Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2128: Wu Huang is angry

The blood of ancient times, the blood of Tianfeng!

Although everyone had long heard that the saint of this generation of Tianxiang Pavilion was an unprecedented genius with the blood of the ancient bloodline of Tianfeng, she only truly felt the terror suppression from the depths of that bloodline and soul.

No one thought that the Heavenly Phoenix Saint would suddenly make a sarcasm at this time, and the sarcasm turned out to be a martial emperor!

In an instant, everyone's breathing almost stopped.

That's Emperor Wu! The supreme Emperor Wu! Representing the highest state of the Xinghai Region, overlooking the Emperor Wu who dominates everything!

The scene was very quiet all of a sudden, quiet a bit strange.

Elder Jinghua was shocked, and just about to speak, he realized that he couldn't make a sound.

Can make a master like her silent, fools know who it is!

Dan Shang Qing Emperor!

"Girl, who do you say is shameless?"

In the void, the voice that almost suppressed the anger made everyone tremble.

Dan Shang Qing emperor, angry!

The dignified emperor was actually called shameless by a junior, and it is impossible for anyone to be indifferent!

Emperor Wu is also a human, and even has more emotions and high self-esteem than ordinary people!

However, although Dan Shang Qing Emperor could suppress others, although the Heavenly Phoenix Saintess had a faint bead of sweat on her forehead, she was still not afraid, her cold eyes looked directly at the terrifying eyes deep in the void.

"As a martial emperor, regardless of his status, he secretly shot at a junior! Isn't such a behavior shameless?"


Almost everyone didn't believe their ears. The shameless sentence just now was considered audacious, and now he is still brazen in front of Emperor Wu. This is no different from seeking death!

Elder Jinghua and a few elders who still have the charm of Tianxiang Pavilion are all anxious and nervous on their faces. This is the site of Shendanzong! Enraged a martial emperor, in case the Heavenly Phoenix saint was killed directly, regardless of the relationship between the two factions, even if the Tianxiang Pavilion was furious and came to the door, Shen Danzong could stand on the commanding heights without fear!

After all, the dignity of Emperor Wu is not to be violated, no matter how much the actions of Emperor Dan Shang and Qing Emperor are condemned or even contemptuous, Emperor Wu is Emperor Wu! All actions of Emperor Wu are correct!

This is the law of Yunteng Mainland's martial arts world! Everyone must comply! Because here is a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong!

Sure enough, everyone felt the terrifying aura that came from the void, even if it was just enough to overwhelm the crowd, they couldn't pass through, and even those with weaker cultivation bases directly snorted, obviously suffering from internal injuries.

The Heavenly Phoenix Saint was the first to bear the brunt, her delicate body shook slightly, but her complexion remained unchanged. Even the imperial power of the Qing emperor on Dan, underneath, actually stimulated the unyielding will of the blood in her body!

A crisp phoenix roar rose into the sky, and everyone seemed to have seen the phantom of a legendary undead phoenix. The horrible aura of a hundred-bird pilgrimage belonging to the unique beasts directly collided with the emperor of Qing Emperor Dan.


Everyone took a deep breath. A junior who has not yet stepped into the Emperor Wu, actually confronted a real Emperor Wu in momentum?

Although a discerning person can see that the Heavenly Phoenix Saint is absolutely weak, but the scene before him has surpassed the common sense that ordinary people are almost invincible to the Emperor Wu, and that there are ants under the Emperor.

"This is the ancient blood?"

Many people may have heard the legend of ancient bloodlines, but they have no specific knowledge.

But now, they finally understand!

However, the power of Emperor Wu cannot be changed by some talent and blood!

Gradually, the looming divine phoenix in the void let out a mournful cry, and the body was slowly compressed, which could barely be maintained from the beginning, and gradually began to be compressed from the void.

"Even if it is an ancient bloodline, after all, it is still impossible to compete head-on against Emperor Wu."

Seeing this scene, many people shook their heads one after another, and some felt a sigh. After all, the behavior of Emperor Qing Emperor Dan Shang did have an affair, which was completely inconsistent with his status as Emperor Qing.

At least, it was too obvious.

"Huh! Tianxiang Pavilion, when is it qualified to interfere in the affairs of my Shen Danzong? Today, the emperor will not hurt your life because of your Tianxiang Pavilion's face!"

With a cold snort, Dan Shang Qing Emperor was obviously also provoked!

The dignified martial emperor, was yelled shamelessly by a junior, if it weren't for the face of Tianxiang Pavilion, where is the life of the Heavenly Phoenix Saint at this moment?

It's just that this statement just came out, suddenly everyone is in an uproar!

"I can't stand it anymore! The Emperor Wu is so shameless! This Shen Danzong, I don't need to stay!"


In the sky, a majestic body suddenly appeared, a huge and huge body like the giants in the ancient legends!

It's an ancient bloodline again!

Everyone was in an uproar!

Just a Heavenly Phoenix Saint, now there is another Temujin!

And the key is that Temujin's face was angry at this time, and even when he spoke, the expressions of the rest of the Shen Danzong were greatly changed!


Elder Yuyun was a little helpless, Heavenly Phoenix Saintess was not a member of the Shen Danzong after all, but Tie Muzhen was a genius that even his master, the White Emperor, valued! Now because of Dan Shang Qing emperor's protection of shortcomings and shameless behavior, he seems to be leaving the Shen Danzong attitude.

In this way, not to let others see the joke?

However, in the void, Dan Shang Qing Emperor was furious!

A Heavenly Phoenix Saint had already made him furious, and now there is another Tie Muzhen! Where is the coercion of his Emperor Wu?

It's just that an ancient bloodline couldn't stop his imperial power, but at this time the two ancient bloodlines were united, and there was a faint tendency to resist courtesy.

If the sudden rise of the Heavenly Phoenix Saint just now gave everyone a clearer understanding of the ancient bloodline, then at this moment, this understanding has risen to the point of horror!

If an ancient bloodline doesn't work, the two of them are even in the same manner as a real Martial Emperor?

The expressions on everyone's faces show how wonderful it is!

But what is more exciting is the many elders of Shen Danzong!

Elder Yuyun was sweating coldly. No matter it was the Heavenly Phoenix Saint or Temujin, there was absolutely no room for accidents. One is the saint of Tianxiang Pavilion, the future heir of Tianxiang Pavilion. One is the super genius that the White Emperor believes can change the future of Shen Danzong.

Any one of them will be a huge disaster for Shen Danzong!

Only at this time, Emperor Qing was also provoked real anger. Above the sky, a huge palm pressed directly towards the two of them, and the terrifying pressure seemed to eclipse the entire sky. .

Emperor Wu was furious, blood splattered thousands of miles!

Even if it is the ancient bloodline, it is only the potential in the bloodline being stimulated! But it's not really becoming the ultimate powerhouse!

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