Urban: Town Country War God

Chapter 825: Lin Shuai's strong, you can't think of it

Baili Yixin, what a existence, the world's most famous sword, almost the strongest standing on the ceiling of kendo.

But now, actually escaped?

"Damn! You old bastard, why are you so trash!" Wang Minglang was furious at the moment, yelling at Baili who was rushing to escape.

However, Baili Yixin at this moment has already felt the crisis, and if he continues to fight, he will definitely die in the hands of the opponent.

The so-called death is not as good as Lai, and instead of being killed like this, it is better to run away. The reputation is not worth mentioning in the face of death.

Even if he loses to the Dark Night Death, this is not a shame. In this world, anyone who loses to the Dark Night Death is not ashamed.

Nothing else, just because this one is the strongest in the world!

Lin Xiao was the most annoyed person. At this moment, his face was covered with gloom, like the thick clouds gathered above the sky, it was quite annoying.

I thought I had found a confidant who could fight him, but I didn't expect Baili Yixin to be so afraid of death?

Although he is stronger than Ding Chunhao, compared to Ding Chunhao, he is focused on martial arts, which is far worse than Ding Chunhao.

Naturally, Lin Xiao would not let him go, his figure flashed suddenly and disappeared suddenly. When everyone looked again, they found that a figure directly broke through the heavy haze in the dust.

"Is there anything wrong? Why are you so shameless and run?"

Accompanied by a slightly indifferent voice, everyone only saw that in the heavy haze, a white and tender hand suddenly appeared and grabbed Bai Li Yixin's back neckline.

"Damn it!"

Bailiyi was shocked.

But now it's too late to think about what to do.

Lin Xiao grasped Baili Yixin's neckline, and then suddenly increased his strength, and directly pulled him back, like a dead dog, and was thrown out.


Baili Yixin's body was like a cannonball rolling on the ground, and his body continued to roll, rubbing a smooth path on the ground, and then he barely stopped.

However, as soon as Baili Yixin raised his head, Lin Xiao's figure came instantly again, slapped up, and Baili Yixin crossed his arms in front of the front door.



With a single blow, even if Baili Yixin was in the martial arts realm for seventy years, his internal organs were shaken by Lin Xiao's slap, the bones of his arms seemed to be broken, and a big mouthful of blood spurted out.

Then, the body shot out again...

"Damn! Lin Xiao, you insulted me so much!" Baili slid into the ground with a long sword in his hand and slid for tens of meters before he stopped forcibly and shouted angrily.

"What's the matter with me insulting you, as the famous No. 1 in the world, just so good?"

"I think you are inferior to Mu Yunbai. At least, he never thought of fleeing until he died."

Lin Xiao looked indifferently at Bailiyi, and said solemnly.

As soon as this remark came out, it undoubtedly angered Baili Yixin's weakness, holding Sanchi Qingfeng, and suddenly got up: "Lin Xiao, it seems that today you must force the old man to use the ninth sword."

"I have practiced the Ninth Sword in my own training. I have never used it once. Just because it is too powerful, I have no complete control over it. If this sword comes out, you and I will lose both."

"Why so."

At this moment, Baili was so angry that he was extremely angry. If he had a way, he would frustrate the guy who had insulted him twice.

His wife and daughter's family members must be dismembered and wiped out before he can relieve his hatred.

But the reality is cruel, he really can't beat it.

Although he claimed to have practiced the Nine Swords and the Ninth Sword, he hadn't been polished after all. Once it was used, it would hurt others and himself.

"Forced to talk, then go and die."

Lin Xiao's voice fell, and his figure instantly deceived him.

"Damn! Too much bullying!"

Baili Yixin couldn't bear it at this moment, and he was embarrassed and thrown into the Pacific in front of so many people.

If he is killed by the opponent under the premise that his hole cards are not used, he will be rumored to be ‘the famous sword sage Baili is dedicated to fighting the Dark Death, and he will be obliterated without a chance to use his hole cards. ’

Since you are going to die, you will die anyway. If you don't fight, how can you know if you can't beat it.

Baili took a deep breath, and the long sword slowly circled a semicircle in front of him. After that, the afterimages of the nine long swords were arranged in sequence, and the space seemed to tremble under the sword intent.

The sand and gravel dust on the ground floated in the air, and finally the afterimages of the nine long swords gathered together.


