Kagura Hassan walked out of the ruins of the collapsed stone pillar, with an extremely gloomy expression on his face. The soul-eating knife flipped back and forth between his left and right hands, and the cold light reflected from the blade shone on his already terrifying body.

"The chanting of the Lost Soul Curse is not over yet. I want to see how many times you can block my attacks by relying on the instinct of losing consciousness!"

Kagura said this in an extremely low voice, like an enraged humanoid monster.

The soul-eating knife that overturned back and forth was held by his right hand, and then his figure seemed to teleport again, appearing in Sugu's body. In front of you....when!

The two masters were entangled again, and the broken sword and the dagger collided nearly a hundred times in just a short moment.

The sparks generated by the high-frequency collision of weapons created an infinite fire in the void between the two people.

The firelight shone on the faces of the two people. In this high-frequency mutual attack that would kill you if you blinked one more time, they all raised a hint of excited smile.

Both of them are enjoying the pleasure of wandering between life and death, whether they die themselves or their opponents.

"Two monsters."

Everyone invariably used the same two words to describe the two sides fighting.

The strange wind in the ghost cave in the underworld began to blow, and Kagura, who was fighting, heard the sound of the wind that sounded like a wailing ghost. , the smile on his face became more vivid.

The wind passed through his body.

The soul-losing curse that had been ringing in the environment seemed to become more penetrating at this moment. The feeling of being sucked away from his soul hit Sugu again.

Faced with the discomfort in his body, Sugu held on for a moment and finally lost consciousness.

"This time, you won't be so lucky."Kagura looked at Sugu's face that seemed to be sleeping, and said coldly.

The mutual attacks continued, but this time Sugu, who was unconscious, could no longer gain any advantage in Kagura's hands.

Soon. , there were two more wounds on his arms, and the blood dyed Sugu’s military uniform red.

"Even if I don't like this warrior, I have to admit it. The fighting talent of the Almighty Martial God is something I have never seen before in my life. It's unheard of for me to be able to fight against the assassins of the Hassan family without dying even while unconscious."Saorui coughed lightly, and after confirming the Almighty Martial God's ability, he said in a rising tone:

"However, the disadvantages of this method of losing consciousness are also extremely obvious. The first time you use it, you may suffer a slight loss to an opponent who doesn't know the situation. If you use it the second or third time, your unconscious movement habits will be interpreted by your opponent. And the unconscious Almighty God of War cannot correct these habits in time."

"The fighting method that the Almighty God of War came up with on the spur of the moment not only failed to achieve sufficient results, but also further angered Kagura, and at the same time tied up his hands and feet"

"Although there were some twists and turns in the process, the result remained the same. The Almighty God of War will die in the Lost Soul Curse, but the myth of the Hassan family will remain alive."

While Sao Rui was saying this passionately, Sugu received several more wounds on his body under Kagura's offensive. And judging from the amount of bleeding, the injuries were deeper each time.

It seemed that everything was in harmony with What Sao Rui said was completely consistent. The Almighty Martial God was gone.

Ma Mingjie looked at Sugu who was covered in blood, bit his lower lip with his teeth, and said with a pale face:

"Sauri, let's take a gamble. One hundred thousand federal coins, I will win over the God of War."

After hearing this, Sao Rui looked at Ma Mingjie with an idiotic expression. The expression on his face clearly said,"Didn't you hear what I just said?"

"No matter what the current situation is, I just think Brother Wu Shen will win! Ma Mingjie growled and said:"This hundred thousand is just to seal your mouth.""

"Huh, this is just a stupid fan. Saori shrugged disdainfully and continued:

"OK, I'll bet you!"

One hundred thousand federal coins is still a lot of money for a big commentator like him. If you don't make money, you are a bastard.

Kagura has almost cut to the God of War. How can he make a comeback next?

How? Can you turn it over with your head?

I can add chicken drumsticks to this month’s dinner! Kagura, who was fighting with the unconscious Sugu, suddenly jumped away like a spring.

