After hearing what Ma Mingjie said, everyone in Xingwu University turned their attention to Feng Yan, the only person in the group who came from a noble family.

At this moment, Feng Yan had an embarrassed look on his face, and he said after careful consideration:

"I actually don’t know a lot of things in my family. But I can come here without using my privileges."

Just after he finished speaking, Kuang Zhen, who had long been unable to bear it, said directly and bitterly:"Shameless things, you guys are all the same!"

As soon as he heard that the person speaking was Kuang Zhen, Feng Yan immediately became less talkative.

He squinted his eyes slightly and looked over coldly, with his right hand already holding the short blade.

Seeing that the two were about to fight again Standing up, the group of people looked at Sugu in unison. Unconsciously, they regarded Sugu as one of the leaders of the team.

"enough. No matter what the grudges are, we are all teammates now."Sugu said in a deep voice when he saw this.

Hearing his words, the two of them stopped one after another. Sugu once again stopped the internal fighting between the two.

Lan Qing showed a smile when he saw this and said:

"You don't have to do this. Compared to other martial arts universities that have been taken over, I can guarantee that the most important service objects of Xingwu University are still civilians."

"Although Feng Yan was born into a noble family, he was able to participate in this military trip in full compliance with the procedures and did not use any privileges. After all, except for Su Gu, no one in the same class could suppress him, and he really didn't need those."

After hearing what Instructor Lan Qing said, the people who were traveling with him breathed a sigh of relief. The originally tense and awkward atmosphere dissipated a lot.

"But I remember that when I first entered school, I was reminded by my senior that the conflict between aristocratic families and common people in Xingwu University this year has become very acute, and I was told to be careful."Xiao Junjian, who is also a freshman, said thoughtfully.

His words made all the students in the same grade present nodded, obviously they all had similar experiences.

After hearing this question, Lan Qing said with a smile:

"This is indeed the case. The conflict between the aristocratic families in our school and the common people has become extremely acute this year. According to Cheng Ziwen's estimate, the conflict broke out during the freshman competition. The school board and the principal were both present at the time, hoping that if something happened, they could mediate."

"But no one expected that two people did two things to miraculously resolve this conflict. Lan

Qing paused, looked at Sugu and said with a smile:

"One of them was that a monster suddenly appeared this year and beat up all the students in his class, regardless of whether they were from aristocratic families or ordinary people. He beat them so hard that they had no temper."

"The conflicts that were about to break out probably won't break out before that monster graduates."

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Sugu. Everyone's eyes were full of complicated meanings.

It's you, boy!

Sugu looked a little embarrassed and turned his head away silently.

Good guy, the principal at that time Nariko asked if he had any plans to make this bet with him.

However, even though he was tricked, judging from the benefits he got from the Martial Arts Thousand Layer Pagoda, his work was not in vain.

"However, this is a forced suppression after all. Although there will be no more major conflicts, we estimate that small frictions will continue in the school in the future."

"As a result, there was another new student this year who started an Almighty God of War support club. Relying on his own ability, he pulled in all the new students."

"Because they had a common goal, these people, whether from noble families or common people, got along quite well! This can be regarded as helping our school to clear a mine in advance."

Everyone's eyes turned to the fat man next to Su Gu.

The fat man was much thicker-skinned than Su Gu. Upon hearing this, he immediately went to ask for benefits:

"Teacher, you are too kind. Um, I have made such great contributions to the school, can you give me some reward?"

No matter whether he can really get the benefits or not, Ma Mingjie is the type to give him a couple of shots.

Teacher Lan Qing looked at him in surprise and said,"Hasn't it been given already?"

"Do you think you can get into this team with your cultivation? You can join the Star Air Force Brigade because both the principal Cheng Ziwen and the school board of directors gave you the green light and saved up an extra spot for you."

"Although you really can't participate in the next activity of killing aliens, it's too dangerous. But Cheng Ziwen has asked General Yin to pull you out to practice alone to improve your combat power while we are doing activities."

"Although you can't get the blood of other races to improve your abilities, I guarantee that you will be reborn when you return."

Ma Mingjie's face turned pale after hearing this.

Thinking of General Yin's fierce look, his legs trembled a few times.

"It doesn’t have to be like this! I have pretty good fat, but I don’t want to be reborn, let alone change my bones!"

Listening to the fat man's miserable scream, the team was filled with cheerful laughter for a moment.

""Have you finished talking?" A shout came over.

The three schools that wanted to challenge Xingwu University had been waiting nearby. Seeing these people chattering for a long time, and even laughing, they completely ignored them.

At this moment, they were furious.

"There is no use delaying! According to the rules, the higher-ranking person must agree to the challenge from the lower-ranking school. Please hurry up and choose one of our three schools to fight!"

"The schedule doesn’t matter to us! Best of three? Best of five? It is all acceptable!"

Listening to the other party's impatient tone, Bai Yujing and Lan Qing looked at each other, and both saw a hint of smile in their eyes.

"Since you can't wait so much, let's challenge it one on one. We each send a freshman to win or lose."

Freshman? One battle determines victory or defeat?

After hearing this, the three team leaders from other schools who came to challenge were stunned.

They never expected that Xingkong Martial Arts University would propose such a strategy.

You know, a battle If the outcome of the battle is determined, the uncertainty is too great, so under normal circumstances, there will be multiple battles between schools to determine the outcome.

"Since all three of your schools want to challenge us, if a battle determines the outcome, you will all have a chance to play."Bai Yujing said with a smile.

Xingwu University is also preparing a school, pick three of us?!

After hearing this decision, the three people were silent for a moment, and then showed a cold smile.

"Since Starry Sky Martial Arts University is so interested, then we are disrespectful! See you on the battle stage in ten hours."

After that, the three people turned around and left.

When the three people left, everyone's eyes turned to that person again.

Seeing this, Sugu sighed slightly. Sometimes, your ability reaches a certain level. To the point that even if you want to hide behind and be lazy, you will be pushed to the stage by those around you to show off.

""Okay, okay, okay, I got it. I'll go over and get rid of those three people later." After hearing Su Gu's agreement, everyone smiled with relief.

Although being in the same class with Su Gu made people despair, it would be reassuring if he were a teammate.

"Sorry to trouble you, Sugu"

"Thank you, Brother Su"......

The group of people all smiled and thanked Sugu, and some people took out the forbidden food that they had secretly exchanged with the garrison soldiers to express their gratitude to Sugu.

And just when the Xingwu University group was enjoying themselves, two more teams came to the door.

Looking at the visitor, Bai Yujing and Kuang Zhen narrowed their eyes slightly.

The two people were Lin Zihan, the leader of Wangtianya Martial Arts University, and...

Arnold, the leader of Kaiyang Martial Arts University!

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