The analysis video of Cang Yue Wolf, without any publicity, started to go viral as word of mouth spread among people on the Internet.

But what people didn't expect was that the mystery was successfully solved with the magic-like movements of the Almighty God of War. The airspace arena has become a popular choice map for custom battles in the martial arts arena.

"Brother Wushen can perform the weightless step in the gravity zone, which is beyond the imagination of ordinary people like us, but I think it is not a big problem to perform such a move in a normal gravity zone"

"That’s right, I just don’t believe in this evil. I will jump off a cliff in the airspace arena later. Under the pressure of life and death, I will definitely be able to use the same weightless step as Brother Martial God."

"It turns out that you, brothers, think so too. Come on, let’s go to the airspace arena and jump off a cliff together."......

On the forum of Martial God's Home, a large group of Martial God fans began to discuss enthusiastically the new operations played by Martial God brother, and tried to reproduce them.

A group of people formed a team and jumped down from the edge of the arena with cheerful steps.

They solemnly made twisting movements in the air while playing multi-angle battle videos.

Then with a"chirp" sound, he was thrown to death.

These martial arts fans also posted videos of themselves falling to death on websites, and communicated with people in a serious manner for people to comment.

Although no one successfully completed the replica, the performance art-like actions performed by this group of people successfully triggered a wave of short video craze, and many popular bloggers will follow suit.......

While the virtual world is making waves, the dormitory area of Star Martial Arts University is still as calm as a lake.

After Sugu took off his X device, he closed his eyes. Silently feeling the changes that his superpower brought to the"Wanxiang Tianyuan Gong" after a battle.

When he opened his eyes, he rubbed his chin and murmured:

"The good news is that I am just a little bit away from being able to fully complete my own technique. The bad news is that I feel like I have hit a bottleneck."

Relying on his special powers, Su Gu's body was able to adapt immediately to each change in the Zhoutian route of the"Wanxiang Tianyuan Gong" that he tailored for himself.

This has given Su Gu a sense of smoothness in his practice.

However, after all, he created a technique by himself, and he could not break through the final bottleneck just by improving his proficiency and experience. What

Su Gu needs now is a mysterious epiphany.

"According to past experience, I need to enter an environment that can truly threaten my life. That environment is most conducive to stimulating my potential and most convenient for breakthroughs."

"Just like the martial arts test, facing the alien race in the starry sky"

"The next Star Force Brigade may have such an opportunity."

"But until now, the gathering notice for the Star Force brigade has not yet been issued, and we don’t know how long we will have to wait.

Is there any other way?"

Sugu pinched his chin, shook his body from side to side, and began to think hard.

But just when he was upset about martial arts, a cheerful voice sounded from outside the door.

"Haha, Sao Rui, you are like this too. Brother Su, come and take a look at this."

Ma Mingjie happily patted the door of Sugu's room. With the consent of the owner of the room, the little fat man ran in.

He threw a small scene projector to Sugu's side, and then the projector directly focused on the two of them. A 3D scene is placed next to

"Ma Mingjie, you and I cannot coexist!" As soon as the video started playing, Sao Rui's scream was heard.

Ma Mingjie said to Su Gu with a smile:"When you were fighting before, this bastard was always talking nonsense there, so I made a small bet with him."

"Now according to the bet, this guy has to do a permanent hair removal on his head."

Permanent hair removal."

Su Gu raised his eyebrows and looked at the 3D projection screen with a smile on his face. He was currently troubled by a bottleneck, so it was a good opportunity to look at this thing to relieve his stress.

"Ah, ah ah. I've had my hair growing out for many years"

"Almighty God of War, Ma Mingjie, I hate him!"

Saori grabbed the fluorescent green hair on his bangs and screamed, as if he was saying his final farewell.

But I have to say, this guy is quite trustworthy, and he screamed and cursed In the end, he took out a permanent hair removal cream and squeezed a lot of it on his head.

After a while, the hair on Sao Rui's head began to fall out wildly, which was his trademark. After his fluorescent green hair disappeared, he howled like a slaughtered chicken.

Seeing his funny look, Sugu and Ma Mingjie looked at each other and burst into laughter.

"Brother Su, stop practicing martial arts all day long. It's been a long time since we two brothers got together. Call that boy Feng Yan, let's go have a good drink these days."Ma Mingjie and Sugu were sitting on the side, pulling on his sleeve and saying.

After hearing this, Sugu thought about it carefully. He still has no clue about breaking through the bottleneck. Instead of meditating in the dormitory, go out and relax. A change of mood might be a good decision.

So Sugu looked at Ma Mingjie and said:


In the next few days, Su Gu rarely paused his practice and accompanied Ma Mingjie and Feng Yan to have fun on campus.

This school with half the city as its campus is full of wine, food and entertainment. There is no shortage of everything. Apart from the fact that there are students and teachers inside and that you need to use credits for shopping, this place is no different from a city.

"Brother Su, this is right. Don’t always think about cultivation. How young are we? If we don’t enjoy some things at this age, it will be too late."

"When my brothers and I go to a bar, many girls look at you with eyes wide open. If you don’t have any ideas, please introduce me to your brothers."

The drunken Ma Mingjie hugged a green tree on the campus and talked in his sleep.

Looking at him, Sugu held his forehead for a while.

"Feng Yan, call a car and I’ll carry Fatty back later."

"Okay, Brother Su."

When Feng Yan called for a taxi,

Sugu pulled the drunk Ma Mingjie down from the tree with one hand. His round body was carried by Sugu like a ball.

Just when the three of them were preparing to go back to their dormitories.

"Ding dong, ding dong~"

Sugu's cell phone made a special beep.

Listening to this sound, Sugu raised his brows slightly.

He was holding the fat man in one hand and fiddled with the phone with the other. Looking at the phone The corners of his mouth curled up slightly when he received the message from Shangxin.

The entry permit for the Martial Arts Thousand Layer Tower and the approval for borrowing the school's exercises had all been approved.

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