Opening his eyes suddenly, his consciousness finally came back.

The sober Sugu glanced at his body covered with scars, and the blood flowing out formed a small

A-level combat skill, star, where he stood.

The light of the soul power flickers on Sugu's wound to stop the bleeding.

"What you know is so complex." Kagura praised him with both salt and mildness.

From the strange defensive combat skills that can withstand sound waves to the simple one that can stop bleeding, the warrior in front of him is like an encyclopedia of unpopular combat skills.

Martial God Talk Not really, but it’s really versatile.

"How long had I just been unconscious?"Sugu asked calmly

"4.6 seconds"

"You can do this in 4.6 seconds, you are more capable than I thought."

Sugu also praised his opponent.

After hearing this, Kagura snorted softly through his nose.

He is such a rude guy, but he can still speak harshly at this time.

Your attack mode after losing consciousness, I I have seen through it. When the Lost Soul Curse takes effect next time, I can open your throat in two seconds!

I want to see how you can treat him next!

After exhaling, his eyelids slowly began to close.

The time had come!

A flash of light flashed in Kagura's eyes, and he suddenly appeared in front of Sugu, with the soul-eating knife in his hand directed towards his face. The Almighty Martial God took a step forward, preparing to grab his wrist.

Kagura dislocated his wrist in advance, and the soul-eating knife in his hand pierced the Almighty Martial God's palm at an incomprehensible angle.

The nails on that hand began to grow, and the fingers merged into thorns, and they stabbed towards Sugu's throat.

Just as these three words appeared in Kagura's mind, Sugu's eyes suddenly opened..

Kagura's figure was reflected in his eyes, with a hint of A-level combat skills, and a layer of blue-lighting finger thorns appeared on his throat.

After hitting it, it was broken instantly.

"How is it possible? It’s less than a second!"Kagura said in a voiceless voice.

How could someone break free from the shackles of the Lost Soul Curse so quickly! This is simply not in line with common sense.

And at the moment when he lost his mind, Sugu's attack preparations were completed.

Kagura's pupils His extremely familiar movements were reflected in his eyes. His face was filled with disbelief.

A-level combat skills, sixteen instant stabs!

The fingers holding the broken sword gave birth to sixteen phantoms at the same time.

Cutting to Kagura's vitals!

The moment he was distracted, Kagura had no time to dodge. The sharp blades opened bloody wounds in six places on his body.

For Kagura, this was only lucky. The thing is that he didn't hit the vital point, but he still has the ability to fight.

"Ha ha ha ha!"Ma Mingjie patted Sao Rui on the shoulder and let out a hearty laugh.

And Sao Rui's face was as green as a corpse. One hundred thousand federal coins, my money.

Sao Rui seemed to see it in a trance, A month's worth of dinner was flying away, and a big bucket of instant noodles was waving at him.

Was Hassan's assassination skills inherited for so many years broken by the Almighty God of Martial Arts?

"What happened? Sao Rui murmured.

It was obvious that the Almighty Martial God had been hit by the Lost Soul Curse and lost consciousness just now. Why does it seem that he is resistant to the Curse now?

"You are also from Hassan's family, and you also know the"Hell Demonic Sound Kung Fu"》?!"

Kagura didn't pay attention to the bloody wounds on his body. He looked at Sugu and asked in disbelief.

Only those who practice"Hell's Demonic Sound Technique" can be resistant to the Lost Soul Curse, or even completely unaffected by it.

But...But why I never knew there was such a person in our family.

His words caused an uproar in the audience.

Is the Almighty God of War a member of the Hassan family?

Keyua's brows were furrowed, confusion written on her face.

How is this possible? But if not, everyone's eyes are focused on the Almighty Martial God, expecting him to give an answer.

And his answer made everyone petrified

"Not from your family." Su Gu said with a smile:"I just learned the skills and combat techniques from you."

"Very interesting technique."

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