ultimate power of Emperor Wu that is far beyond their imagination! That is another realm beyond the true power.

Using flesh and blood to directly block the will of the three martial emperors is already scary enough in itself!

However, Li Ye at this time needs time to repair himself!

"he is injured!"

Ye Lanxiang's scream made Li Ye feel a little worried.

Just now, he was too big, and the consequence of resisting the three imperial weapons frontally is that he is now, at least in a short time, let alone fighting with people again, even if he moves.

Seeing Li Ye's state at this moment, Ye Lanxiang's eyes showed a sneer smile. At that moment, indeed he and everyone were shocked by Li Ye's calmness, but unfortunately, there is still a trace of flaws!

"Young Master, be careful!"


Temujin worked hard, but at best he stopped someone, and the others were beyond reach!

Zuo Yujie's expression also changed. At first, he felt that Li Ye was fine, but he knew that Li Ye's current situation immediately stopped him.

But at this moment, the other people directly bypassed the two of them, and with terrifying killing intent, they vowed to kill Li Ye's heartache today.

"If you dare to touch the young master's hair, I swear to bloodbath your sect!"

Temujin roared again and again, and everyone was stunned. After changing anyone, they wouldn't take it seriously, and even sneered sneer. But Temujin is an ancient bloodline, and God knows where he will grow in the future!

But such a good opportunity to kill Li Ye, if let go, they will regret it for life!

Even Xun Yu, regardless of his friendship with Li Ye, a disciple of the Shen Danzong, had the most terrifying intention to kill among the few people!

Because he was scared! He was terrified!

The appearance of Li Ye has not only threatened his position in Shen Danzong, but also made him feel a kind of horror!

"Li Ye! You must die today! Don't blame me! Only blame why you chose to worship Shen Danzong!"

Finding an excuse for himself, Xunyu's starting strength has increased a bit!

"Xunyu! No!"

Hei Yan and Er Yun's expression changed, and they shouted at the same time! Unfortunately, the two are still late. Xunyu was almost the first one to do it! A palm was directly printed on Li Ye's chest! That is simply rushing to death!


Li Ye, whose internal organs were shattered, spurted out a big mouthful of blood, instantly turning into a few blood arrows!

Xunyu couldn't avoid it, and didn't expect that Li Ye still had the energy to counterattack at this time, only to hear a scream, several horrible openings appeared on his face, and one of his eyes was shot through!

No one thought that Li Ye could still react at this time, but it would increase the murderous intent of a few people against him!

Ye Lanxiang's ghostly body appeared behind Li Ye, and the orchids in both hands were pointed upwards, turning into two life-threatening glows! Go straight to two fatal points behind Li Ye.


Li Ye spurted blood all over, and suffered severe injuries one after another, which made him more injured.

"He's dying! Get started!"

It was Ye Lanxiang, and the shrill voice made the others reflect.

"Dare you!"

At this time, Yeoyun and Heiyan finally recovered, and Yeoyun roared even more. After all, Li Ye was a disciple of their Shen Danzong, and he was worshipping Meihuang with him. He could not just ignore it!

But seeing the two of them wanting to take action, they heard someone smile coldly, a figure appeared in front of them, and the terrible power suppressed the two back again and again.

"Yun Qiantian!"

Seeing the person who stopped them, the two changed their colors at the same time, and they didn't expect Yun Qiantian to intervene. Although he didn't take action against Li Ye, this attitude undoubtedly meant that he also wanted Li Ye to die!

After thinking about it carefully, it actually makes sense. The existence of Li Ye is his biggest stain! Only when Li Ye is dead, he is the strongest among the crowd!

Unless it's an empty fantasy, if Li Ye dies, who will be his opponent here?

At that time, the emperor pill is not in his bag? He didn't even bother to kill Li Ye himself!

"Yun Qiantian, good calculation! Dignified Xinghai's No. 1 Young Master actually used this kind of indiscriminate means, don't you feel that you have lost your identity?!"

Ye Yun was furious, but he knew that he was not Yun Qiantian's opponent, and even if he and Hei Yan joined forces, he might not be able to fight.

"Xia Sanjian? Ben Shao sees him because of his injury. If he doesn't make a move, he is the most benevolent. Why do you say that you two should stand here obediently, don't do it lightly."

Yun Qiantian is really good at calculations. He is different from Li Ye. He has an unparalleled Yun family behind him. Once he gets the emperor pill, he is 90% confident that he will not fall into the same way Li Ye is now. The end.

So he is waiting! Wait for Li Ye to be killed by everyone, and then attack the emperor pill! Take advantage of a fisherman!


In the void, Li Ye spouted blood again, and the whole person collapsed the only remaining hall of the Qing Lingzong. The entire hall collapsed, but the few people who chased him would never give up easily!

"He has a breath left! Don't let him run away!"

A cold light flashed in Qingtian's eyes in the north courtyard, and the jade mirror in his hand turned into a hot light, directly annihilating a large area, as if it had been evaporated.

Sure enough, a figure covered in blood entered the sight of several people.

"Li Ye! Today is your death date!"

"Hahaha! Aren't you crazy! See how crazy you are today!"

The killing intent in everyone's heart is more because of a kind of insinuation brought about by Li Ye's terrifying strength. It is precisely because they are afraid of fearing Li Ye that they want to kill the source of fear in their hearts so much.


Duguqun didn't know when there was an extra sword in his hand, and he pierced Li Ye's forehead directly.

Suddenly, a figure flashed by, pulling Li Ye away by almost the slightest difference, and he appeared hundreds of feet away in an instant.

"Sage of Tianfeng!" Seeing the person who rescued Li Ye, the Qingtian people in the north courtyard suddenly revealed an incredible touch! What followed was an even more violent flame!

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