A sword intent that soars into the sky is like opening the sky and the earth, and the clouds above the sky are clearly divided into two.

"This...this is the strongest blow of the Juggernaut, the nine swords are unified!"

"Damn, it's a great battle! Even if you are dead, it's worth seeing this kind of extraordinary battle!"

Many people's eyes are burning, it is quite excited.

"Yes! Is this the right way to kill that dog thing!" Wang Minglang also cried excitedly when he saw Baili's heart using his hole cards.

In the distance, Yin Jiachuan looked ecstatic. Before this sword was released, the sky had been divided into two. With such a terrifying power, wouldn't it be possible to kill the **** of death in the night?

No doubt he will die!

"Hahaha, Dark Night Death, I didn't expect that you will have today too, aren't you very awesome?"

"You have the ability to try again, let me see how you die! Damn."

Yin Jiachuan was so excited at this moment that he couldn't help but shouted mockingly.

Yin Hongtian: "..."

Hearing his son's ferocious shouting, Yin Hongtian was completely speechless, he was stupid, and he couldn't even make a single expression.


At the airport tens of kilometers away from the roundabout, the sisters Yu Siqi and Yu Siman also looked up and noticed the two black clouds over the roundabout, as well as the horrible sword energy that obscured the sky.

"Gosh! This..." Yu Siqi was scared to Huarong in an instant.

"What's wrong?" Yu Siman looked at the sky in the distance and was equally stunned.

"Sister, will something happen to my brother-in-law? The Juggernaut is very strong, it is all to blame. If it weren't for me, my brother-in-law would not have anything to do with the Juggernaut. What should I do?" Yu Siqi turned anxiously.

She knows the strength of this Juggernaut better than anyone.

"Miss Yu, don't worry, Lin Shuai's strength is stronger than you can think of," Swift, who was standing by the side, smiled lightly.

"Siqi, don't worry about the nerd, he will come back safely." Yu Siman also smiled. The man she liked by Yu Siman, but the strongest in the world, how could it be dangerous.

Whether it was before or now, that man is the strongest person in the world! none of them.

Although Swift and Yu Siman were comforting, Yu Siqi was still very worried at this moment.

Lin Xiao raised his head to look at the sword intent surging above the sky, squinted slightly, and smiled: "It's kind of interesting."

"Lin Shuai!"

At this time, Xu Hao also threw out the black sword he was carrying with him.

Lin Xiao raised his hand to catch it steadily, then shook it around, like a stroll in the garden, walked a few steps, and said, "One hundred miles, do you know this sword?"

Baili, who was ready to go, looked at the opponent with a long sword in his hand, and his face suddenly sank. He was defeated by this sword at the beginning!

"Today is different from the past, you may not be my opponent!"

"Nine swords into one, cut Gang style!"

Baili single-mindedly held Sanchi Qingfeng in his hand, and after accumulating his strength, he slammed into his command!


All things are shocked with one sword.

The sword in the sky, like the eternal divine sword hanging from the nine heavens, can be said to be a world-breaking sword, and its shining sword aura is incomparable.

It is no exaggeration to call it the strongest human being!

The realm of Baili Yixin has indeed reached the point where no one has come before.

If it can be compared, it is probably only the sword sage Pei Min in the Tang Dynasty.

Facing the overbearing sword light coming from vertically and horizontally, Lin Xiao also raised the black sword, followed by a slash in the void.


A black light burst out suddenly, facing Baili Yixin's sword energy and rushing straight away.


The moment the black light touched the sword energy, it ate away with the momentum of destruction. Baili concentrated on a sword that had exploded in the kendo for seventy years, resisting the black light for only a few seconds.

In an instant, it was rushed to pieces.


Black light flashed, and the Sanchi Qingfeng in Baili Yixin's hand broke on the spot.


After being bitten by his own sword, coupled with Lin Xiao's domineering sword, Baili's single-minded man was like his sword, and he spouted a big mouth of blood with a wow, his body weakened on the spot.

"This... is this over?"

Many people stared at the kneeling Baili Yixin, and never recovered from the shock.

Baili Yixin, who is known as the strongest in the world, was defeated like this?

It can be said that the thunder is heavy and the rain is small. I thought that this sword could smash the sun and the moon, but I didn't expect it to be broken so easily by the other party.

It's crazy!

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