Urban: Town Country War God

Chapter 827: Secretive

The Treasure Island on this day was completely boiled.

Those world-famous heroes all whispered to each other and talked about the events on Treasure Island.

At the same time, the Eagle Gate soldiers who had followed Yu Siqi to Antarctica also returned by icebreaker.

The videos they shot in Antarctica have exploded in major forums and media around the world.

However, this did not last long and was deliberately suppressed.

However, this short video storm also really caused the four words "Night Death" to make waves in the international arena.

Those international forces felt ashamed. Not long ago, the Supreme Commander of Death Scythe had announced his resignation?

How could this suddenly attack the Sage Sect, and even kill Baili Yixin, the world's number one sword?

The international situation is surging, and everyone understands that the fear of death has always been there, as long as the taboo is still alive, it will still suppress this era.

In the car heading to the airport, Lin Xiao sat in the back seat, closing his eyes and resting.

Xu Hao, who was driving in the car, answered the phone midway, hung up and said, "Lin Shuai, another news came from the frontier."

"Is it still the Hell Legion?" Lin Xiao opened his eyes, with a bit of murderous intent in his eyes.

"No, Zhu Youhuang sent a prince to our frontier and instigated the three generals."

"Now there is a big conspiracy theory in Linjiang, an important frontier town, and some Linjiang wealthy aristocrats are also drawn in, and they intend to force you to cut power."

Xu Hao said slowly.

"The prince, Zhu Yanqing?" Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"Yes, it is him, Zhu Youhuang, who is deeply trusted by this elder prince, and he is also very capable."

"As soon as I arrived in Linjiang, I instigated the two chief soldiers and Linjiang's two big mercenary giants. The total amount of mercenaries was two million, and the edge was flourishing."

Xu Hao said.

"The Hell Legion is coming and the international situation is turbulent. Linjiang, a major town outside the Great Wall, is the main route of Yanhuang Country. To do so is challenging my bottom line."

"Let's talk about it, it's the two chief soldiers and the two mercenary giants."

Lin Xiao lit a cigarette again and asked.

"Chief soldier Ye Qin, deputy commander Jiayi, the two mercenary giants, namely the Shangguan family and the Bao family of the local nobles in Linjiang."

"These four forces have conspired to divide the more than 700,000 Frontier Fortresses we guarded, plus their respective corps, totaling more than 2 million."

Xu Hao said.

"What a Yeqin, take the lead in fighting against me, and eat the courage of the bear heart and leopard."

"Leaving immediately and returning to the border fortress, it seems that I haven't been back for too long, and they have forgotten my Lin's methods."

Lin Xiao's eyes were cold in vain, a murderous intent was exposed, and Xu Hao was immediately surprised, and he nodded quickly: "Yes!"

At the same time, I am also happy. After all, they have not returned to the border fortress for more than a year since they returned to Yanhuang country a year ago.

That's where they should go.

The memories of those who fought side by side with Lin Shuai to resist foreign enemies in the past have also emerged one after another.

Xu Hao looked forward to returning to the frontier in this way and returning to the glorious years of fighting in all directions.

"By the way, how is the investigation by the Hell Corps" Lin Xiao asked.

"There is only some sporadic news. These guys have come and gone without a trace. Our investigation team is expediting investigations," Xu Hao said.

"Well, find out their movements as soon as possible, this matter can't be delayed," Lin Xiao said.

"Lin Shuai, let me ask one more question, what are these **** corps, they are very strange," Xu Hao asked slowly.

"What's weird," Lin Xiao said.

"According to our spies, this group of things are like people and not people, ghosts but not ghosts. In short, they are indescribably weird." Xu Hao frowned and said.

"They were indeed humans before, but they are basically not humans anymore."

"Do you know that a Lop Nur disappeared at the border of Yanhuang State a few years ago?"

Lin Xiao said.

Suddenly hearing this, Xu Hao froze for a moment, thought for a moment, and said, "I have an impression, it should have happened more than half a century ago."

"I remember that there was a lot of trouble at that time. At that time, Yanhuang State was in the industrial revolution period, and the high-level officials of northern Xinjiang sent many troops to explore oil fields."

"There was an exploration team that disappeared in Lop Nur and reappeared later, but they were rumored to have become mirror images. They were quite wicked at the time, and the whole country was boiling."

Hearing Xu Hao's explanation, Lin Xiao smiled and nodded: "Yes, these guys are similar to mirror people. They are not people, but they are also people. The power in them does not belong to this world."

"The world is full of wonders, and there are no ghosts and gods. It doesn't mean that there is no different space."

Hearing Lin Shuai's wicked statement, even Xu Hao couldn't help being shocked, which seemed a bit beyond common sense that he could understand.

Then he said: "I know that the world was in the Cold War period, and all countries started to compete from all aspects. At that time, Chuguo opened a drilling platform for geocentric exploration, and finally stopped for some reason."

"As for these news, all high-level officials in Huaguo have blocked them and are classified as state secrets."

"You still know a lot. Yes, I don't know much about these. I should wait for the investigation team to investigate and make a summary report. By that time, everything will be clear," Lin Xiao said slowly.

Xu Hao nodded, he naturally didn't know anything that Lin Shuai didn't know.

However, the investigation team has set off, and their capabilities are not much worse than the FBI of the Magnesium Country. I believe it will not be long before these things known as the Hell Corps will become known to the world.

At that time, everything naturally has a reasonable explanation.

Thinking of this, Xu Hao drove with peace of mind, but it seemed that something was wrong, so he kept looking at his rearview mirror and at his own Lin Shuai.

After a while, Xu Hao's forehead was cold sweat, and suddenly the vehicle braked sharply...

"What's the matter?" Lin Xiao asked as he watched Xu Hao's movements.

"Lin...Lin Shuai... subordinates dare to ask, you...you won't be a mirror image person!" Xu Hao was shocked and said astonishingly.

Lin Xiao: "..."

When asked by Xu Hao, Lin Xiao's face suddenly became speechless, and then he kicked towards the driving seat unanimously, and said: "What do you think, kid, I am different from those things, let's drive."

Hearing Lin Shuai's words, Xu Hao suddenly looked embarrassed, then scratched his head and continued driving.

Speaking of it, it is not surprising to suspect Lin Shuai. After all, Lin Shuai himself said that an ordinary person who wants to be the strongest in the world in five years, no one in this world can do it.

Unless some mysterious powers are mastered, coupled with these wicked topics discussed, Xu Hao's mind will naturally open up.

But since Lin Shuai denied it, Xu Hao absolutely believed it.

However, regarding the situation of the Hell Corps, we can only wait for the Investigative Corps. Now I am thinking wildly, I can only think carefully and fear.

Xu Hao's strong curiosity made him want to understand the origin of these mysterious powers.

Maybe it will be amazing when the truth comes to light. What kind of world will the gate of the new world be like?

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