Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2166: Come from behind

The Heavenly Phoenix Saint was quite anguished that iron could not become steel. After she finished speaking, she disappeared without waiting for Li Ye to answer.

"you idiot!"

Listening to the echo that hasn't dissipated, Li Ye touched his nose, idiot? Didn't he just see more of a stone statue, how could he become a fool?

But after thinking about it carefully, it is true that the main purpose of everyone coming this time is to rush to the emperor pill, and obviously the emperor pill should be somewhere in this mysterious black palace.

Judging from the current development, it is clearly in one of the heavens.

The greatest possibility, above the nine heavens!

Glancing at the other stone statues, although Li Ye wanted to continue his enlightenment, he also knew that the Heavenly Phoenix Saint was right. If Yun Qiantian was really allowed to obtain the emperor pill, whether it was directly used by him or left to the Yun family. People will make his position with Shen Danzong very delicate.

The appearance of a Wuhuang powerhouse is enough to change the current pattern of the entire Star Sea Region.

The next moment, Li Ye appeared in the same valley.

The fourth heaven!

Take a closer look, Yun Qiantian and the four are here at this time, but what is a bit strange is that the four of them seem to be under the suppression of some terrible force, and they cannot move one by one.

Without waiting for him to ask, a powerful force directly pressed on him, almost making him knelt on the ground.

Emperor mighty!

Although it was not the arrival of the real Emperor Wu, no one under the Emperor Wu could do this kind of terrifying coercion!

Although I don't know how to do it, it is clear that a few people appear here, but they have to withstand such terrible pressure.

"Damn it, is this the test of this heavy sky?"

Yun Qiantian originally wanted to take advantage of the fact that others were not over, but he didn't expect to encounter such a problem.

All of a sudden, all five people appeared on the same starting line.

As several people endured the pressure, the intensity of the pressure gradually increased.

At first, although several people could not move, at least they could bear it.

However, the coercion continued to increase, and the faces of all five people changed.

"If this goes on, there will be a time when I can't resist it!"

A cold light flashed in Yun Qiantian's eyes, and he walked directly to an altar in front of the valley.

There is only one altar in the entire valley, and obviously there is a secret to pass this level.

It's just that even with his cultivation base, under the terrifying coercion, it was still difficult to move, and with each step he took, the coercion he had to endure increased by one point.

In just a few short steps, he only saw Yun Qiantian's forehead, with sweat beading slightly.

Seeing Yun Qiantian's actions, the others were naturally not stupid, and they also saw his purpose.


Yu Luoyan frowned and moved towards the altar, but the speed was a beat slower than Yun Qiantian.

Kong Huan whispered the Buddha's horn, shrouded in Buddha's light, and the next comers were on the top, stepping out step by step, while bursts of Sanskrit sounds were revealed from him, as if he was transformed into an Luohan body, with golden light all over his body.

Seeing him like this, Yun Qiantian and Yu Luoyan both felt anxious.

Yu Luoyan suddenly burst out of a wild aura, which inspired the ancient bloodline in his body. As expected, the pressure plummeted and the speed increased.

As a result, Yun Qiantian became extremely embarrassed. Although his Yun family bloodline was considered top-notch, he still couldn't reach the level of abnormality of the ancient bloodline. A faint golden light flashed across his body, and his pace accelerated by three points.

The Heavenly Phoenix sage glanced at Li Ye, followed closely, as if a phoenix hum came from her body, as if she had transformed into a flame immortal **** wind, not far behind the three in front.

Only Li Ye stood alone.

Slightly took a step, and the coercion directly increased.

It's just that the others didn't know that Li Ye was much weaker than the coercion they endured.

A trace of suspicion crossed his eyes, why did the pressure he felt was much weaker than the other four? With this kind of doubt, Li Ye stepped out once again, and the pressure rose again.

But even so, he felt that he could still move on easily, because that level of coercion would not even have much impact on him.

It feels like a normal person, even if he carries a weight of ten catties, he can still walk like flying.

"Does it have something to do with the two stone statues I have just realized?"

There was a trace of speculation in his mind, Li Ye didn't know if it was as he had guessed, but if so, he would naturally not be polite!

When he started to move, Yun Qiantian was already ten feet away, Kong Huan was about three paces faster than him, followed by Yu Luoyan and Tianfeng Saintess, they were at most one step away from each other. difference.

However, none of the four of them expected that Li Ye's latecomer would be the top spot, and in almost a short time, he could catch up to a position about ten steps behind the four.

At this time, Li Ye also felt a little pressure, not as relaxed and comfortable as he was at the beginning.

Looking at the altar ahead, there is at least a hundred feet of length from everyone. Obviously, if you want to get there, the next distance is the most terrible.

Yun Qiantian and Kong Huan also have extremely serious faces. At this time, they don't care about hidden strength, almost all of them are displayed one by one by various means.

Ancient blood, Buddha light body protection, true dragon gas!

What surprised Li Ye was that in Yun Qiantian, he actually felt a trace of real dragon breath!

"The Yun family, does it have anything to do with the true dragon clan?"

Real dragon energy can't be cultivated by anyone, at least it needs to be bathed in real dragon blood, and it is definitely not so pure!

Although it can't be compared with the real dragon, the dragon aura revealed in Yun Qiantian's body can almost be close to the dragon's aura in Ao Tian's body!

You know, the Jiaolong clan is in blood, but the Yalong clan closest to the true dragon clan!

Naturally, Li Ye would not deliberately hide at this time.

It's just that compared to the four of them each showing their magical powers and inspiring their own blood to resist the stronger and stronger pressure, Li Ye followed the trend, his hands almost showing strange arcs, as if they were turning into one in the void A circle, and at the same time the footsteps are stepping on a unique step, unexpectedly at that moment, the coercion was released, and even turned into its own use, and in turn opposed the coercion.

If it is said that the first four people are relying on their own strength to support, then Li Ye is going the other way, with the other way for the other body, forming a vacuum zone around his body.

In this way, not only did not reduce their speed, but it even doubled the speed of his advancement!

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