Seeing Sugu's figure standing on the fighting platform, the three martial arts colleges fell into silence at this moment.

No one said a word at this time, as if everyone was confirming whether the scene in front of them was their own hallucination.

In the end, Lin Zihan sighed leisurely:"Next, I can schedule a few more exchange battles with Xingkong Martial Arts University.""

"After this guy named Sugu becomes completely famous, I am afraid that the people who challenge their school team will break through the school's threshold."

Jiang Lu on the side listened and nodded in agreement.

With such a monster around, I'm afraid that in this year's solar system college martial arts competition, the ranking of Starry Sky Martial Arts University will be completely different from the past.

"This year, Starry Sky Martial Arts University had some shitty luck. How can we recruit such students?"

"Yes, I'm so lucky"......

Compared to the onlookers who were marveling at Su Gu's strength, the expressions on the faces of the three schools that were defeated head-on were as if they had eaten a large pile of shit.

They finally figured out why the students from Starry Sky Martial Arts University had such a calm expression when they came up to challenge.

And when they agreed to the one-on-one duel between freshmen. Why did those guys from Starry Sky Martial Arts University look at them as if they were fools?

It is estimated that what is happening now has long been expected by Starry Sky Martial Arts University.

Damn Starry Sky Martial Arts University, damn it.

And the most damnable one is this Su Gu.

The leaders and teachers of this"Martial Arts College Coalition" stared at Su Gu.

Resentment, admiration, respect, murderous intent......All of them.

And in the end, all these emotions turned into a long sigh:

"I remember he is a freshman now, right?"

"In this case, within four years, all cannibalization plans against the Starry Sky Martial Arts University will be stopped. Plans that have already been started are forcibly suspended"

"Before Su Gu graduates, we need to avoid his edge."

When this decision was made, everyone's face showed bitterness.

The cooperation between these small families and martial arts colleges is not a one-day effort. It is the result of years of planning and water dripping through the stone.

This year, the heirs of many small families and some medium-sized families agreed to study in their schools.

Originally thought that this year was a year of quantitative change leading to qualitative change. According to their estimates, they would be able to pull down one of the three most prestigious martial arts schools.

Unexpectedly, Arnold from Kaiyang Martial Arts University comprehended S-level combat skills. Xingkong Martial Arts University also produced a monster like Su Gu. This year's action has just begun, and it has been defeated.

"It doesn't matter. No matter how strong Su Gu is, as a student, he can only stay in Xingkong Martial Arts University for four years. I don't believe that Xingkong Martial Arts University can still produce such a monster that is rarely seen in a century after four years."

The leader of Ku Rong Martial Arts Academy said bitterly:"In the past fifty years, too many families have weakened and even fallen apart due to the depletion of evolutionary substances."

"Finding other ways to obtain the blood of alien races has become a consensus among all the families. Even a genius like Su Gu cannot stop this trend!"

"It’s just another four years of dormancy, we can afford to wait!"

After making this declaration, Min Xing, a comatose time power user, was carried off the stage by everyone.

During this period, these people saw Sugu standing on the stage, and they all took a detour. He looked so dejected. , He didn't even dare to look at her.

No one with no brains would come forward and say something harsh.

The gap between the two sides was so big that it could be seen with the naked eye. He shook his head boredly, then turned around to leave, but at this moment, a figure followed him.

"Hello, I am Lin Zihan from Wangtianya Martial Arts University."

Lin Zihan came over with her schoolmate.

Su Gu was stunned for a moment after hearing the voice, and then said:"I know, we have met before, there is no need to introduce ourselves again"

"The last time we met, I was too blind to recognize Taishan, and I was a little rude. Now I am getting to know him again." Lin Zihan said solemnly.

Then, he changed the subject and said:"Actually, I came to you to discuss whether I can arrange a few training matches with your school."

"Of course, in terms of time, we are willing to focus on your school. Even willing to pay some price as a reward for communication war."

After hearing this, Sugu was stunned for a moment, and then said:

"Lin Zihan, right, you must have made a mistake. You should talk to Bai Yujing and the others about this kind of thing. I am not the team leader of our school, or even a member of the school team."

After hearing this, Jiang Lu stuck out her tongue and said:"Even if you are not now, you will be soon. And do you think we can put forward such conditions when talking to others without you being there to nod?

Lin Zihan saw this and continued:"My junior fellow student is right. We proposed this communication battle because we watched your battle." It doesn't mean anything if you don't nod"

"As for Bai Yujing, in previous years it was you, Xingwu, who approached us, and it was because of you that we took the initiative to ask for a fight. Presumably she is not ignorant."

After hearing this, Sugu showed a wry smile.

He just taught three trouble-making clowns a lesson, and now he has a lot of trouble coming for him.

But this kind of thing is reasonable. In this martial arts In the supreme world, as long as you are strong enough, something will always come to you.

Whether it is trouble or opportunity depends on your personal judgment.

"Let’s talk about it later."Sugu waved his hand, said hello and left.

Obviously he had no interest in this kind of thing.

And just when he was about to leave, the roar of the engine of a space off-road vehicle came from far away. There was a nearby sound.

Soon, several soldiers got out of the car. They were using the gravity-free mode of the gravity rescue device to transport a wounded person out of the car.

"Is the medic here? Come and help, a student is seriously injured."

Looking at the appearance of the person who was sent, Su Gu's expression suddenly changed.

That was Xiao Junjian, a student from their school.

At this moment, Xiao Junjian's body was beaten to multiple fractures. It seemed that the most terrifying thing was his. His legs were almost bent and deformed.

If I remember correctly, Xiao Junjian was an assassin.

If his legs were beaten like this, he would probably be disabled even if he could be cured later. Afraid that his combat power would drop a notch.

Su Gu frowned deeply. Regardless of his previous relationship, Xiao Junjian was now a classmate of his own school and his current teammate.

Like this.

A surge of anger surged into his heart, and he stepped forward quickly and said:"Who did this."

His words were calm, but everyone could hear the anger contained in them.

"They were from the Chisong family. Somehow, they had a conflict with the people from Xingwu University."

"Now the people from Xingwu University are still blocked in the central area of the west side of the space city."

Someone on the side said in a low voice.

After hearing this, Su Gu's figure disappeared instantly, leaving only a sentence.

"Feng Yan, stay here and take good care of me!"

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