After the Space City issued the order, a group of people from the Starry Sky Martial Arts University, led by General Yin, walked towards the central area of the Space City.

Bai Yujing and Kuang Zhen, as team leaders, walked at the front of the team. Sugu, on the other hand, accompanied Instructor Lan Qing and followed slowly at the back.

Suddenly, a student trotted over and asked:

"Mr. Lan, can you tell us exactly what benefits we will get from this Star Force trip?"

Bai Yujing and Kuang Zhen drew a big pie for these students who came to join the military tour. It showed that if they were lucky enough, they could be reborn here.

This made the students who participated in the military tour feel excited about the upcoming information session. There was a strong expectation. Now someone finally couldn't suppress their curiosity and came over to ask.

When the student asked this question, many people immediately responded.

"Yes, mentor. Just stop telling us."

"I kept asking Senior Kuang Zhen on the way here, but he wouldn’t let go. It makes my heart scratch like a cat"......

Hearing these students' questions, Instructor Lan Qing put a smile on his face and said calmly:"We are already here, and there is really no need to keep it secret from you."

"Since you are so curious, I will ask you a question. Who was the stronger human warrior in the Dark Ages compared to today?"

Everyone who asked this question was stunned, but after a moment, Sugu said without thinking:

"Of course now! Things are moving forward, and martial arts has evolved through so many years and so many generations of warriors. There is no reason to go backwards."

This sentence made many people nod secretly, all agreeing with it.

But the mentor Lan Qing remained silent, neither nodding nor shaking his head.

Seeing this, Sugu frowned slightly:"What do you mean? , were the warriors back then stronger than we are now?"

"Do you know how the first superhuman appeared?"Teacher Lan Qing asked Sugu's question in return.

This kind of philosophical question, similar to where we come from, made everyone silent. Fortunately, Lan Qing did not let this embarrassing atmosphere last too long. He quickly Just told the answer to the question

"Just like in many myths, a knight bathed in dragon blood will possess some of the dragon's power."

"Humanity's first superpowers were created by bathing in the blood of aliens during the Dark Ages."

After hearing this, Sugu's frown immediately relaxed. Then a flash of lightning flashed through his mind, and all kinds of thoughts surged through it.

He blurted out:"So in terms of supernatural powers, human beings are regressing. ?!"

Lan Qing glanced at him in surprise, marveling at Sugu's quick thinking. He paused and continued:

"Yes, perhaps human beings' combat skills have developed over time and become more sophisticated than before, but the opposite is true when it comes to superpowers."

"Because humans and alien races are now too far apart, the top alien races have not invaded the solar system for hundreds of years. Humans cannot obtain the blood of aliens that can evolve powers, so compared to the Dark Ages, people with S-level powers have become much rarer."

"Not to mention those legendary deified superpowers."

After hearing this, everyone fell silent along the way.

Many people have always regarded the level of superpowers as something destined by God and can never be changed. But they never expected that there is such a thing among them. Guan Qiao.

At the same time, they also have a desire in their hearts. Mastering a powerful combat skill requires countless days and nights of repeated practice.

But the power is different. Having a powerful enough power can instantly transform someone into a new person. It can be seen from the fact that those guys with powerful offensive abilities will be assigned to the martial arts exam class first if they can improve their ability level.......

Many people began to have wild imaginations

"I know what you are thinking, but this kind of thing has always been the privilege of aristocratic families. General Yin, who had been walking in front, said coldly:

"In the secret places of many aristocratic families, there are blood pools made of the corpses of many top alien races. Each generation will choose a descendant to soak in it to enhance the power of their own abilities. This is also the reason why those top aristocratic families have always stood at the top of mankind."

"Compared with ordinary people who can only pursue martial arts, they are born with the ability to walk on two legs!"

Amidst the complaints from General Yin's angry youth, Su Gu glanced at Feng Yan, who had been silent. Looking at him, he estimated that these words were probably true.

"Even ordinary families are like this, not to mention the top ten families standing at the top of humanity! Legend has it that their family has the remains of mythical creatures. Each generation of their descendants can use this to upgrade their S-level abilities again and turn them into true mythical abilities!"

Mythical abilities?

This kind of legend, which has only been heard in historical documents and has no video footage left, actually exists?

Many people couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

"However, the lack of materials for the evolution of supernatural powers by humans is indeed a holistic problem."Instructor Lan Qing said gently:

"According to my guess, the reason why the Hassan family wanted to recruit the Almighty God of War was probably because of the lack of their own fighting skills.

According to the literature and legend, the first ancestor of their family was a person with divine superpowers. It is a complete pipe dream to want to reproduce the fighting skills created by a person with divine superpowers through the efforts of mortals."

"Even a famous family like the Patton family would fall into the dilemma of not having enough resources to distribute outstanding disciples."

"This is even more true for us ordinary people. Very few people have the opportunity to directly increase the level of their abilities."

"You must know that in the dark ages, heroes do not ask where they come from. Relying on their own powerful abilities, there are many strong men who can complete their own evolution while bathing in the enemy's blood. Among them, there are many examples of people with C-level superpowers who have never been popular, killing enemies all the way, and finally deifying their superpowers and becoming unparalleled powerhouses."

"The liberation fighters are among them."

Hearing the words"liberation warrior", everyone's body was shaken subconsciously.

At the most desperate time in the dark age, the ancestral planet of mankind, the earth, fell. And during this period, a foreign human slave, from the smallest to the lowest level, He began to rise everywhere. After a bloody journey, he finally killed three myths and liberated the earth.

Even after hundreds of years, his name is still praised as a liberation warrior in the solar system!

"So this time we come to kill the aliens, and at the same time we are fighting for resources?" Su Gu asked calmly.

"That's right, in the Star Air Force Brigade, the top colleges and universities are fighting for the blood of the aliens who have come across space!" said General Yin.

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