"Help?" Sugu frowned deeply.

He didn't expect that he would receive this.

It stands to reason that if an accident does occur, just press the locator and a powerful person from the Xiaoyao Realm will arrive in an instant.

But why didn't he feel the aura fluctuations of those strong men in the Xiaoyao Realm?

Sugu looked at the black wasteland, and the expression on his face gradually became serious.

In other words, there may be a situation where it is impossible to communicate with people outside the folding space.

Is it the Ju family's method?

Thinking of the guesses he made when he entered the space, Sugu's face turned gloomier.

It seems that no matter what, I have to go and take a look.

A-level combat skill, stealth technique.

A-level combat skills, hidden shadow method,

A-level combat skills, silent steps.

Using three A-level latent combat skills at the same time, Sugu's body disappeared on the spot.

As shown on the locator, a breeze was rising in the direction of the Xingwu people.......

A piece of severed limbs fell on the black wasteland, and human red blood seeped down from the surface along the black stones.

Suddenly, the ground beneath a corpse began to shake. A figure emerged from the ground

"Sugu, is that you?"

Relying on the body to cover up and burying himself in the ground, Kuang Zhen, who was lucky enough to survive, rushed out from the ground.

He looked around and saw no one.

"I know you're here, come out quickly."

Sugu released the hidden combat skills on his body, and his figure gradually appeared. He looked at Kuang Zhen and said coldly:

"What happened? Why are you alone?"

Faced with this barrage of questions, Kuang Zhen covered his wounds and slowly explained:

"We encountered a quasi-commander-level alien race, the Hell Demon Spider. Originally, we could easily kill the Demon Spider with our combined efforts. But who would have thought that the Demon Spider would actually break through in the battle and become a true commander-level alien race?"

"That beast broke through so fast, I even felt that he was deliberately suppressing his own realm!"

"This happened so fast that everyone was stunned. Many people were not prepared and were killed at that moment. My locator was also damaged at this time."

"Moreover, this beast also called other companions, and another leader-level alien arrived at that time. Take Bai Yujing and your little brother Feng Yan away"

"Su Gu, there is indeed a conflict between us. But now we need your strength to save them."

When Kuang Zhen mentioned Bai Yujing, his face showed anxiety. He endured the pain of the wound and sincerely stepped forward to hold Su Gu's shoulders.

"If you want to save someone, why not press the locator."Sugu said calmly.

"No, you can't do that!" Kuang Zhen said quickly:"After all, I am a senior student. I have participated in the Star Air Force Brigade once. I know the situation here better than you."

"Those powerful men in the Xiaoyao Realm are only responsible for killing foreigners, not saving people. If they were to take action, both the hostages and the aliens might be killed!

"Of course, if it was General Yin who came, that would be another matter. But after all, there are twenty strong men guarding here, and we only have a one in twenty chance."

Speaking of this, Kuang Zhen trembled and said:

"Moreover, I don’t want to risk Yujing’s life"

"Su Gu, please save Yu Jing!"

After hearing these words, Su Gu nodded. Seeing this, Kuang Zhen was overjoyed and said,"Then let's go quickly, I remember their location!"

After saying that, Kuang Zhen stood up and ran in a panic in one direction. After taking a few steps, he looked back in confusion, and Su Gu, who was still standing there,

"Sugu, why don’t you leave?"

"Because I have one last question."Su Gu said with a smile.

Suddenly, he raised his right hand, and a knife force slashed towards the wound that Kuang Zhen had been covering with his hand.

Kuang Zhen's face changed slightly, and he reacted subconsciously. The Great Desolate Halberd appeared out of thin air to block the knife light.


Although the knife force was dispersed by the Great Desolate Halberd, the wound that had been covered by Kuang Zhen was finally exposed at this time.

The wind blade cut, the flame burned, and the thunder tore.

A palm-sized area was injured by three different kinds of injuries.

"This wound, no matter how I look at it, was left by Feng Yan's three-color Yuanfeng.

Now tell me what happened!"Sugu's voice became cold.

Seeing that his disguise was exposed, the affectionate expression on Kuang Zhen's face faded and he looked at Sugu coldly.

"When did you notice"

"Although it's only an A-level combat skill, you can actually sense my aura. You've become much stronger."Su Gu's eyes were cold, and he rarely showed his killing intent.

"Tell me, what happened?"

Kuang Zhen's face showed a sneer.

"Since you are so smart, why can't you guess it?"

"In this folded space, in addition to killing aliens, there is a second way to obtain the blood of aliens!"

After hearing this, Su Gu's face darkened slightly.

"You cooperate with the alien race, sell everyone, and then trade different blood with the alien race!"

"hey-hey."Kuang Zhen let out a few weird laughs, and then something flashed out of his right hand and fell to the ground.

A familiar black curtain covered the two of them.

Looking at this thing, Sugu raised his eyebrows. This thing was the same as him in martial arts. During the exam, it turned out that the alien secret treasure he saw during the battle with the Starry Sky Titan was exactly the same.

"The good things I got are not just different blood!" Kuang Zhen said with a wild smile:

"What I just told you is true, but when the alien race broke through, everyone's attention was focused on the quasi-commander-level alien race. At that time, I killed a few in a sneak attack."

"I have wanted to kill that Feng Yan for a long time, but he actually opposed me over and over again!"

"This time not only did I get what I wanted, but I myself was completely transformed!"

A shadow with a terrifying aura emerged behind Kuang Zhen. A strange bird with three legs, surrounded by a halo of flames.

S-level power, three-legged golden crow!

"In this 'black domain', my abilities will be doubled, and the enemy will bear thirty times more gravity!"

"I'm going to kill you Sugu. If I kill you, I can climb up again, and the school's resources will be tilted toward me!"

"Don't blame me, the world is like this, the weak eat the strong. The aristocratic family robs the common people of their resources. If ordinary people like me want to move up, they have to use extraordinary means!"


After hearing this sound, Kuang Zhen felt himself starting to fall. His body fell to the ground, and his hands supported the ground to maintain balance.

What he saw were two standing legs. Those were Kuang Zhen's My own leg.

My whole body was cut in half from the thigh.

It took a few seconds for Kuang Zhen to realize what was happening.

After this thought came to his mind, he felt unbearable pain. The fear of death came to my mind, so I forcibly gave up the idea.

"S-level steps? And S-level fighting skills that I haven't seen before?"

Kuang Zhen stared at the pair of eyes looking down at him, feeling his heart being grabbed.

Su Gu said lightly:"Don't worry, you will definitely die, but before you die, I need to clarify some things."

As he spoke, he pressed his right hand on Kuang Zhen's head.

Then, a heart-wrenching howl sounded in this area.

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