Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2160: Comprehend

In front of the stone statue, Li Ye sat cross-legged, as if entering into concentration. △↗Top apex novel,

When he touched the stone statue, he knew what the third heaven was for them!


About the understanding of Tao!

Each of these stone statues in front of you is a kind of power! There is a strong artistic conception for this kind of power!

If anyone else sees it, they will definitely be surprised at the degree of speechlessness! There are so many stone statues, there are hundreds of them, which is equivalent to that each stone statue represents a kind of artistic conception of Taoism. If someone can penetrate all the stone statues, let alone the Emperor Wu! Even the realm of the Great Emperor is at your fingertips!

Way! Transformed by Heaven! At least it is a manifestation of the highest level of power that Li Ye knows now.

Even in the entire Xinghai Region, there are not many who truly understand the power!

Even those Martial Emperors, in his view, still haven't realized any power!

Even if Emperor Wu is like this, how many people can do it?

The stone statue in front of him at this time seemed to be a terrifying devil, but the strong moral power in it was very clear, like a storm, making Li Ye's whole person like a small boat in the storm, which may be destroyed at any time .

"It's a terrible mood, just a trace of mood left in by someone, and it has such power."

The more I felt it, the more shocked Li Ye was!

Now that he can feel such pressure, there is not much, even in the face of Emperor Wu, he can take it easy! Even if you can't beat it, you are confident to get out!

The intense mood of destruction, like waves after waves, trying to completely submerge Li Ye’s spiritual consciousness, but Li Ye insists on a trace of clarity on the spiritual platform, because he knows that once submerged, it will be him. The end of form and spirit.

In the same way, how can we absorb the terrifying artistic conception in all the stone statues, even if you can't really comprehend the power represented by that artistic conception, at least it is a step towards that state.

I don't know when, another figure appeared. When he saw that Li Ye had already settled in front of a stone statue, there was a sharp sharpness in his eyes. At the same time, his eyes swept away, but the next moment he appeared in front of a Buddha statue.

At the same time, a burst of Buddha light shot directly from the Buddha statue, Kong Huan's whole body trembled, but he did not avoid it at all.

After the empty fantasy, Yun Qiantian also appeared, but it seemed that he had gone through a great battle, and some scars could be seen on his body. After seeing the appearance of Li Ye and Konghuan, he was not stupid, and immediately chose a stone statue to settle down.

Heavenly Phoenix Saint, Yu Luoyan was only a short time behind Yun Qiantian. With the intelligence of the two, they naturally knew that there was a huge opportunity that was rare in a thousand years, and they quickly chose a stone statue to start entering.

A closer look revealed that apart from Li Ye, Kong Huan chose a Buddha statue, from which the powerful Buddha intent was revealed, faintly emitting a strong Buddha light.

In front of Yun Qiantian, there was a mighty and domineering stone statue, in which the aura of madness, like a thousand army and horses, seemed to be rushing towards his face with a force like a broken bamboo.

On the other side, Yu Luoyan and Heavenly Phoenix Saint naturally chose the stone statues that are closest to their own cultivation power. In this way, the speed of enlightenment can naturally be accelerated.

An hour.

Two hours.

Soon, five hours passed, five people, but none of them had any movement.

At the same time, when the five people were enlightening the stone statue, outside the black palace.

Above a figure, a closer look revealed that it was Zuo Yujie, and he was holding a spiritual core in his hand. At this moment, there was a trace of blood hanging on the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that he had experienced a fight. However, when he appeared in the black palace, several other figures rushed over.

"It's just that the ghost stays on."

Frowning slightly, he entered the black palace without hesitation. After he entered, several people finally arrived.

"Damn it! One step late!"

Qingtian from the north courtyard let out a roar, and even his expression was distorted! It can be seen how angry he is at this time.

"Brother Beiyuan, Zuo Yujie actually made a sneak attack and snatched your spiritual core. You can't just leave it alone."

In addition to Qingtian in the North Courtyard, Ye Lanxiang and Xunyu were with him.

Among them, Ye Lanxiang pointed the orchid finger, and the strange tone of Yin and Yang was enough to make normal men couldn't help but get goose bumps.

Hei Yan and Qing Tian in the North Campus are naturally a little disgusted with him, but this person's strength is not below them, and even killed a resentful spirit whose strength is in the half-emperor realm just now. It was killed by Ye Lanxiang's blow. It succeeded.

It's a pity that a spiritual core was finally dropped, but it was suddenly snatched away by Zuo Yujie who was killed by Hengkong.

"Humph! Of course this matter is endless! I hope he won't go out alive, otherwise! There is no place for him in the entire Star Sea area!"

The Northern Courtyard Qingtian said with hatred, and it is not an exaggeration. The four big families are deeply rooted in the Xinghai Region. Even if two Martial Emperors fell a thousand years ago, they are still the top giants in the entire Xinghai Region.

It doesn't take much effort to deal with a casual cultivator who has no discipline or style.

At this moment, someone came towards the black palace again.

When the three of them saw it, their eyes condensed slightly.

"Huh? Are you standing here waiting for me?"

The visitor, it was Temujin, only saw him scratching his head with a simple face, and did not notice the dangerous aura revealed by the three people before him.

"Tie Mujin! It looks like you got a spiritual core?"

Seeing that it was Temujin, Xunyu flashed his eyes and asked in a deep voice.

"How do you know? I didn't tell you."

It really is a fool!

The three of them cursed secretly at the same time! At this time, only those who have obtained the spiritual core will come to the Black Palace, after all, only then can they enter it.

"Do it!"

"Whoever gets it will enter!"

The three of them shot at almost the same time. In fact, if Zuo Yujie hadn't killed them by surprise and snatched the spiritual core, the three would actually have a fight with each other.

But now, it is clear that their goal is the same, that is, to take the spiritual core in Temujin's hand first, and then talk about ownership!

Seeing the three of them working directly, Temujin was not afraid, and roared, fierce power erupted on him!

"How is it possible! How long is this? Why has his strength improved again?"

The expressions of the three of them changed, because it was clear that Temujin's strength had improved even more than before!

Even they were shocked to discover that if they were alone, they might not even be Temuzhen's opponents today!

Ancient blood! Really so scary? This idea jumped out of the three people's minds almost simultaneously, but it deepened the killing intent in their hearts!

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