Urban: Town Country War God

Chapter 598: invitation

Lin Xiao has never liked to mix up anything about the imperial civil strife.

No matter whether it is the fight for power and profit between the princes, or the intrigue of the princes and ministers, Lin Xiao never mixed up.

After all, the royal family is different from any kind of institution. It is the highest imperial power group that controls an empire.

Once you are in it, you can't help it.

For this reason, if there were no major incidents, Lin Xiao would rather stay at the frontier than enter the imperial city.

But this time, it was different, because some people moved people who shouldn't be moved.

A big taboo was moved, and that was Xiao Weier.

The purpose of Lu Huiqiu's approach is very simple, and that is to be superior.

Although Lu Huiqiu had reached the status of an imperial concubine, he was still one step away from the queen.

The group system of this harem always wins with background.

The concubine's background is so big that he can win the favor of the emperor, so he soared to ninety thousand li and made great progress.

On the contrary, those concubines with no background can only guard the vacant room alone, and even get into the cold palace.

This is nothing new.

Therefore, if you want to move to the queen, the big tree supported by the monstrous power behind it, Lu Huiqiu must find a backer that is stronger than the power behind the queen.

Obviously, this backer is not so easy to find. After all, the backer behind the queen today has a lot of background. It is a great engine known as the ancient capital of Chang'an in the thirteen dynasties, the Lin family!

As a giant in Chang'an, the Lin family is so powerful and even rich as an enemy country, it is simply an unshakable Mount Tai.

With such an invincible background, the current queen is the uncrowned king of the harem. It is difficult for other concubines to rise to power.

Lin Xiao, as the unique six-star honorary general of the Yanhuang Empire, plus the Supreme Commander of Death Scythe.

Anyone who knows knows that such a huge international background has actually reached the point where it does not lose to the Lin royal family.

Since he Lin had such a big background, Lu Huiqiu was naturally clear about it, so he wanted to lean on Xiao Wei'er to win Lin Xiao's team.

In this way, her Lu Huiqiu naturally has the qualifications to challenge the current queen, even as long as Lin Xiao stepped forward to support her.

Within three to five years, the current queen will inevitably be replaced.

Lin Xiao sitting in the commercial vehicle slowly lit a cigarette, took a light breath, and puffed out clouds.

After a while, he said: "Did Wei Er suffer any hardships during this period of house arrest?"

Hearing this, Zhuo Lang hurriedly responded: "Lin Shuai can rest assured, according to my investigation, although the queen is under house arrest".

"However, this Lu Huiqiu merely isolated information from the outside world and the queen of banned feet, and did not make any embarrassment to her."

Lin Xiao took another deep cigarette, but his eyes became more fierce.

This made Zhuo Lang and even Swift and others who were sitting on both sides shudder...

"Even if there is no embarrassment to the queen, Lu Huiqiu wants to use Weier to blackmail Lin Shuai to stand in the team. This is a capital crime."

Xu Hao, who was sitting in the co-pilot, suddenly spoke.

"Lin Shuai, tonight I will let Longya lead someone to rescue the queen and kill Lu Huiqiu," Zhuo Lang said hurriedly.

"Lu Huiqiu's account, don't worry about it, just save Wei Er," Lin Xiao raised his hand. He has never been a murderer.

Moreover, this is still northern Xinjiang, even if someone in Lin has the right to behead first and then play later, it is not appropriate to behead the royal family as soon as he returns to northern Xinjiang.

Of course, all of this is based on the premise that Weier is truly innocent, after all, Lin Xiao hasn't seen Weier in person now.

If only relying on Zhuo Lang's investigation to be sure that Weier has not been wronged, it would be unrealistic.

He wants to see for himself whether Wei Er is like this, if in the past few years, he has suffered the slightest grievance.

Don't blame him Lin for being cruel.


It's half past one in the afternoon.

After driving for half an hour, Lin Xiao arrived at his villa in the center of Beijiang.

It is an antique three-story villa, covering an area of ​​more than 700 square meters, with two majestic and mighty stone lions at the door.

On the front entrance plaque, there are two large characters written on the plaque when I personally picked up the pen.

Lin Mansion.

Looking at this mansion that he had never lived in since he got it, Lin Xiao was still quite moved.

That was the first time he was banned, and this villa was also a gift when he was first banned.

It has been a few years now.

After getting out of the car, Lin Xiao walked towards the villa, but before he could step in, an eighteen or nine-year-old Shui Ling woman appeared on the back foot not far from Lin Mansion.

The girl wore two **** on her head, and she was wearing a white jacket. Her figure and appearance were medium-class, and she seemed to have been waiting here for a long time.

"Is it Lin Houye?" the girl asked when she saw Lin Xiao, immediately before, saluting respectfully.

Hearing the voice in his ears, Lin Xiao also took the opportunity to look at it. It is estimated that only the people in the palace would call this Lord Lin Hou.

"I am" Lin Xiao turned his head and replied.

Seeing Lin Xiao's face, the girl couldn't help feeling a little lost. Could this be the famous six-star general of the Yan Emperor Empire, the young prince?

The people on Mo are like jade, and the son is unparalleled.

So handsome!

The girl was obviously lost.

"Are you?" Lin Xiao asked again, looking at the girl in a daze.

"Sorry, I am Lu Niangniang's maid, Xiaolan, and I am here to wait for Master Lin Houye upon Niangniang's order," the girl hurriedly responded.

Suddenly hearing this, Lin Xiao frowned. Lu Huiqiu's nose was bright enough. He had just returned to northern Xinjiang with his front feet, and he didn't even enter the house.

Lu Huiqiu sent someone to find this back foot.

"Concubine Lu is really surprising," Lin Xiao replied, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Lin Houye, the imperial concubine lady has reserved a box in Wanyu Tower, specifically for Houye to pick up the dust."

"I hope that Lord Lin Hou will be on time for the appointment at three o'clock in the afternoon."

After the girl finished speaking, she took out an invitation from her pocket, and said: "This is the invitation that the concubine lady asked me to give you."

Xu Hao then reached out and took it, and handed it to Lin Xiao.

After opening the letter, there were only three words on the invitation.

Xiao Weier.

Seeing this, Lin Xiao already understood what it meant.

The concubine of the harem is good at playing tricks. After all, the embarrassing palace fights on TV are not entirely fake.

This Lu Huiqiu knew his Lin's identity and methods. The first thing Lin Xiao did when he returned to northern Xinjiang was definitely to lead someone in her Lu Huiqiu's palace.

The guards under her Lu Huiqiu could not stop the Death Scythe Guards.

Rather than being taken away like this, it would be better to hand it over.

"Go back and tell Concubine Lu that someone from Lin will be there on time at three o'clock in the afternoon," Lin Xiao said slowly.

"Yes, Xiaolan retires."

The girl couldn't help but glanced at Lin Xiao a few more times, then returned to the car aside and drove slowly away from Lin Mansion.

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