"What will happen to Ji Liuwu?"

The king-level alien was stunned for a moment and then said without thinking:

"Naturally, he will be worshipped as a hero by humans, and his descendants will enjoy human support for generations."

Yu Si chuckled and said,"That's half right.""


The king-level alien was a little surprised, not sure what the so-called half right meant.

Fortunately, Yu Si did not intend to keep him in suspense, and quickly continued:

"Ji Liuwu is indeed regarded by mankind as the most representative hero in the era of holy war. His deeds have been written in textbooks and praised by generations of human beings. Wherever he stopped, sculptures of him will be built to record his deeds. All the daily necessities he used before him were put in museums to be viewed and admired by humans."

"Ji Liuwu's treatment among humans is not much different from that of the gods he worships."

The king-level foreign race became more and more confused as he listened. Is there any difference between this and what he just said?

"These are what happened to Ji Liuwu a hundred years after his death."Yu Si suddenly changed the subject and continued:

"Take it���All these are my speculations without any substantive evidence."

"This great enemy of our race had already reached a transcendent status among humans in the later years of his life. It stands to reason that his every move would be recorded by humans in the form of video, preserved and passed down to future generations."

"Naturally, I am also paying attention to everything about this great enemy of our clan, so I use the channels I have to communicate with humans to collect all information related to Ji Liuwu."

"But what I didn't expect was that the information about Ji Liuwu one month before his death was completely blank, and I found nothing despite my deliberate collection."

"This incident attracted my attention at that time, so I simply tried to find Ji Liuwu's descendants. I want to know the situation clearly from them."

Speaking of this, Yu Si's face showed a different kind of excitement.

"It stands to reason that as long as the descendants of Ji Liuwu, who has made great military exploits, are not too stupid, his family can become the overlord of the human world."

"But the interesting thing is that after so many years, the top forces among humans are still the same ten. Maybe now there is also a human federation."

"Among these forces, no one is named Ji, and no one has anything to do with Ji Liuwu."

"So I used a certain amount of saint blood to exchange for a list of second-tier forces in the human world. Behind these forces, there was no family named Ji."

"Then there are the third and fourth echelons, and the same thing"......

Speaking of this, Yu Si's lips curved into a strange smile.

The king-level alien kneeling beside him opened his eyes wide, his face full of disbelief.

If he could cultivate to this level, he would not be an idiot. Even if Yuji hadn't broken through the window paper, he had vaguely guessed the truth.

Back then, Ji Liuwu killed three mythical creatures by himself. The blood of the saints can promote the evolution of human powers.

The blood possessed by the three mythical creatures is more precious to humans than any treasure of heaven and earth.

With this blood, even if Ji Liuwu's descendants are a group of idiots, they can still produce geniuses from generation to generation.

Such resources are enough to build a top-notch family that will stand firm for hundreds of years.

"You mean, our clan has made thousands of assassination plans but failed to kill Ji Liuwu. In the end, he died at the hands of humans themselves?"

"Even his descendants were not spared by those who attacked him?!"The king-level alien was dumbfounded.

Yu Si chuckled and said:

"I've said it all, these are just my guesses, there is no evidence to support them"

"And even if this matter is true, after so many years, I am afraid that all traces will have been completely erased.

Even if someone on the human side wants to investigate this matter, they are destined to get nothing. Let alone us who are so far apart and have difficulty exerting influence."

Yu Si looked at the human city he had built with his own hands. His eyes were as dim as a deep well. It was hard to tell what he was thinking.

"Although I couldn't find any evidence, it was because of this incident that I developed a strong curiosity about the human race.

That's why I took the initiative to ask for help and took over the mess of communicating with humans."

The king-level alien on the side couldn't listen to these next words, and the expression on his face became a little dull.

The strongest person in their family at that time was killed by Ji Liuwu when he was stationed on the earth.

In order to take revenge, his The ancestors engraved all the memories of Ji Liuwu into the genes for inheritance.

This hatred is like wine. After a hundred years of brewing, it has not faded but has become stronger.

"My goal in practicing so far is to break into the Ji family when my holy clan invades the solar system again.

Kill all the bloodline descendants of Ji Liuwu, and then drag out his body, crush his bones and spread it to ashes."

"But now, he is gone. And it might have been wiped out by humans themselves."This king-level alien murmured in his heart.

The expression on his face was confused and empty.

At this moment, he realized that he had never understood the human race that they regarded as their formidable enemy.

After a while, this king-level alien appeared Like a student, he looked at Yuji and asked:

"My lord, why did humans kill Ji Liuwu? You know, he is a peerless genius on the human side."

After Yu Si was silent for a moment, he slowly said:

"This question has puzzled me for many years. It wasn’t until I took full responsibility for communicating with humans that I finally guessed the answer."

"There was only one reason why Ji Liuwu was killed. He was too evil, and because he came out of the occupied area of mankind, he did not belong to any human force."

"This kind of genius who was uncontrollable and had great achievements was the only reason why he was killed."

"If he doesn't die, there will be one more top force among humans. Rights that have been allocated will be reshuffled"

"After his death, the bodies of the mythical creatures he killed disappeared, and the ten great families still stood at the top of humanity for a hundred years."

Yu Si smiled softly:"This is the interesting part of human beings"

"For those top forces, once a monster appears that can transcend the times or even change the times. Rather than the enemy, the first to respond is humanity itself."

"Because the existence of these monsters may cause their positions to no longer be stable."

"And this Sugu and Ji Liuwu give me this feeling"

"If we take action against this kind of evil, it will only complicate the situation. It would be best if we could get someone from the noble family to take action. Humans are better at dealing with humans than we are."


The king-level alien responded respectfully.

Yu Si looked into the distance and said calmly:

"I have thought about the reasons why our clan failed in the holy war."

"I think one of the biggest failures is because of our existence and oppression. Human beings who were originally opposed to each other became a rope"

"Looking back now, they have almost irreconcilable contradictions in various strata."

"And the human beings who made us angry back then regarded us as prey, and the very fact of killing them for blood could completely become the gunpowder that ignited human conflicts."

"The outcome this time must be different from the last time."

Yu Si's cold voice floated in the universe.

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