The expression on Yak's face was as gloomy as water. who is he? Jacques Patton, the next head of the famous Martian heavy-armed family. A top genius who possesses S-level powers and is born to stand above ordinary people.

It is obviously his exclusive right to stand there and let his opponent attack, and watch his opponent's desperate process of breaking through the defense bit by bit because the attack is completely ineffective.

But now, someone actually asked him to do such a thing in front of him!

An uncontrollable anger surged into my heart

"you will regret."

Yak stretched out his hand and wiped away the blood on his face. Then the giant ax in his hand danced, and three waterspouts rose around where he was standing. The entire Mirror Lake began to sway because of his movements.

The entire lake surface There were waves of water rising up, like a storm about to happen.

There was only one location that looked extremely disharmonious, and that was where Sugu was standing, within a radius of ten meters, the water seemed to be calm.

The smoothed rice paper, no matter how fierce the storm outside, there is not a single wave in this area, not even a ripple, a corner of extreme calm, opposite to the storm outside that seems to be destroying the world, a very beautiful picture is constructed.

A picture of tension


The calm picture was completely broken with a roar from Yak Patton. The three tornadoes surrounding him intertwined and turned into a water dragon.

Yak rode the dragon and headed in the direction of Sugu Rushing away.

A-level combat skill, Dragon Roaring Ax!

Sugu stood there, his face calm as he faced the move towards him.

Everyone in the audience widened their eyes. They all covered their ears in advance.

Both the fans who supported Jacques Patton and the fans of Wu Shen were extremely nervous. They were ready for the earth-shattering collision. They were all wrong.

When the water dragon hit the field where the Almighty Martial God was, it was completely melted away like a burning candle. There was no sound in the whole process, and there was only a strange silence in the water dragon. , was completely dissolved. It turned into ordinary water and turned into a water curtain flowing downward.

The water curtain outlined the field with Sugu as the center, and it was a perfect circle. Jacques Patton on the dragon head has fallen into this circle

"I have been free these days, so I upgraded the Tai Chi Zhou Yuan Jin that defeated your brother to an S-level combat skill."

"I haven't thought of a name yet, but now I have an idea, let's call it 'Liang Yi Ding Hai'’!"

Su Gu looked at Yak who was struggling hard in the air and said calmly.

At this moment, Yak was struggling hard. He felt as if he was stuck in a quagmire. Any strength he exerted was constantly swallowed up by this field.

A bad feeling emerged in his heart.

S-level combat skill, Liang Yi Ding Hai. A defensive counterattack type combat skill, swallowing all the forces attacking oneself in the field and controlling it for oneself.

Su Gu raised his right hand and pointed his index finger at Yak's heart.

The killing power of the giant axe, the impact of the water dragon, the waves of the turbulent lake, and the force generated by Yak's constant struggle in Liang Yi Ding Hai.

At this moment, it turned into a point as big as a fingertip and poured directly into his heart.


Yak was blasted back and his body bounced up and down on the lake like a stone skipping on the water.

Then, as if he lost consciousness, he sank directly to the bottom of the lake.

The people in the audience watched this scene and were speechless for a long time.

"Another S-level combat skill?"

"You have nothing to do recently, do you want to upgrade your combat skills?"

Since when did S-level combat skills become a commodity that can be wholesaled at will? This is a magical skill that can increase the chance of entering the soul-shaping realm after learning it.

"Brother Wushen is awesome!"Fans of Almighty God of War, finally couldn't hold it in any longer and let out a loud shout.

"What about those Martians who just questioned Brother Wu Shen? You guys are talking, I haven’t heard you talk for a long time!"

"Please, can you say it again, that invincible S-level power!"

"Just now I actually questioned Brother Wu Shen for a moment. I'm sorry, I'm guilty."

Compared with the excitement of the Almighty Martial God fans, the Martians who had been shouting just now were completely unable to make any sound.

What kind of warrior is this? His existence itself is a violation!


Yak came out of the water He climbed up with difficulty, and the water under his feet was already stained red with blood.

His giant ax was thrown over by Sugu, and there was another sentence at the same time.

"What a strong tortoise shell. It's really interesting. It seems that it is correct not to attack your cover."

Sugu's words made Yak's eyelids jump.

"Cover door? Anderson said:"This guy who is as strong as an iron knot also has a cover?""

"The heel of Agathius. Schiller on the side said calmly:"According to legend, Agathios soaked in the water of the River Styx and obtained an immortal body. But his mother held his ankles to prevent him from being swept away by the River Styx. So his ankle is the most vulnerable part of his body"

"And Yake must have the same weak spot, but it may not be on the ankle."

"What's the point of just bluffing! Yak roared and said:"If you really saw through where my Achilles' heel is, why didn't you attack just now?""

"It's so boring if you don't think of a way to break a solid turtle shell."Su Gu said calmly.

"Stop pretending, I know you're bluffing! So what about S-level combat skills, they still can't finish me, I haven't lost yet!"

"In a head-on confrontation, I am invincible!"

Yak's angrily words amused the fans of Brother Wu Shen, who laughed disdainfully.

"You Martians are really stubborn. I've been beaten up like this, but I still can't shut you up."

"Brother Wushen, ignore him. We will kill him soon."

After hearing these words, the Martians who supported Yak were gloomy. Although these people's words were unpleasant to hear, they really couldn't find a reason to refute.

Yak Patton, the pride of the Martians, now faced the almighty Wushen, and his own people couldn't find a way to win.

This made them feel extremely aggrieved and depressed.

At this moment, Su Gu said something that made everyone dumbfounded.

"OK, let's have a head-to-head confrontation."Sugu said with a smile, and then he added

"One move will determine victory or defeat. If I don't finish you off with my next punch, I will lose."

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