Urban: Town Country War God

Chapter 393: Don't be too greedy

Lin Xiao's arrival caught Lin Qihua by surprise.

He didn't expect that Lin Xiao would come to the door in such a short time.

It even made him completely unable to react.

Listen, when the nephew Mianli hid the needle, there was a sense of anxiety in his heart for no reason.

"Lin Xiao, it's been a long time since I saw you. I didn't expect that after five years, you were still alive. I thought you were dead."

Lin Liuyun didn't think so much, after his father's enlightenment, from the initial worries to the present fearlessness and disdain.

The change is fast.

Therefore, he took the lead to stand up and ridicule Lin Xiao.

As my father said, can a dog who loses his family become a human being after five years?

It's not just a mourning dog.

Xu Hao's face darkened, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes, and he was about to do it.

However, was suppressed by Lin Xiao.

He raised his head and looked at him with a playful look on his face, with an arrogant and disdainful Lin Liuyun, who was also his aunt's cousin, showing a harmless-looking smile, and said with a smile: "Liu Yun hasn't seen him for a long time, Am I surprised when I'm alive?"

"You think so, should I die outside?"

Speaking of the end, Lin Xiao's eyes suddenly condensed, and an invisible pressure hit Lin Liuyun away.


In an instant, Lin Liuyun suddenly felt an endless killing intent, spewing towards him.

Let his heart sink suddenly, and his right eyelid began to beat without warning.

Especially when Lin Xiaozheng looked at himself with a smile on his face, he felt more and more uneasy.

As if the young man in front of him, like the stars above the nine heavens, dazzling and shining.

Just like the supreme king, standing upright, bringing him endless pressure.



Suddenly, Lin Qihua gave a cold cry.

He brought Lin Liuyun out of the fear. After he calmed down, he found that his back was soaked all over, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

At this time, he realized that he was actually shocked by the look of Lin Xiao, his cousin, who had always looked down upon him.


"Lin Xiao, since I'm back, why don't you talk to your uncle?"

Lin Qihua showed a kind smile and said kindly.

Like an amiable elder, asking the younger.

A lot of people have been surrounded outside, all of them are employees and senior officials of the Yuhua Group.

They gathered around one after another, talking.

Today, the iron-blooded wrists that Lin Xiao showed, let Quan Yanjing see his strength.

If you can say it, then you can do it.

A big power like the Chu family has been liquidated.

However, he came to Yuhua Group without stopping, intending to conduct liquidation?

However, most people don't really believe it can be done.

After all, Yuhua Group is a first-class company in Yanjing, and it is controlled by Lin Qihua, a shopping mall tycoon, and its security system is extremely powerful.

Lin Xiao came with two people, how could it be possible?

In fact, the same is true.

The moment Lin Xiao came up, Lin Liuyun had already started calling people to come and suppress Lin Xiao.

"Uncle came this time, in fact, I have a question that I always wanted to ask you." Lin Xiao walked with his hand in his hand, stepped forward slightly, and said.

The tone is plain, as usual.

Nothing will kill you as soon as you meet.

Step on

At this time, a group of security guards had poured into the top floor, about 30 people, all holding rifles obtained through special channels in their hands.

A group of majestic people, staring at him, broke into the office and surrounded Lin Xiao, the muzzle of the black hole, like an endless abyss, coldly faced Lin Xiao and Xu Hao.

They only need to pull the trigger gently.

It will make him completely dead.

The scene is smashed, and it will be triggered at any time.

The high-level staff of Yuhua Group outside, all watched indifferently.

Think Lin Xiao and the others are destined to be unable to get out of this building today.

A bloodthirsty light flashed across Xu Hao's face, coupled with the Shura-like grin, under the shining of the light, an unusually enchanting charm.

I don't know when a dagger appeared silently in his hand, playing with it at his fingertips.

Lin Xiao smiled, politely.

Just a faint glance at the security guards all around, turning a blind eye to them.

Instead, he looked at Lin Qihua, who looked upright and calm, with a trace of disdain to look at him, who was also the uncle of his aunt, "Uncle, is this your way of hospitality?"

Lin Qihua walked a few steps forward, came to the desk, leaned on it, took a glass of red wine on the desk, and Xiao Min took a sip and smiled: "Lin Xiao, this is a big misunderstanding. These people are all misunderstandings. It’s here to protect your safety."

"After all, you just declared war with the four big families this morning."

"What do you mean?"


A group of security guards all put on gear for the first time, pulling the trigger at any time.

Lin Liuyun sneered again and again.

A bereaved dog is a bereaved dog.

Do you really think that you have gained a little power, you can do whatever you want, and can come to them, Master Lin Jiaxing?

Of course, he thought that Lin Xiao would be afraid, and his face would change even if he didn't help.

it is a pity.

However, Lin Xiao remained indifferent, even standing still holding his hands, with a faint smile on his face, making people feel like spring breeze.

"Uncle, should I thank you for your protection?" Lin Xiao stepped forward slightly, holding his hands forward, playing with the ring finger ring of his left hand with his right hand.

It seems that there is no lethality, and there is no needle hidden in the cotton.

However, for no reason, Lin Qihua felt a strong sense of threat.

Lin Qihua never denies him, he despises Lin Xiao, this nephew.

Regarding the things he did in the Broken Star Building this morning, he was actually looking at it as a joke.

How powerful are the four major families.

The Xiao family is even more of a giant, even in the heyday of Lin Hai, at best they can only resist the enemy evenly.

What's more, Lin Xiao, the bereaved dog who fled to Yanjing five years ago?

That's no less than foolish dreams.

In the afternoon, everything that happened changed him.

Unexpectedly, this bereaved dog still has some ability.

However, he still didn't take it seriously.

But, until now, when Lin Xiao personally appeared before his eyes, he was solemn.

Especially when I saw this young man with my own eyes, this nephew who had never looked down upon him.

He felt that he might be wrong, and it was wrong.

Too calm, too confident.

That confidence is in the bones.

It seemed that everything was in the hands of this young man.

King over the world, strategize.

Everything lies in the hands.

It was this feeling that made his heart beat for no reason.

"Sometimes, it's not a good thing to be too greedy and ungrateful."

Lin Xiao suddenly said something inexplicable, and the dagger in Xu Hao's hand next to him was spinning faster and faster.

Lin Qihua: "..."

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