Urban: Town Country War God

Chapter 664: Grim Reaper is angry, and the bones are thousands of miles away

Lin Xiao hasn't actually inspected it since the Death Scythe army assembled on the Jinling River.

There is still one last day left before the war.

As the supreme leader of this war, Lin Xiao naturally has the obligation to review it.

Under the leadership of Xu Hao, head to the military camp on the Jinling River.

On the huge river bank, countless camps have risen from the ground. Under the leadership of Xia Houqing, an army of millions has already assembled.

The mighty, majesty is inexhaustible, the army of a million can move mountains and fill the sea!

Even the 300,000 national troops in the frontier fortresses have arrived.

At this time, Lin Xiao had also arrived at the barracks, but did not go directly to inspect, but went to the camp to change into uniforms.

In that military uniform, on his shoulders, the six stars arranged in sequence, just like the brightest stars in the night.

The dozens of medals on the chest that symbolize the highest honor, telling the magnificent military exploits...

And Xu Hao, with the same military uniform, was tall and burly, just like a loyal Titan.

The one million army below, with live ammunition, and various heavy weapons are arranged in sequence.

There are also the Four Reaper Sickle Legions standing in front, the Reaper Sickle Guards, the Death Sickle Ten Hunters Corps, the Death Sickle Assassination Division, and the Death Sickle Expeditionary Army.

In addition to the different positions of the death tattoos on the black armor, they unified the black armor, vast and mighty, and could not see the end at a glance.

The suffocating aura rising into the sky even affected the weather, and the sky was densely covered with black clouds, mixed with violent thunder.

The whole Jinling seemed to be shaking at this moment.

Even the birds flying over the endless legion were affected by the evil spirit, their pupils were scarlet, and they were crazy.

At the front of the crowd, a middle-aged man wearing a red lotus armor and a saber stepped forward, and then stopped five meters in front of Lin Xiao.

The man was born with a majestic weapon, majestic and majestic, holding a sword in his hand, glaring at him, showing his general demeanor.

This person is the imperial governor of the Death Scythe Imperial Guard, Xia Houqing.

A legendary warrior who uses his soldiers like a **** and has never failed in his life.

When it comes to personal force, Xia Houqing can't beat any of the ten hunters.

But when it comes to commanding an army to attack the city, tying a piece of ten hunters is not its opponent.

It is also inside the Death God's Scythe, recognized as being above the Imperial Command, second only to the existence of the Dark Night Death God Lin Xiao.

This life spans the world, invincible, and only loses to Lin Xiao once in his life.

Of course, which defeat was not because Xia Houqing commanded the army to fight against Lin Xiao and lost.

Instead, the two are fighting for the position of the highest commander of the death sickle. Whoever takes the capital of the enemy country first can inherit the position of the highest commander of the death sickle.

On that day, the two men led their respective armies and attacked the enemy camp. Lin Xiao, as a god, led Xiahouqing for six full hours.

This battle also established Lin Xiao's unshakable supremacy within the Death Scythe, both civil and military.

For this reason, Xia Houqing was convinced and willingly bowed his head.

"Xia Houqing, rate the four armies of the Death Scythe, see Lin Shuai!"

Xia Houqing took the lead, knelt on one knee, and saluted the supreme commander.

"Reaper's sickle guard!"

"Reaper Scythe Ten Hunters Legion!"

"The Death Scythe Assassination Department!"

"Reaper Scythe Expeditionary Army!"

"Frontier Fortress Town National Army".

"Pluto Sixth Legion".

"See Lin Shuai!"

The millions of army shouted together, and the deafening voice could break through the nine heavens and thunder, and go straight into the sky!

At this moment, even the water of the Jinling River was under such mighty thunder, rushing endlessly, setting off waves of turbulent waves.

Yu's Royal Mansion.

The Yu's Prince's Mansion, which was far away across the river, could clearly hear the voice at this moment.

Yu Yiran and Guo Tu, who was also reviewing the officers, heard his voice, but his expression changed drastically.

The four Death Scythes are all here!

Of course, these are not all the Legions of Death Scythe.

If all the Death God's Sickle Legion convened in one place, it would be enough to drown the Yu's Prince's Mansion with one mouthful of saliva.

At this moment, black clouds rolled in, and the earth trembled, just like the scene before the end of the day!

Lin Xiao stepped out slowly, then took out the Emperor Sword on his waist, and pointed to Tian Yi: "All the soldiers listen to the order, the sun will rise tomorrow, and I will enter the palace of the Yu family."

"Get straight to the first level of the same, whoever stands in the way will be killed without mercy!"




The millions of army shouted together, shocking Jiuxiao!

At this moment, the dark clouds gathered in the sky, and the murderous aura rushed straight into the sky, as if it could tear the sky apart and rush into the wild and great!

"Lin Shuai, when will the city be closed?" Xia Houqing asked after taking a step forward.

"Haozi, you personally led one hundred thousand soldiers to Jinling City, completely sealed off, release a bird, and see you with your head up" Lin Xiao looked at Xu Hao and shouted immediately.


Xu Hao took the general flag, and the 100,000 Death Guards marched out at the same time. At this moment, the day was like night, and the sky was covered by dark clouds.

The Jinling City under the bright universe fell into darkness in an instant.

Everyone in Jinling City could feel the monstrous evil spirit coming in.

Countless people screamed and fled in a hurry.

Within two hours, Jinling City was completely sealed off by the 100,000 Imperial Guards.

At this moment, no matter whether it is a person, a flying insect or a beast, or even all the signal equipment to get in touch with the outside world, all are shielded.

The entire Jinling City has instantly become an isolated island!

The entire Yanhuang Kingdom also experienced a shock at this moment!

Numerous media rushed to report that Jinling City disappeared out of thin air.

And no matter what method people use, they can't snoop on everything in Jinling City.

Only the direction of Jinling City can be seen, which has long been obscured by a black cloud that gathers but does not disperse.

Jinling River Bank.

At this moment, the eternal sorrow, who was armed on the Jinling River bank, raised his head and looked towards the sky. The electric snakes roared and thundered endlessly, and the eyes flashed with strange light.

"Are you ready to start?"

"Yu's Palace, it seems that tomorrow will come to an end."

Wan Gu Shou sighed long and fought with the supreme commander. He was dead and without life, but even so, Wan Gu Shou still had no fear in his heart.

On the contrary, his pupils burned with scorching warfare intent, and it was enough to be proud to be able to fight that person even if he died in battle.

This is a great honor. For the general, the corpse of Imago has been buried.

At this time, on the top floor of a hotel somewhere in Jinling, a middle-aged man also looked up at the sky.

There was ashes in his eyes.

This man is not someone else, but Yu Yong, who is known as Xiao Zhuge.

"Hey, old man, you are so confused, what are you doing to offend Lin Xiao!"

"It's over, it's over. After tomorrow, there will be no more Yu Family Mansion in the whole world"...

Yu Yong's eyes were dizzy, as if he had already foreseen that after tomorrow, the Jinling River water would turn red.

As for the Royal Palace of the Yu family, the corpses must be everywhere, and even the entire Jinling will be turned into powder!

This is, the death **** is angry, his bones are thousands of miles away! The latest chapter address of the City Town and Country God of War: https://www.ltnovel.com/book/161833.htmlReading address of the full text of the city town and country God of War: https://www.ltnovel.com/read/161833/The Metropolis Town and Country God of War txt download address: https://www.ltnovel.com/down/161833.htmlUrban town country Ares mobile phone reading: https://m.ltnovel.com/read/161833/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 664 Grim Reaper, Skeleton Miles), and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The God of War", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! (www.ltnovel.com)

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