This makeshift little world began to fall apart bit by bit.

The entire sky was like a beaten egg shell, with cracks starting to spread out from the center of the point, and the whole world began to shake as the cracks unfolded.

The ground where Sugu was lying began to shake violently like a sampan in the waves.

This strong shaking feeling lasted for a minute and then subsided. The sky with dense cracks shattered. The wall of the world in this small world shattered, and the big universe outside the world appeared.

With the universe as the background, there are twenty figures standing here. When these twenty people appeared, tyrannical spiritual thoughts immediately filled the entire small world.

These Xiaoyao Realm experts stationed here are quickly searching for their juniors in this world.

"What does it feel like? Sugu said with a frown.

He had already felt three different but similar energies sweeping through his body, peering into him inside and out.

Sugu didn't like this feeling of being probed very much..

But there is nothing I can do to stop this kind of energy that probes me.

"Is this a divine thought?"Sugu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said:"Isn't it true that you can only perceive this thing when you reach the middle stage of the Soul Shaping Realm, and you can have your own exploration spirit when you reach the Xiaoyao Realm?"

"Now that I am in the state of seeking myself, I can actually feel that I have sensed it in advance."

A smile appeared on Sugu's lips, and the unpleasant feeling in his heart dissipated.

It seems that after the battle with Yu Si, he made another breakthrough in his cultivation.

"Being able to sense divine thoughts in the Seeking Me Realm means I have broken the historical record of martial arts."Sugu said with some pride in his heart.

Sugu tried his best to sense through his body the spiritual thoughts of these powerful men in the Xiaoyao Realm and analyze this new ability.

This feels like a sudden sixth sense in addition to the five senses.

It's quite strange.

Soon the number of spiritual thoughts began to decrease, and some of the powerful people in the sky were running towards a specific direction at extremely fast speeds.

It was obvious that these people had found the location of their juniors and were moving very quickly. Others rushed to seek treatment, while some strong men let out a roar in the sky that shook the world, like an enraged wolf king.

"Sure enough, in this situation, it is still impossible to keep everyone safe."Seeing this, Sugu sighed secretly.

He had tried his best to stop Yu Si's conspiracy, but this time many people were still sacrificed by blood in the formation, draining their life energy.

However, although he felt regretful, Sugu did not let himself His emotions were too deep.

After all, he had a clear conscience in handling this matter.

At this moment, Sugu suddenly felt his skin tightening, and several terrifying thoughts filled with murderous intent were locked on him. killed oneself

"Damn it!"

Sugu secretly cursed in his heart.

Those who can use their spiritual thoughts are all strong in the Xiaoyao realm.

With this absolute gap in realm, even if he is in perfect condition, he will never be able to compete with it.

What's more, Sugu is completely exhausted now.

Ju family.

In an instant, Su Gu guessed which force these murderous thoughts came from.

He stopped these people's plan and killed their family's genius. This was already a big enemy, so what could these people do? I will give up and give up!

"Finally found the bug that spoiled the whole pot of soup."Tachibana Masako said coldly.

And in the hands of Tachibana Zhaolie beside him, a cross gun suddenly appeared.

The moment the gun appeared, the sky in the small world suddenly turned black. Large dark clouds mixed with thunder and lightning, with that Start gathering the cross gun as the center

"Sugu, go to hell."Ju Zhaolie let out a roar like a wounded beast.

The dark clouds in the sky gathered around the cross gun and turned into a thunderstorm that could overturn the world.

And that thunderstorm was aimed at Sugu's position, accurately Falling down, the terrifying energy is like the final judgment.

"Is this the happy state? Even if I'm in perfect condition now, I still have no hope of surviving this blow."

"I don’t know what the difference is between the Xiaoyao realm and the martial arts realm below it. There is too little information about this realm circulating on the Internet."

After feeling that he could not resist this attack, let alone dodge it, Su Gu simply relaxed his mind and watched the attack carefully with his eyes wide open.

Since he might die, he should simply confirm before he died. What he knew so far What does an angry strike at the highest level of martial arts mean?

Boom! When the terrifying thunderstorm that seemed to shatter the earth fell into the air, a sword light with the roar of all beasts slashed it down.

The whole small world was hit by the collision, and then, a majestic figure stood in front of Sugu.

"Orange family, what do you want to do?"General Yin asked coldly. The

Ju family has not yet explained clearly about this incident. Now that the world wall has just been broken, these guys dare to attack and kill the students of Xingwu University in front of him.

Their behavior made them even more angry. Those, the anger of the family whose genius died tragically here

"Your Ju family has become really arrogant over the years! He actually plotted against so many people for his own selfish desires."

Several tyrannical figures surrounded the seven Xiaoyao members of the Ju family. These people were all members of the same clan as the students who were killed in the blood sacrifice formation.

"Ju family, you have to give us an explanation regarding this incident."Someone said with a cold voice.

"A descendant of our clan who hopes to inherit the position of clan leader died in the blood sacrifice array of a foreign clan. You must know something. explain!"

"He colluded with alien races and framed human beings. What you have done today is enough to constitute a crime against humanity! Do you want to betray the human race?"


Facing these questions, the expressions on the faces of the seven Ju family members were as gloomy as water.

After a moment, Masako Tachibana gritted her teeth and said in a solemn tone:

"Is colluding with aliens a betrayal of humanity? Is your butt very clean? If so, everyone present should be convicted of crimes against humanity."

Tachibana Masako's words made the expressions on the faces of everyone present become extremely ugly.

Indeed, as she said, the top powers in the human race who can be named in recent years have all had unclear conflicts with alien races. Relationship.

But this kind of thing is something that everyone knows, but they have to pretend not to know.

The Tachibana family is now exposing this matter in front of so many people, which makes everyone feel a little bit confused. Can't get off stage

"Everyone, our Ju family will definitely give you an explanation regarding this matter. Ju Zhaolie said in a deep voice:

"I can guarantee that the compensation our Ju family will give you in this matter will satisfy you. For this reason, we are even willing to give a certain quantity and quality of alien blood"

"But bridges lead to bridges, and roads lead to roads. This child named Sugu killed our clan's genius, Tachibana Takayuki, and he must give our clan an explanation!"

"In other words, are you planning to completely become enemies of our clan for the sake of this child?"

Blood of an alien race?

Ju Zhaolie's words made everyone look at each other.

The blood of an alien race catalyzes the growth of supernatural powers. As long as there is a certain amount, it can mass-produce the treasures of geniuses.

The Ju family is willing to pay this, which can be said to be a gift. There was sincerity.

Then these people turned their attention to Sugu.

Is it really worth giving up different blood as a reward for this completely unfamiliar person, and even offending the Ju family?

For a while, many people hesitated. Get up, and then many powerful people in Xiaoyao Realm began to retreat.

"you!"General Yin's face flashed with anger.

But at this moment, Ju Masako's pupils suddenly turned into snake pupils.

A small red snake formed next to Sugu, and then moved towards his neck. , bit it down hard.

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