Urban: Town Country War God

Chapter 328: Flowers fall, people die

One pass is sealed.

The whole room was in an uproar.

What's going on here?

Why did you suddenly want to investigate the brokerage company?

The big players in their respective fields in the field looked at each other.

Today, this dinner can be described as turbulent.

From the beginning to the present, there has been one wave after another, ups and downs.

Zhu Qiang was stunned on the spot, with a blank face, and tremblingly accepted the seal.

There are many thoughts in my mind.

A sense of despair flooded into my heart.

Sealing the certificate, it sounds good, is to be investigated, but looking at this posture, I am afraid that it is not just an investigation as simple, but a real seal, right?

This is the end of my thought.

His heart was ashamed, and his face was desperate.

"I want to know why."

For a long time, the top principal of the brokerage company asked with difficulty, his voice hoarse.

The whole person is very embarrassed, and he no longer has the infinite posture of the past.

Chairman Cheng of the China Banking Regulatory Commission looked indifferent and said indifferently: "This company is involved in multiple crimes. From now on, it will be blocked. You and all the senior staff have to go back with us for investigation."


Say it.

Zhu Qiang almost fell to the ground, his face looked dead.

The wealthy businessmen all looked at each other.


Everyone is smart.

These charges are probably just unfounded.

The purpose is to completely remove the company controlled by Zhu Qiang from the entertainment industry.

For a time, everyone was shocked again.

This brokerage company, such a big tree, actually said that it collapsed overnight.


For a moment, they looked at the top of the standing stage, standing with their hands behind them, like young people looking at the world without a king.

All of them have a lot of thoughts in their hearts.

Who is this young man?

What is his identity?

How afraid is it that you can command the supreme department to come and serve it?

A series of questions appeared in their minds.

But, without exception, they all know that this young man is definitely a very scary existence.

Taboos that must not be provoked!

On stage.

Falling to the ground, Liu Huanyue, who originally felt hopeful that Lin Xiao would pay the price, was truly shocked at this moment.

The whole person widened those eyes and looked at what was happening on the field in disbelief, just feeling like a dream.

It has always been in her heart, unattainable, like a giant company, it fell so easily.

Originally, Wang Zhelin, who was regarded as the last protective umbrella by her, the third king of the Qin family of the four major families, and the illegitimate son of Old Qin, might not be able to protect herself.

All of this is just that, standing with the hand held down, facing the sentient beings, the whole process is gentle and elegant, just like a young man who is like a young man.

That is, in such a calm atmosphere.

These big people who stood high in the mountains in her eyes all collapsed in such a breeze, and finally collapsed.


At this moment, she looked at the young and majestic back, like a mountain, high above, letting it look up.

There is a kind of supreme coercion, let him awe.

Even fear.

The nightmare took root in her heart, like a shadow.

Fear hung over her head, lingering.

At this moment, she truly realized what it means to be better than to die, and what it means to live in fear for a lifetime.

"Xiaocheng, this person stays, and the rest of the unrelated personnel clear the scene."

Just when Chairman Wang and others were about to take away Zhu Qiang, who was already heartbroken, Lin Xiao suddenly spoke.

Zhu Qiang: "..."


The rest cleared the venue.

This stay, I am afraid I will stay here forever.


With the order, a group of local wealthy businessmen, leaders, and elites in their respective fields all exited with mixed feelings.

After tonight.

The skyscraper built by Zhu Qiang will no longer exist.

Some people are sad, but others sigh with emotion.

But, without exception, everyone knows that tonight is an uneven night.

I also know that this Yanjingtian is about to change.

Many people looked up at the dark sky.

I only felt a large group of dark clouds, and began to slowly press in.

The black cloud is billowing in the shape of a black dragon, and the city is eager to urge it once it crushes the city.

After that, I'm afraid there will be a doomsday, right?

It's a big hall.

Within a few minutes, it was empty.

Only Zhu Qiang, who was in despair, sat in the same position, and Liu Huanyue, who was kneeling on the ground with a face of fear.

There is also a gloomy face throughout, Wang Zhelin who has sent a message to the Qin family for help.

Of course.

There were also Lin Xiao, who stood with his hand in his hand, facing everyone, and Xu Hao, who was bloodthirsty and exuding a strong killing intent.

"Some people do things very well. Lin is actually not a person who likes to fight and kill. He likes to be reasonable more often."

Lin Xiao swept towards Wang Zhelin in the audience, and Zhu Qiang, who was in despair, smiled slightly: "But, you have repeatedly challenged my bottom line, so"

Lin Xiao had already jumped off the stage, holding a dagger in his hand, with an aura, and slowly walked towards Zhu Qiang.

Zhu Qiang suddenly raised his head and looked at Xu Hao, who was walking towards him with a playful smile on his face, panicking for no reason.

He quickly got up from his seat and said in a panic: "What are you going to do?"

"Lin Xiao, if you have anything to say, I can admit my mistake to you."

"It was my fault for Yu Siman. I really didn't expect such a result. If you let me go now, I will clarify this matter immediately."

Zhu Qiang panicked, panicked completely.

When death comes, who dares to say that he is not afraid?

He Zhu Qiang is naturally not listed.

It's better to die than to live. This sentence is appropriate no matter who you put it on.

Lin Xiao was indifferent to it, but with a deep look in his eyes, he cast aside Wang Zhelin, who was not far away with a gloomy face, who was immediately on the verge of an enemy.

However, immediately, Lin Xiao turned and looked at Liu Huanyue, who was already shivering with fright, showing a very sunny smile, and said with a smile: "You said Yu Siman was a **** earlier?"

Liu Huanyue: "..."

Liu Huanyue only felt that the hair was horrified, and a boundless fear spread in her heart, lingering.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he was so scared that he couldn't say a word.

"It's time to hit the road."

Lin Xiao walked slowly to a bonsai and reached out to pluck a rose.

Suddenly, Lin Xiao waved his hand, and the gorgeous and enchanting petals slowly drifted towards Liu Huanyue.

Rose, bright red and gorgeous, very beautiful.

Just drifting away slowly.

Flying with the wind.

"What a nice view."

Liu Huanyue stared at the rose blankly, trying to reach out and touch it.

Suddenly the rose flower drifted to her neck as if drifting away in the wind.


A bloodstain grew from small to large, gradually expanding on her neck, and finally getting stronger and stronger.


Liu Huanyue was covering her neck blankly, her beautiful eyes widened, and her eyes were full of terror. In the end, with a strong unwillingness and fear, she gradually lost her breath.


The flowers fell, and finally fell to the ground.

Lying quietly on the ground.

There is a kind of flower, she is beautiful and enchanting, but full of danger.

You will die if you touch it!

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