Just like Saori said, there are no normal people in the entire arena now.

Kagura Hassan stared at Sugu, his eyes were calm, but the honeycomb-like holes in his body shrank and expanded rapidly, like an angry swarm of bees.

Following his unconscious movements, the strange body was like a blown instrument, emitting harsh music.

The sound poured into the ears, making people feel sick and want to feel sick to their stomachs. There was only a small sound, and some of the audience members in the audience couldn't help but cover their heads. They felt like they had a splitting headache.

"Seriously, I suggest that those audience members who have not reached the state of seeking me leave the venue."Saury said seriously at this moment:

"The bodies of the Hassan family are musical instruments that play their family's sonic combat skills. This kind of combat technique is hard to guard against, and even the aftermath can be fatal. You must have felt the power of it just now. This was just an unconscious attack caused by his emotional ups and downs caused by the provocation of the Almighty Martial God."

After hearing what Sao Rui said, some viewers couldn't help but gulped, and many people immediately chose to quit.

Of course, the battle of the Almighty God of War is beautiful, but you have to watch it with your own life.

"This should be the first time Almighty God of War fans have been kicked out." Anderson said

"But it's normal. The higher the level of the battle, the more damage the aftermath of the battle will cause to the audience."Schiller shrugged and said,"But this is the first time I've seen this kind of situation in the Brave Division. Generally, ordinary audiences are cleared out in the Elite Division. I'm afraid that Kagura Hassan's statement that he is not far from the Elite Division is not a lie."

"If I meet such an opponent, I hope to fight him in the Calm Belt. I feel that way, I still have a chance of winning."

Anderson said softly, looking at the roulette wheel that was still on the random battlefield.

In the arena, Kagura had regained control of his body, and no sound came out.

He looked at Sugu and said in a slightly apologetic tone:"I'm sorry, sometimes I can't control myself when I tear off the bandages to fight."

"It's okay, I think it's funny."Sugu replied with a smile.

Seeing that the other party was completely unaffected, Kagura narrowed his eyes slightly.

The last remaining roulette around Sugu began to stop spinning, and the battle venue was selected. Cave.

There was no sunlight in the dark cave, and countless stalactite pillars fell vertically. Inside the venue, a sound of wind echoed in my ears like a mournful soul. Within a few breaths, the battle site had been transformed.

"It seems that this ghost cave scene in the underworld is very related to our Wushen brother. I remember that the first battle that Wushen brother fought in the martial arts arena was fought here."Ma Mingjie looked at this familiar scene and said with some nostalgia.

"Haha, classmate Xiaoma. I really don’t know if you are a real fan or a fake fan. Shouldn’t you worry about your idol now? Sao

Rui said coldly from the side:"Not to mention this dark and complex terrain, which is most suitable for assassins. The strange wind blowing from time to time on this ground can greatly increase the power of Hassan's sonic combat skills. Are you definitely not worried about the defeat of the Almighty Martial God?"

"Brother Wu Shen will win. Ma Mingjie said casually.

Then he looked at Sao Rui's bald head and said with a smile:"Brother Sao Rui is so unfavorable to the God of War, do you want to bet something with me this time?" Sao

Rui gritted his teeth furiously and immediately changed the subject:"Our commentary still has to focus on explaining the battle. Now the audience is asked to turn their attention to the arena.""

At this moment, the battle begins.

Waves of ghost wind coming from the ghost cave in the underworld pass through Kagura's body. At the same time, the soul power in his body is stirring, and his body is emitting black light. And the holes in his body are Under the control of the mobilization of its tiny muscle groups, accompanied by the sound of the wind, it uses the soul power as a guide to play the sonic combat technique, the soul-losing curse!

The terrifying sonic combat technique is used in a small and cramped environment. , causing waves of echoes to double the power.

Feeling the murderous intention coming from the surrounding environment, Sugu's eyes narrowed slightly, and his soul power was like a layer of flowing water attached to his body, covering his whole body with the

A-level combat skill of"Flowing Water". Protective light.


The terrifying sound was like a strong wind blowing across the lake, causing ripples on the surface of Sugu's protective soul light, but it could not touch the bottom of the lake.

"A defensive combat technique that cancels out sound? And this proficiency is simply terrifying. Kagura was startled, then she grinned and said:

"No wonder you dare to provoke me like this."

Sugu didn't respond, just looked at each other quietly.

"But if the assassination skills we have inherited for hundreds of years can be broken by a single combat skill, then the Hassan family may have been exterminated long ago!"

Kagura snorted coldly, turning the weird-shaped dagger in his hand, making a strange buzzing sound while turning.

And just when everyone's eyes were attracted by the dagger in his hand, Kagura's figure suddenly appeared He disappeared.

No one knew how he passed by.

In the blink of an eye, Kagura appeared behind Sugu.

The collision caused sparks to fly.

He blocked the opponent's attack, but Sugu frowned.

The opponent's knife clearly didn't touch him, but at this moment, a large hole was ripped open in his body.

The ghost's wail resounded from Kagura's body again.

Sensing something bad, Sugu immediately retreated backwards, while using his soul power to make up for the gap in the flowing water's protective light.

At this time, Kagura was unreasonable.

Continuing to keep up with the pace, the strange dagger in his hand continued to tear at Sugu's protective barrier.

"The Soul-Eating Knife, the unique weapon of the Hassan family. The power of head-on confrontation is similar to that of conventional daggers, but for destroying those special���Soul power defense has miraculous effects."

As the proud daughter of the Stark family, Keyua naturally knows more about the strange weapons of the hidden family than the average person.

At this moment, she said to the two subordinates who were following her.

"This battle is going to be difficult for the Almighty Martial God." Ke Yuya continued:"The Soul Devouring Sword broke through the Almighty Martial God's protective defense, and Kagura was still using the Soul Lost Curse."

"If there is still no way to break the situation, the one who leads this battle will always be Kagura Hassan."

After hearing their boss's judgment, Anderson and Schiller looked at each other. This was the first time that the boss was not optimistic about the Almighty God of War.

"Boss, what is the effect of the Lost Soul Curse of the Hassan family? Why is the Almighty God of War so afraid of it? Anderson asked curiously.

Keyua pondered for a moment and then said:

"As long as a creature is listening to this track, it may fall into a state of unconsciousness at any time. The length of time depends on the person, but it is at least three seconds."

Three seconds?

Thinking back to Kagura Hassan's astonishing speed just now, losing consciousness for three seconds in front of such a person would probably turn the person into a fish fillet.

Anderson looked at the almighty God of War in the arena, the expression on his face complex.

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