"How is this possible! How could such a thing happen?" Bai Yujing and Feng Yan said in unison.

The ten major families and the Human Federation, these are the top forces of the human race. If they unite together, their will can even directly represent the human race itself.

If it hadn't been Su Gu who said these words, Feng Yan and Bai Yujing would have regarded them as the ramblings of some madman who hadn't woken up.

However, Sugu ignored the exclamations of the two people and said to himself:

"In fact, if you think about it carefully, you can understand that if the alien race in the starry sky really wanted to find a collaborator among the human race, but in the end they only chose a loser like Kuang Zhen."

"Then I might really suspect that the history of mankind being forced into the Dark Ages by these alien races is somewhat fake."

"Therefore, there is a high probability that Kuang Zhen was just a casual catch among them, casting a wide net.

As for how many things there are in the net, we humans may never be able to figure out."

Hearing this speculation, the two people sitting aside swallowed their saliva at the same time.

"Brother Su, these are just your guesses. There is no evidence for this matter. Feng Yan stuttered and said,"And even so, people from the top ten families and the Federation will definitely stop this behavior.""

Su Gu glanced sideways at Feng Yan, and then said:

"Have you forgotten what we saw during this Star Force trip? In order to obtain more exotic blood, those small and medium-sized aristocratic families began to deepen their cooperation with some martial arts universities and squeeze out opportunities for common people."

The two of them nodded. After so many years of consumption, the alien blood possessed by human beings is no longer enough to support everyone's use.

This matter can be regarded as the general consensus of everyone.

"Yeah, since this is a common situation. But why has it taken so long since the Dark Ages? Can the top ten aristocratic families still steadily release deified power holders in every era?"

"Even a family may produce more than one person in a given era."

"Could it be that these families have more of this kind of top-level cultivation resource reserves than the total amount of ordinary alien blood stored by ordinary forces?"

Speaking of this, Su Gu showed a hint of ridicule on his face.

"This kind of thing goes against common sense."

"So I assert that these forces must have other ways to obtain different blood! However, the situation of these top forces is different from that of small and medium-sized aristocratic families.

In the hands of ordinary people, there is not a single resource that can push supernatural powers to deification. Even if these top forces squeeze them to death, they still can't get what they want."

"In this case, who do they want these top resources to go through?"

Every word Sugu said was like a thunder that kept exploding in the minds of the two of them.

Feng Yan and Bai Yujing were not fools. Although Sugu did not break the last window paper at this moment, these words finally The truth behind it is very clear.

Sugu is suspecting that the top leaders of the top ten families and the Human Federation have long-term deals with the alien races in the sky!

"Brother Su, are you kidding?"

The expression on Feng Yan's face was stiff, and his face even twitched.

He and Bai Yujing were subconsciously trying to find some arguments in their minds to refute these words that were tearing apart their worldview.

But they were both at a loss for words for a moment.

Sugu's reasoning It's bold, but logical. They want to argue, but they can't find the evidence.

"From the perspective of the alien race in the starry sky, this matter is actually suspicious enough.

Even though they are light years away from the solar system, they still spend a huge amount of resources every year, sending huge groups of people to these folded spaces to die.

You know, what humans desire most is the blood of aliens.

I don't believe that these beasts are really so noble that they are willing to spend resources and cross light-year distances to die for mankind."

Sugu said as he grabbed a handful of black gravel on the ground with a gloomy look on his face.

"I'm afraid that this folded space is originally a market where these top families, forces and foreign races trade!"

"The blood we obtained from these aliens we killed was just a small addition to the deal."

When Su Gu finished these words, Bai Yujing and Feng Yan both lowered their heads.

They organized their thoughts and thought about how to face the next step. They saw a completely different new world in their eyes.

Bai Yujing murmured. :"Would they really do such a thing to deify their superpowers?"

"What’s important is not the divine power." Su Gu said calmly:

"For these people, the most important thing is to ensure that their family and the forces they are in always maintain a transcendent position among the human race."

"Maybe for some people, this matter is more important than the safety of the human race itself."

When Sugu spoke, there was a hint of a smile.

But in his eyes, there was no trace of a smile.

After hearing these words, a chill spread down the spines of Bai Yujing and Feng Yan towards their bodies. For a moment, both of them felt cold all over their bodies. Su Gu closed his eyes and recalled what happened to Yue Yuzhong in the federal army over the past two days, biting his lips gently.

An ass is absolutely clean.

But it is unrealistic to say that these forces are completely aligned with the alien race. There is a high probability that there are different factions fighting against each other. But now

, it is really a mess.

The top priority is to figure out what the Tachibana family is going to do this time.

After all, getting out safely is the most important thing now.

"Sugu, you..."Open your eyes quickly and look at the sky." Bai Yujing stuttered.

Su Gu suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment, the sky of the folded space had darkened. One after another, scarlet snake eyes were neatly arranged in the dim sky.

This world suddenly became weird and terrifying.......

"What's going on? Why can't we enter these folded spaces?"General Yin said angrily.

Just for a moment, the folded spaces that could be entered at will suddenly connected and merged with each other.

In a few breaths, they turned into a small closed world. Invading the wall of the world, even if For Xiaoyao Realm, it is not an easy task. At this moment, the young master

Ju Guizhi, who had been sitting upright, all showed a smile.

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