Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2186: Exchange Emperor Pill

In an instant, the cold eyes of Guizi, Qingtian and others in the north courtyard fell on Li Ye.

"Li Ye, hand over Huang Dan!"

Beiyuan Qingtian was besieged by a few people just now, and he threw the Emperor Pill out in desperation, but he didn't expect it to fall into the hands of Li Ye, who he least wanted to see, and almost no blood spurted out.

"Why let my young master hand over the emperor pill? How old are you?"

Temujin hadn't done anything just now, but now he was standing beside Li Ye.

At the same time, Zuo Yujie shrugged his shoulders. Although he didn't say a word, judging from his behavior, he was naturally on Li Ye's side.

In this way, there are three people on Li Ye's side!


Of course Li Ye wouldn't hand over the emperor pill. After all, this thing can make a martial emperor strong, even if he doesn't use it, it won't let others get it, adding a threat to his future for no reason.

But in the current situation, he must not be able to stop so many people alone, and the best way is to leave with Huang Dan!

No one thought that Li Ye would actually choose to escape, but when he reacted, he couldn't stop him.


"Chasing! There are still three days to open the secret realm exit, even if he escapes, it is impossible to escape too far!"

Indeed, there are still three days before the one-month deadline!

In these three days, even if you escape, you can only find a place to hide in the secret realm. After all, it is impossible to hide for a lifetime!

When they reach the outside world, they may not dare to do it. After all, Shen Danzong has three Martial Emperors outside. Unless they join forces with the other five Martial Emperors to attack Shen Danzong, they will have no chance when Li Ye leaves the secret realm.

But here, it is so that outsiders cannot intervene at all.


Konghuan's expression is calm, but her figure disappears. Naturally, Yun Qiantian and the others did not dare to stop him, after all, their primary target was naturally Li Ye and not Konghuan.

Even Kong Huan might have the same idea as theirs, chase Li Ye!

Somewhere in the secret realm, what appeared in front of Li Ye was an old ruins of the sect. Not far away, a few undead were wandering, but they were afraid of the powerful aura of a few people and did not approach.

"Li Ye, here should be the ten major sects that disappeared back then."

"Ten sects that disappeared back then?"

Li Ye has also heard about an unresolved case of the strange disappearance of the top ten sects that occurred thousands of years ago.

"Yes, I've been here once. It is the site of the Qinglingzong. The undead outside, if you guessed it right, are the people of the Qinglingzong. They are just trapped in this place and transformed into immortal spirits."

Sure enough, on the ruined hall, the plaque of Qing Lingzong was still there.

"Could it be that the people from the top ten sects were in this secret realm?"

Thinking of that possibility, Li Ye couldn't help but move slightly.

The ten major sects were all four-tier sects, even more powerful than the current Shen Danzong. Who has such a method to destroy ten fourth-grade sects overnight? Even did it happen unconsciously?

"Is it incredible? Actually, I also think it. But what you did back then revealed a lot of weirdness. It was definitely not that simple. And with the strength to do this level, even the Xinghai Palace back then was impossible! The only thing may……"

"Upper Three Realms?"

Li Ye frowned slightly. Indeed, in the Lower Nine Realms, the Fourth Grade Sect was definitely a top-notch existence, even Xinghai Mansion, it would be equivalent to the Third Grade Sect. It is not difficult to destroy one or two fourth-rank sects, but it is absolutely impossible to destroy ten fourth-rank sects overnight without leaving any clues.

It's just that what they have to consider right now is not to find out the unsettled case of the Qing Lingzong and other ten major sects that disappeared, but how to safely wait three days later, the secret realm was opened and left here.

At this moment, Li Ye's expression suddenly shrank.

Outside the ruined hall, a figure with a slight golden light appeared without warning.

"Empty fantasy!"

Seeing the other party, Li Ye was a little surprised. He knew that in this secret territory, he could not hide forever, but the other party's finding him so quickly still made him a little surprised.

Seeing the alert on Li Ye's face, he smiled in an empty but harmless manner, "Amitabha, the little monk is not an enemy of you when you come."


Li Ye was noncommittal. Among so many people, only this illusion made him unable to see through. Once he did it, although he had beaten it once, both sides knew that both of them had hidden part of their strength that time.

Now, although Li Ye's strength has improved again, he is still uncertain about whether he has a full chance of winning.

"The little monk came, just wanting to make a deal."


Li Ye's heart moved, and then he saw a light golden bead in Kong Huan's hand.

"Huang Dan!"

Not only Li Ye, but Zuo Yujie and Temuzhen were also slightly moved.

Yun Qiantian and others were fighting for the emperor pill, and they were on Li Ye now. Now, how do you think that Kong Huan actually has an emperor pill in his hands?

When did emperor pill become so common?

They naturally didn't know that Li Ye was more than the emperor pill they knew.

"This one in the hands of the little monk is the middle emperor's emperor pill. The little monk wants to use this emperor pill in exchange for the golden relic in your hand."

Golden relic is just another name for emperor pill by a strong person in Buddhism and Taoism.

It is indeed a fair deal to exchange the middle emperor's emperor's pill for the middle emperor's golden relic.

"Sure enough, you know what's on it!"

Slightly squinting his eyes, Kong Huan's actions clearly confirmed Li Ye's previous guess that he knew the extent of the entire secret realm. I even knew in advance that there would be a golden body of this powerful Buddhist and Taoist sitting on it, and a golden relic.

Under the surprised gazes of Tie Muzhen and Zuo Yujie, an emperor pill appeared in Li Ye's hands, but it was different from what they had seen just now, because the aura revealed was stronger.

The emperor's pill of the same middle emperor naturally did not have much difference, and the golden relic of a strong Buddhist and Taoist was actually not as effective as the emperor pill in Konghuan's hand for Li Ye.

Because the emperor pill in Kong Huan's hand was left by a martial arts expert.

After hesitating slightly, Li Ye did not refuse. At this time, one more enemy like Kong Huan would undoubtedly increase some variables. And he didn't suffer from this deal, so he nodded quickly.

After the exchange between the two parties, Kong Huan clearly showed a smile. Even for the first time, she looked at Li Ye with a rather weird look. Her tone was different from the past. With a certain deep meaning, she said slightly, "Li Ye, you and the monk , Are the same kind of people."

Same kind of people! Perhaps only Li Ye can understand the meaning of this sentence.

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