"If we still can't come up with anything interesting, this battle can be over."

Sugu's confident and arrogant words resounded throughout the arena.

At this moment, such a scene finally drew the attention of the audience who were still discussing the exercises.

No one expected that the situation would take a turn for the worse in such a short period of time.

Kagura, who came from a famous assassin family and had the upper hand just now, almost had her heart cut open in such a short period of time.

For a moment, no one said anything. boom!

Sauri fell down from the commentary chair.

The expression on his face was as if he had just been forced to swallow a whole box of canned herrings, full of despair.

One hundred thousand federal coins! Why is my mouth so mean?

Sao Rui turned his head and looked at Ma Mingjie sitting next to him somewhat flatteringly. I hope the other party can let him go.

The fat man showed the smile that a capitalist should have without any surprise.

Sauri is even more desperate

"Hehe......"In the arena, Kagura Hassan, whose heart was almost cut open by Sugu, let out a weird laugh.

He relied on his miraculous muscle control ability to temporarily stop the bleeding wounds.

"Want to see something new? Almighty God of War, you asked for this."Kagura roared in his throat, like a beast forced into a desperate situation, issuing a final warning.

"If you like to learn, then I will show you something you will never learn."

His soul power spurted out crazily, and the black soul power was condensed and undissipated, like a black mist surrounding Kagura.

Then Kagura stood on tiptoes, like a dark wizard praying to the gods.

Zhu, dancing strangely in the black mist, followed his movements, and the black soul power passed through the holes in his body, as if there was some strange resonance, but he was with him.

Everyone in the space feels a strong sense of discomfort, as if an invisible hand reaches into the darkest side of people's hearts and pulls out the filthy and extreme desires that once flashed through them.

, this moment was infinitely magnified.

Murder, self-mutilation, lust, violence...

For a moment, the entire audience became extremely agitated~

It seemed that some kind of alarm was triggered in the martial arts dojo. There was a piercing cry, which was enough to pierce the eardrums, and it temporarily suppressed the restlessness in the audience.

"Shit, what just happened? The story of my girlfriend dumping me last year replays in my mind like a movie"

"What a weird move, what is Kagura Hassan doing?"

The ordinary spectators in the auditorium started talking. What just happened was too weird. They themselves didn't know why they were tricked.

"It can't be that." Anderson looked at the situation on the field and swallowed his saliva.

"The only person in the Hassan family who can create such a momentum is that combat skill. Schiller said softly:"S-level combat skills, Black Friday.""

Sao Rui jumped up. The ups and downs in his life made his face turn red like a piece of pig liver.

"What Kagura is using now is the move used by their seniors from the Hassan family to deliver a fatal blow to the overlord-level starry sky aliens."

"This is a great combat skill that has left its name in human history!"

Being able to learn such combat skills, I'm afraid that Kagura's status in the Hassan family is much higher than everyone here guessed.

Sauri was extremely excited, his wallet was saved.

"Compared with A-level combat skills, the power of S-level combat skills has undergone a qualitative change. If the Almighty Martial God couldn't produce the same level of power, he would be here today to suffer the consequences!"

S-level combat skills?

These four words caused a commotion in the audience.

This level of combat skills can actually be seen in the brave level? Even in the elite level, it is rare to see someone using such a big killing weapon.

"This Kagura should not have fully mastered this combat skill, otherwise the power would not spill over to the audience."Keyu Ya commented calmly.

At the same time, she stared at the back of the Almighty Martial God with vigor and vitality.

The only combat skills that can defeat S-level combat skills in the front are those of the same level. If the Almighty Martial God wants to win, he must use it Something real.

She might be able to get a glimpse of the true face of the God of War.

Sugu's eyes were closed tightly, and he felt that all the emotions in his heart were being torn apart, and he was furious. , ecstasy, loss, sadness...

It seems that their souls are beginning to split, and they are fighting against each other.

The expressions on the faces of those fans who support Brother Wushen are a little heart-wrenching just because of the power flowing out. The entire audience almost fell into madness. Facing this force, Brother Wu was afraid that he would be under more pressure than they imagined.

Sugu's eyes suddenly opened, and his eyes were filled with blood. It was not easy for him to break free from the control of his emotions.

His eyes were locked on the dancing Kagura's body, and the expression on his face was intriguing. Suddenly, the black soul of the Almighty Martial God moved.

It turned into black mist, and at the same time, like Kagura, he was doing a weird dance.


Brother Wu Shen was replicating the Hassan family's fighting skills on the spot!

Everyone opened their eyes. If they hadn't witnessed this scene with their own eyes, they would have done it. I can't even imagine such a scene in my wildest dreams

"Can the copied technique still do such a thing?"Someone murmured.

Every S-level combat skill has a corresponding unique technique. Otherwise, it would never be possible to use it.

Brother Wu Shen once again refreshed everyone's understanding.

"There are still some differences."Someone said in a deep voice.

Although they look similar, the movements of the God of War are less weird and crazy than those of Kagura, and more sacred. The black mist surrounding him is also more condensed. The black mist around the Almighty God of War interweaves with each other, forming a pattern that looks like an ancient totem.

"No one really thinks that the Almighty Martial God can challenge the assassin family's family fighting skills that have been passed down for hundreds of years!"Sau Rui clenched his fingers and roared.

He didn't believe that the Almighty Martial God could turn the tables after using such fighting skills that have left a name in human history!

Ke Yuya's face was solemn. Although the Almighty Martial God used S-level fighting skills, this situation was far beyond her expectations.

"The time has come."

The whole dance contained in the combat skill Black Friday is not just to control the opponent.

More importantly, it is to accumulate power for oneself.

The black smoke of soul power is facing the people in the arena. The two of them were wrapped around each other.

Sugu and Kagura were covered in a similar layer of black soul armor. They looked terrifying, as if they were warriors chosen by the devil.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Kagura's eyes were filled with blood and tears. He looked at Sugu, who looked normal, and his face became ferocious and terrifying.

He rushed towards Sugu like a madman.

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