Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2173: Curiosity kills

Is this really the way to the seventh heaven?

I don't know why, an ominous premonition always hung over Li Ye's heart. ∈♀Vertex novel, x.

In, or not in?

When Li Ye looked back, he did not see the remnant soul of the old man just now, and the entire palace was empty again, leaving only the sarcophagus in the middle of the hall.

"Boy, if this emperor is you, just go over and open the sarcophagus and see what happens."

Suddenly, the voice of Emperor Tianjian sounded.

"Open the sarcophagus?"

"Aren't you curious, what exactly is in the sarcophagus?"

curious? Of course he is curious! Everyone has curiosity, but he knows better, if the sarcophagus is really sealed to suppress some extremely terrifying and powerful demon, what serious consequences will it bring if it is released.

But Heavenly Sword Great's persuasion made him hesitate.

"This place is definitely not something ordinary people can build. Even if the Emperor was back then, it was impossible to build such a complex secret space. In a place like the Lower Nine Regions, someone actually built such a place, if the Emperor told you , Even if all the sect families unite in the Lower Nine Regions, it is impossible to do it, do you believe it or not?"

In the entire Lower Nine Regions, all the ancestral families can not be built together?

Li Ye was slightly moved. What he was in contact with was only one of the Star Sea Regions in the Lower Nine Regions. However, once the Star Sea Region so many sects were united, how terrifying its power was, he knew very well in his heart.

Together, the lower nine domains cannot be built!

"Old ghost, you really aroused my inner curiosity."

"It's entirely up to you to open or not. This nine-day magic seal formation cannot be broken by ordinary people. Even if you want to open it, it is still unknown whether you can really break the restrictions set by the people who deployed the formation."

Indeed, the Nine Heavens Sealing Demon Formation is so famous that it has even been rumored since the Primordial Primordial Era, and it can even suppress the existence of gods. If this formation is in the hands of a master of formation, it is not a joke.

Returning to the center of the hall, Li Ye took a deep breath while looking at the sarcophagus in front of him.

"The Nine-day Demon Sealing Array does not have a rigid method of breaking the formation. Different nine-day Demon Sealing Arrays will have different ways to break the formation according to the arrangements of the person who deployed the array."

In my mind, I recalled a series of records of the Heavenly Sage Sect about the Nine Heavens Sealing Demon Array.

At the beginning of the Heavenly Saint Sect, the entire Nine Heavens Enclosing Demon Array was suppressed by the four sacred beasts occupying the square position. As long as the Sifang Saint Beast was destroyed, the entire Enclosing Demon Array would be completely invalid.

But the Nine Heavens Sealing Demon Array in front of him was a real dragon pattern.

"The real dragon pattern uses Huanglongmu and Huanglongyu to form the dragon energy. Unless the entire palace is destroyed, the game cannot be solved at all."

It is easy to destroy Huanglong Jade. The plaque above the main hall is made of a whole piece of Huanglong Jade. Although Li Ye feels distressed when he looks at it, Huanglong Jade is extremely precious, not to mention such a large piece, even fist-sized Huanglong Jade. Worth a thousand dollars! Such a big piece of Huanglong Jade, at least Li Ye could not guess how much it was worth.

"Folding yellow dragon jade is easy to destroy, but this yellow dragon wood..."

The entire palace is built with yellow dragon wood as raw materials, which means that unless someone demolishes the entire palace, it is impossible to break this true dragon pattern.

"Do you really want to demolish the palace?"

Li Ye's gaze once again fell on the sarcophagus in front of him.

It looked completely incompatible with the entire palace, but the ordinary sarcophagus revealed a strange aura.

Taking a closer look, Li Ye couldn't help feeling moved!

"Nine-nine-eighty-one formation pattern!"

On the entire sarcophagus, there are array patterns, a total of ninety-nine and eighty-one!

As a formation mage, Li Ye knew very well that the more complex the formation pattern, the more difficult the formation became.

Ordinary masters of formations can deploy formations within three formations at most, which is the so-called serial formation, where the three formations merge.

The Grand Master of the Formation Technique can accomplish all of them under ten formation patterns, even if some talented people rely on some formation magic soldiers, they can achieve twelve formation patterns!

Today's Li Ye, naturally cannot compare with his alchemy and martial arts, but can easily lay a series of nine formation patterns.

"Sure enough, this man who deployed the formation is definitely a peerless expert who surpasses the formation craftsman!"

Formation craftsman can definitely be regarded as a top figure in the formation, and his status is even higher than that of Emperor Wu. Even if the emperor sees it, he must be polite.

But the sarcophagus in front of me is definitely a masterpiece from a master craftsman.

The only explanation, there is only one!

"Holy Formation Master!"

Nowadays, almost all kinds of formations have been lost, and it is natural that there will be no strong formations. However, even in the ancient times, there are very few holy formations, and it can be said that they are almost invisible!

"Nine-nine-nine-eighty-one array patterns, if any one is not untied, the entire sarcophagus will not be touched."

Slightly shook his head, so difficult, not to mention that he had short contact with the formation, even if it was a formation craftsman, there would be no alternative in a short time.

It's just that the closer you get to the sarcophagus, the more you can feel the inside of the sarcophagus, as if there is some kind of magical power, and you want to get him closer to the past, even reaching out to touch it.

That feeling is very strange, even if you stick to the spiritual platform, the call is getting stronger and stronger.

It was even so strong that Li Ye couldn't control his body.

When Li Ye's hand finally touched the sarcophagus, it seemed as if his eyes were dark, and then a terrifying swallowing force crazily emerged from the sarcophagus, as if he wanted to **** Li Ye alive!

Such a change made Li Ye shocked! But when he wanted to get away, he found that his hand had been firmly sucked on the sarcophagus, and he couldn't move at all.

In the blink of an eye, Li Ye felt that at least one percent of his true vitality had flowed into the sarcophagus, and as his true vitality was swallowed into the sarcophagus, the speed and strength of the swallowing increased.

Suddenly, a trace of determination flashed in Li Ye's eyes, and when he raised his other hand, he was about to break that arm! Compared to being sucked alive by an adult, breaking an arm has a great impact on him, but at the speed of his physical healing, it can grow back in a year or a half at most!

However, as soon as Li Ye made this decision, he was shocked to find that his other hand was also unable to move, as if he was stuck in a quagmire, and even the surrounding air became extremely thick and breathless.

"Am I going to die here?"

A trace of unwillingness flashed quickly in his mind. He regretted his curiosity. If he jumped directly into the ancient well just now, he would naturally not end up like this.

At this moment, the old man appeared again just now and saw Li Ye being grabbed by the sarcophagus and pushing directly towards Li Ye's chest.

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