Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2164: Comprehend the way to kill

The way of destruction just now, the way of killing at this time!

The two kinds of Taoist artistic conceptions are the most direct path taken, or they are the most obvious and direct for the improvement of the power of the martial artist.

Of course, Tao is not superior to inferior, the key is to look at people.

It's just that the essence of these two Taoisms is more in line with Li Ye's requirements today, so they are also the objects he chose for the first time.

Unlike just now, the way of destruction is completely masculine, but the way of killing is pure and thorough killing intent!

Even if Li Ye knew that the artistic conception of enlightenment was not so easy, he insisted on his heart from the beginning, but he was almost overwhelmed by the crazy killing intent.

At that moment, Li Ye felt like he was in a battlefield with thousands of horses. The scene of ten thousand people roaring and fighting in unison, even a strong man in his realm, could not help being affected by it.

In particular, even the weakest soldier among those troops is at least a strong man in the Earth Profound Realm who can fly to the sky and escape to the ground. Among them, there are many strong men in the Heavenly-Telling Realm and even the Venerable Realm. Numerous martial practitioners have become incarnations. Gears of war, collide together!

However, one of them appeared in five incomparably powerful, even a master of the world, any one of them, with a wave of hands, can turn tens of millions of people into fly ashes, landslides, and earthquakes. !

Emperor Wu!

There is no doubt that those five people are exactly the five martial emperors, and they are not the ordinary martial emperor, because they all reveal the aura that can only be revealed when they have mastered at least one kind of power.

In front of these five emperors, the army on the other side seemed to be defeated like a mountain, collapsed when touched, and suddenly defeated. Countless soldiers and even generals slaughtered like ants in front of the five strong men.

That kind of shock even directly caused Li Ye to churn with blood, almost spurting out a mouthful of blood.

Because he was immersed on the scene, that kind of terrifying aura, can instantly smash anyone under the realm of Emperor Wu.

Suddenly, at this moment, the party who was defeated in the first place suddenly gained morale and roared!

A figure appeared behind them, the two armies faced each other, and the brave won! Morale fell to this point, but because of the appearance of a single person, the morale that was almost underestimated was suddenly raised to an incredible level.

Who can do this?

Killing! The killing intent over the sky was like a **** of death descending into the world, the person had not yet appeared, and the horrible killing intent instantly caused the thousands of people who were chasing the forefront to burst into screams, turning into a rain of blood.

Li Ye couldn't help his eyelids beating again and again, that was thousands of people! And among them there are some powerful people who are the masters of cultivation! So many people, just the terrifying killing intent, all burst and die?

Even the five martial emperors who were like gods just now were shocked.

A figure could not even see who it was, whether it was a male or a female, but at the moment it appeared, the five emperors roared at the same time! But Li Ye could hear the panic in their roar!

It is impossible to imagine the people who can make five Wuhuang join forces to feel the fear.

However, in an even more incredible scene, the five emperors almost showed a tragic and determined expression, with a strong momentum to regard death as home, and directly fought with that person.

In this battle, the sky collapsed, the earth cracked, the sun and the moon had no light, almost swept the entire world, the mountains collapsed, the earth cracked, the lakes and seas dried up, and in the end only one person remained in the void, and all the five emperors turned into lifeless corpses. Being casually still on the ground.



At that moment, Li Ye saw a pair of eyes, what kind of eyes were they, completely blood red, there was no trace of emotion, and some were just endless killing intent!

Crazy killing intent rushed into his mind instantly, as if to completely shatter everything about him.

The way of killing!

Li Ye knew that if he could not hold on, let alone the artistic conception of comprehending the way of killing, he might even be torn to pieces by such a terrifying killing intent and completely become a vegetable.

The crazy killing intent is like a thousand horses, it is a terrifying mood that has been realized between countless lives and deaths.

If he was like a spectator just now, watching the confrontation between the two armies and the final fight between the Wuhuang strong, then at this moment, he seems to be personally confronted with the horrible killing method that can kill five Wuhuang strong by one person. In front of him.


There was another roar containing killing intent, which made Li Ye couldn't help shaking his whole body, and his face was even paler with no trace of blood.

The mouth is sweet, and a trace of blood flows out from the corner of the mouth, even if it is just a trace of the way of killing left by a certain strong man, it is so powerful. It is hard to imagine how terrible it is after truly comprehending that power.

At least, it is absolutely impossible for Li Ye to forget the scene where the five Wu Huangs joined forces but were beheaded one by one.

However, under such a terrible impact, although his soul is like a lone boat in a storm, it seems that it may be destroyed at any time, but it always maintains the last trace of clarity.

Even with wave after wave of killing intent and baptism, Li Ye gradually showed terrible killing intent at the same time.

Unknowingly, Li Ye's eyes turned into a sea of ​​blood, like a world, in which the monstrous aura directly swallowed those killing intent crazy, as if he had been hungry for countless years and finally encountered delicious food.

Copy Eye!

Although it is not possible to copy all the techniques, and even once encountered a technique that exceeds Li Ye's own cultivation level, this ability is almost equivalent to waste, but at this moment, it seems that Li Ye is closer to killing faster and better. The essence of Tao.

It was a feeling similar to an epiphany, although it was not as magical as an epiphany, it had a similar effect.

Slowly, under the impact of that crazy killing intent, Li Ye was finally able to stabilize, and at the same time, a similar horrible killing intent filled his body.

He didn't know that as he gradually controlled the situation, a slight change finally appeared on the stone statue in front of him.


A crack appeared on the chest of the stone statue, although it was not obvious, it also proved one thing.

The second stone statue is about to be understood by Li Ye!

But at this moment, Kong Huan, not far from Li Ye, had the first reaction.


The Buddha statue in front of him was completely shattered into a pile of rubble, and the Buddha light on his whole body was three points thicker than before, and a wave of Buddha power rose up on him.

Almost at the same time, Yun Qiantian, Yu Luoyan, and the stone statue in front of the Heavenly Phoenix Saint also appeared cracks one after another!

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