After hearing Su Gu's decision, Feng Yan and Bai Yujing's faces showed shock.

"Brother Su, think twice."Feng Yan said hurriedly:"The other party has been planning for so long, and now is the time to close the net. Now under that gray-white light pillar, there must be a strong person guarding it. If you go there rashly, you will die!"

"Since Brother Su, you now have combat skills that can withstand the Blood Sacrifice Array, why do you need to do such a thing again? Even just relying on this combat skill, the chance of survival has been greatly improved."

"If we aim to survive, the most important thing for us now is actually time."

"As long as they can be dragged away, the powerful men from the Happy Realm stationed here outside the folded space will arrive. We must have a chance to survive."

Sugu turned his head and looked at Feng Yan. The cold look on his face gradually dissipated, and his facial features became as calm as usual.

"I am angry now, but I am not irrational. I know this road is dangerous, but this is our only chance to survive."

"Do you think that at this point, the enemy we are facing this time will give us a chance if we just stand by and watch?"

"Or do you think that if we push it to the end and let the mythical creature really send a ray of divine will, we will still have the means to make a comeback?"


These words made Feng Yan and Bai Yujing fall into silence. They both pursed their lips tightly, and all kinds of thoughts flashed rapidly in their minds.

"Even if we can get out successfully, the people of the Ju family will definitely kill us in order to keep the secret." Bai Yujing murmured:

"If you go out, you will die. If you stay in the blood sacrifice array, your soul power and life energy will be constantly extracted, and you will most likely die."

"Only by creating more variables and confusing the carefully arranged situation behind the scenes can we have a chance to survive."

"The real way to survive is just as Su Gu said, to stop the god from descending this time!"

When Bai Yujing sorted out the whole thing from beginning to end, the three of them fell into silence.

After a moment, Feng Yan took out a bracelet from his arms and handed it to Su Gu.

Su Gu took it and felt a fluctuation of space power on it.

This is actually a space treasure that can store things!

"This is the Sumi mustard seed given to me by the elders of my clan when I came of age. In addition to weapons, there is also a secret medicine of our clan, Tiancang Dan."

"After taking this pill, no matter how injured you are, you can immediately recover to your peak condition."

Speaking of this, Feng Yan's expression was a little sad:

"I was injured by the Hell Demon Spider, and now my strength is very low. I still have to work hard in the blood sacrifice array to prevent myself from being refined to death."

"Sorry, Brother Su, if I wasn't afraid of holding you back, I would definitely go with you even if I had to die."

���Bai Yujing, who was standing by, also had a gloomy expression on her face. Her injuries were more serious than Feng Yan's, so it was naturally impossible for her to go.

But at this point, she didn't say anything more.

Bai Yujing tried to stand up and put her forehead on Su Gu's chest.

The ice and snow power was released, and a strange energy flowed into Su Gu's body. The energy was not cold, but had a mint-like coolness. This energy formed a blue vortex in Su Gu's body.

After doing all this, Bai Yujing's already pale face turned even more pale. The whole person fell to the ground uncontrollably.

"This is a new move I came up with to develop my own abilities, to replace the dead ice puppet."

"He can stop a fatal attack and hopefully help you.

Sugu nodded solemnly to the two of them and said,"Thank you very much.""

Although neither of them can go, these things he gave him are treasures that can help them stay here for a while.

Although they can't go together, Sugu really believes that they want to live and die together. Feng Yan and Bai Yujing looked at Sugu's retreating figure and murmured softly:

"Take care, Brother Su!"......

"Masako, how's the situation inside?"Ju Zhaolie asked excitedly.

After the twenty Xiaoyao realm experts each assigned an area to break through the world wall, Qi Xiaoyao from the Ju family naturally"worked" silently.

Or looking for opportunities for others. Adding chaos, or quietly strengthening the restrictions on the wall of the world while no one is paying attention.

Now that they are a little tired, they can't help but ask. Masako Tachibana, who is the only one who can see the situation in the space, asks Tachibana Takayuki. latest situation

"What else."Tachibana Masako pursed her lips and smiled and said:"After the folding space is completely merged, the blood sacrifice array is activated. Those juniors naturally understand what happened."

"Now, as we expected, these ants are concentrating all their survival resources on the strongest person. Then go over, the last counterattack before death."

After hearing this, the other six Xiaoyao members of the Ju family also showed a smile.

"Those people in the Akamatsu family have already taken the secret medicine we gave them to burn their potential and lifespan."

"Now each of them has truly entered the quasi-soul-shaping realm. Among them, Akamatsu Taro and Akamatsu Hideshiro have truly reached the soul-shaping realm."

"In addition, the Akamatsu family is very good at combined attack. Plus the two commander-level aliens who came over. With these combat power guards, Master Tachibana Takashi's fusion of the divine thoughts of the divine creatures can be said to be foolproof!"

The expressions on the faces of these free-spirited masters of the Tachibana family have become more relaxed at this moment. The combat power they have invested in this plan is already extremely superior to the students who are still in the Xunwo realm at this time.

Everything is under their control.

"By using this blood sacrifice array and his powerful abilities, the young master waits for you to perfectly integrate the spiritual thoughts of the mythical creature, and the benefits he can get are inestimable."

"And we���At home, we can also directly communicate face-to-face with mythical creatures, and the blood pool of our clan will be overflowing again."

The look on Ju Zhaolie's face was full of excitement. He looked at Ju Masako with light shining in his eyes.

"Now let's watch these ants, the last moths to the flame, to kill some time."

Tachibana Masako also responded with a smile, her mind interacted with several people, and soon everyone saw the gray pillar.......

The sword flashed, and a hand holding a spear flew in the sky.

Akamatsu Taro stared closely at the face of the man whose right arm he had cut off and whose weapon he had removed. He wanted to see despair and pain from above

"I remember you are Lin Zihan from Wangtianya Martial Arts University, right? Your strength is pretty good. If you can kneel down, swear to be my dog. I can make the decision to ensure that you can come back alive from here."

Tear it off!

Lin Zihan's response was to take a fierce step forward. His chest was pierced by Hideshiro Akamatsu's sword. Even the pain of the chest piercing did not slow down his pace at all.

Lin Zihan's hands were struggling to hold him. Akamatsu Taro's waist was tightly held, with no intention of letting go.

He turned back to look at the petite girl Jiang Lu who was coming with him, who was carrying a huge cannon that was quite different from her body..

Terrifying energy gathered in it.

Jiang Lu stared at her senior, her body trembling.

"fire! Lin

Zihan said solemnly.

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