Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2168: Stealing chicken will not lose the rice

Smiling at him, Li Ye directly stepped forward once more, surpassing the past.

That smile made Yun Qiantian snorted directly on the spot, with a trace of blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth.

"Li Ye! I Yun Qiantian vowed to kill you!"

In such a short moment of confusion, Yun Qiantian's footsteps were stopped, and he almost didn't get flying out of that terrible coercive bomb. At the same time, the Heavenly Phoenix Saint, who was originally at the end, took advantage of this world to catch up and surpass it, and suddenly fell behind to the last one, exceeding Yun Qiantian's distance by about half a foot.

In this way, Yun Qiantian became the most backward among the five.

This result almost made Yun Qiantian vomit blood again, but fortunately, he still managed to endure the throbbing in his chest, his whole body's breath soared by three points again, and he wanted to catch up.

At this time, Yu Luoyan and Kong Huan were still in no particular order, but a closer look showed that although Yu Luoyan had just exploded the secret method of the Nine Spirit Body, it was impossible to maintain it for a long time, and gradually the speed slowed down.

On the contrary, it was an empty fantasy. Although the Buddha light in front of him was continuously suppressed and shrunk, but the speed remained at a constant speed, not fast or slow, but once again became the fastest person.

"It's already over thirty times the pressure at the beginning."

Feeling the intensity of the coercion on his body, Li Ye couldn't help expressing a surprised expression.

Of course, under this pressure, he can still bear it, and he can even go faster. However, he did not, because he found that under this pressure, his understanding of the general situation of the world was rapidly improving.

From the time when he cultivated to gain the heavens and to get the nameless exercise method from Zuo Yujie, it was a means to focus on the general trend of the world. However, even if he had mastered the Heaven-removing Step and that nameless technique, he was now at most borrowing about 80 times the power of the world for his own use.

Obviously, this level is far from enough for him.

Fifty times!

All five of them were shocked, and the coercion once again increased.

Eighty times!

Li Ye's face finally showed a trace of dignity, but he was still within his tolerance, and at this moment, he had caught up with Yu Luoyan once again and moved forward with him.

About one foot away in front of Li Ye, it was an empty fantasy. Even Li Ye felt surprised. Under such pressure, he could still keep moving forward as fast as he did at the beginning. Obviously, he had his unique means.

A hundred times!

At this time, Kong Huan's footsteps were finally slower, but Yu Luoyan, Heavenly Phoenix Saint, and Yun Qiantian were even slower!

Especially Yun Qiantian, even if the bloodline of the Jiaolong clan is the top bloodline, it can't be compared with the real ancient bloodline. At this moment, it is about five feet behind Li Ye and others, and the gap is still widening.

Even the Heavenly Phoenix Saint and Yu Luoyan were sweating profusely, but clenched their teeth and insisted.

One hundred and fifty times!


Yun Qiantian spouted a mouthful of blood, but he was still holding back.

The Buddha's light on Kong Huan's body in front was suppressed to only one-third of the width, and the speed was also 30% slower than before.

Li Ye's face revealed a solemn look for the first time. At this time, he also felt the pressure, as if the whole person was trapped in a muddy swamp, his steps were difficult, even if he took a step, it seemed to be exhausting all his energy.

Two hundred times!

Yun Qiantian spouted blood again, but this time, a purple-gold gown appeared on his body, revealing a slightly terrifying aura, which suddenly increased his overall speed.

"Emperor! Despicable!"

The sage of Tianfeng screamed, it was natural to see that Yun Qiantian's purple-gold gown was an imperial weapon. With the imperial imperial power, he could obviously offset some of the pressure, making his speed tripled out of thin air! All of a sudden, she overtook the Heavenly Phoenix Saintess and Yu Luoyan, and even chased Li Ye.

In his eyes, a horrible cold light grew thicker and thicker, which was obviously unkind.

"Be careful!"

No one thought that Yun Qiantian would actually sacrifice the royal weapon. At this time, it was almost equivalent to disregarding self-esteem.

Li Ye naturally felt the killing intent behind him, frowned slightly, his steps suddenly changed, and the next moment Yun Qiantian felt a force hitting him. How did he think that at such a time, Li Ye actually had the ability to make such a distracted action, caught off guard, and couldn't avoid it all at once.

The purple-gold gown flashed light on his body, but he was suppressed by the coercion of the surrounding heaven and earth. In addition, this was Li Ye's combination of the Heavenly Step and the nameless technique, and borrowed the terrifying power of the surrounding heaven and earth. Fighting power is not as simple as it seems.

With a scream, Yun Qiantian, even if he had the purple-gold gown, the imperial weapon for self-defense, he still spouted a bit of blood. The whole person was directly shocked and flew out more than ten meters, and instantly fell to the back, and even shook slightly after standing firm. , Once again spouted a mouthful of blood, the whole face was pale.

"Li Ye! I will kill you!"

The endless roar coming from behind could not interfere with Li Ye's pace. The moment he had just made him slow down by a beat, he was chased by Yu Luoyan, but he was different from Yun Qiantian and was not annoyed. , But slightly looked at Yun Qiantian's unwilling twisted figure, and once again raised his foot toward the altar.

From Yun Qiantian's direct use of the imperial weapon to attempting to sneak attack on Li Ye, the whole process was in the blink of an eye. The other three people noticed, but they didn't expect that Yun Qiantian would eventually suffer.

Kong Huan took a look at Li Ye with a lot of business, without saying a word, still at the forefront. Although Yu Luoyan surpassed the past, it was only one position faster than Li Ye.

"Are you OK?"

The Heavenly Phoenix Saint also chased up, barely revealing her voice, obviously with a trace of concern.

But seeing the smile on Li Ye's face, his pretty face flushed, and he was slightly flustered, "Don't get me wrong, I just don't want to see you being injured by that kind of shameless person like Yun Qiantian."

"I didn't say anything."

Li Ye smiled slightly, but made Heavenly Phoenix Saint's pretty face even more red, stared at someone fiercely, and said nothing.

The so-called stealing chicken will not eclipse rice, Yun Qiantian almost regrets that his intestines are blue at this moment, but there is no regret medicine in the world, so he can only catch up with his teeth. However, he is injured first at this moment, and his natural speed cannot be as fast as before, even with She was protected by the imperial weapon of purple and gold gown, but it was impossible to catch up in a short time.

At this time, Kong Hua first, Yu Luoyan second, Li Ye and Tianfeng Saintess tied for third, Yun Qiantian sadly fell to the end, and was at least ten feet away from Li Ye Tianfeng Saintess.

Two hundred times! Coercion, once again rise!

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